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GeneralRe: Importing environment variables Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 13:12
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 13:12 
JokeRe: Importing environment variables Pin
W. Kleinschmit24-Feb-09 13:18
W. Kleinschmit24-Feb-09 13:18 
GeneralRe: Importing environment variables Pin
W. Kleinschmit24-Feb-09 13:27
W. Kleinschmit24-Feb-09 13:27 
GeneralRe: Importing environment variables Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 15:03
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 15:03 
QuestionDisassembly cannot be displayed. The expression has not yet been translated to native machine code. Pin
bemahesh24-Feb-09 11:32
bemahesh24-Feb-09 11:32 
AnswerRe: Disassembly cannot be displayed. The expression has not yet been translated to native machine code. Pin
Mark Churchill24-Feb-09 14:07
Mark Churchill24-Feb-09 14:07 
QuestionProblem with multiple insert via TransactionScope class. Pin
hdv21224-Feb-09 10:58
hdv21224-Feb-09 10:58 
AnswerRe: Problem with multiple insert via TransactionScope class. Pin
Jon Rista24-Feb-09 12:35
Jon Rista24-Feb-09 12:35 
Wrap your TransactionScope around the entire thing. ADO.NET will autoenroll in a System.Transaction if one is in scope, but only if it is created within that scope. The way your example is written, you are creating your transaction after you create your command and connection...I don't think auto-enrollment is possible in that scenario.

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(...))
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new con.CreateCommand())
            // perform transacted behavior here

QuestionC# alias Pin
Bill Stumps24-Feb-09 10:05
Bill Stumps24-Feb-09 10:05 
AnswerRe: C# alias Pin
Pete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 10:10
mvePete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 10:10 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 10:31
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 10:31 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
Pete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 10:49
mvePete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 10:49 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 10:56
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 10:56 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
Pete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 11:07
mvePete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 11:07 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 12:55
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 12:55 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
_Maxxx_24-Feb-09 16:00
professional_Maxxx_24-Feb-09 16:00 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 16:42
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 16:42 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
_Maxxx_24-Feb-09 21:23
professional_Maxxx_24-Feb-09 21:23 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
Pete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 21:46
mvePete O'Hanlon24-Feb-09 21:46 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
_Maxxx_24-Feb-09 22:54
professional_Maxxx_24-Feb-09 22:54 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
Jon Rista24-Feb-09 12:41
Jon Rista24-Feb-09 12:41 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 12:53
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 12:53 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
Jon Rista24-Feb-09 17:06
Jon Rista24-Feb-09 17:06 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 17:13
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 17:13 
GeneralRe: C# alias Pin
PIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 18:35
mvePIEBALDconsult24-Feb-09 18:35 

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