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GeneralRe: outlook add-in event handler doesn't work Pin
leppie23-Sep-02 5:04
leppie23-Sep-02 5:04 
GeneralRe: outlook add-in event handler doesn't work Pin
derhackler23-Sep-02 5:44
derhackler23-Sep-02 5:44 
GeneralRe: outlook add-in event handler doesn't work Pin
leppie23-Sep-02 5:56
leppie23-Sep-02 5:56 
GeneralRe: outlook add-in event handler doesn't work Pin
derhackler27-Sep-02 5:29
derhackler27-Sep-02 5:29 
GeneralCustom collection and Properties window Pin
Maciej Pirog23-Sep-02 3:43
Maciej Pirog23-Sep-02 3:43 
GeneralRe: Custom collection and Properties window Pin
leppie23-Sep-02 5:51
leppie23-Sep-02 5:51 
GeneralRe: Custom collection and Properties window Pin
Maciej Pirog25-Sep-02 7:53
Maciej Pirog25-Sep-02 7:53 
GeneralRe: Custom collection and Properties window Pin
leppie25-Sep-02 9:18
leppie25-Sep-02 9:18 

Actually I realised today that you just need the indexer Smile | :)

CollectionEditor from MSDN:

Notes to Inheritors: This editor can edit collections that have an Item property. The editor can determine the type of the collection from the Item property, if it exists. If the collection does not have this property, or if you want to provide collections of more than one type, you can override certain protected members of this class to customize the editor to support other types of collections.

so just do this:

public MyItem this[int i] 
  get {return (MyItem) base.List[i];}
  set {base.List[i] = value;}

Cheers Smile | :)

Give them a chance! Do it for the kittens, dear God, the kittens!
GeneralRe: Custom collection and Properties window Pin
Maciej Pirog26-Sep-02 4:50
Maciej Pirog26-Sep-02 4:50 
QuestionHow to convert object to user define type by a typename string? Pin
Winona22-Sep-02 20:26
Winona22-Sep-02 20:26 
AnswerRe: How to convert object to user define type by a typename string? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Sep-02 21:27
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Sep-02 21:27 
AnswerRe: How to convert object to user define type by a typename string? Pin
James T. Johnson22-Sep-02 21:30
James T. Johnson22-Sep-02 21:30 
GeneralRe: How to convert object to user define type by a typename string? Pin
Winona23-Sep-02 20:15
Winona23-Sep-02 20:15 
QuestionCan you change the height of a Form's Title Bar? Pin
Rodney S. Foley22-Sep-02 15:22
Rodney S. Foley22-Sep-02 15:22 
AnswerRe: Can you change the height of a Form's Title Bar? Pin
Nnamdi Onyeyiri23-Sep-02 6:50
Nnamdi Onyeyiri23-Sep-02 6:50 
GeneralRe: Can you change the height of a Form's Title Bar? Pin
Rodney S. Foley23-Sep-02 11:56
Rodney S. Foley23-Sep-02 11:56 
GeneralRe: Can you change the height of a Form's Title Bar? Pin
leppie23-Sep-02 14:00
leppie23-Sep-02 14:00 
GeneralMaching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
stephen woolhead22-Sep-02 14:02
stephen woolhead22-Sep-02 14:02 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
Paul Riley22-Sep-02 14:43
Paul Riley22-Sep-02 14:43 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
stephen woolhead22-Sep-02 14:48
stephen woolhead22-Sep-02 14:48 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
Paul Riley22-Sep-02 14:59
Paul Riley22-Sep-02 14:59 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
stephen woolhead23-Sep-02 0:34
stephen woolhead23-Sep-02 0:34 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
Paul Riley23-Sep-02 1:27
Paul Riley23-Sep-02 1:27 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
stephen woolhead23-Sep-02 2:46
stephen woolhead23-Sep-02 2:46 
GeneralRe: Maching the row in a datagrid to a row in a DataTable Pin
Paul Riley23-Sep-02 3:07
Paul Riley23-Sep-02 3:07 

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