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AnswerRe: HDD Serial Number Pin
ABitSmart10-Feb-09 15:53
ABitSmart10-Feb-09 15:53 
AnswerRe: HDD Serial Number Pin
#realJSOP10-Feb-09 23:37
professional#realJSOP10-Feb-09 23:37 
GeneralRe: HDD Serial Number Pin
Socheat.Net11-Feb-09 14:07
Socheat.Net11-Feb-09 14:07 
QuestionHelp for someone whos memory is going fast. Pin
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 12:56
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 12:56 
AnswerRe: Help for someone whos memory is going fast. Pin
Alan N10-Feb-09 13:41
Alan N10-Feb-09 13:41 
GeneralRe: Help for someone whos memory is going fast. Pin
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 13:46
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 13:46 
QuestionWhich Is Better - Signed or Unsigned Assemblies? Pin
BlitzPackage10-Feb-09 11:00
BlitzPackage10-Feb-09 11:00 
AnswerRe: Which Is Better - Signed or Unsigned Assemblies? Pin
je_gonzalez10-Feb-09 11:46
je_gonzalez10-Feb-09 11:46 
Check this:
AnswerRe: Which Is Better - Signed or Unsigned Assemblies? Pin
#realJSOP10-Feb-09 23:38
professional#realJSOP10-Feb-09 23:38 
QuestionHow to use a string or char array to refer to a control Pin
t_feras10-Feb-09 10:41
t_feras10-Feb-09 10:41 
AnswerRe: How to use a string or char array to refer to a control Pin
Christian Graus10-Feb-09 12:43
protectorChristian Graus10-Feb-09 12:43 
AnswerRe: How to use a string or char array to refer to a control Pin
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 12:49
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 12:49 
GeneralRe: How to use a string or char array to refer to a control Pin
t_feras10-Feb-09 13:13
t_feras10-Feb-09 13:13 
GeneralRe: How to use a string or char array to refer to a control Pin
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 13:53
Henry Minute10-Feb-09 13:53 
QuestionParsing at end of line with split function Pin
alwaysthinking10-Feb-09 10:18
alwaysthinking10-Feb-09 10:18 
AnswerRe: Parsing at end of line with split function Pin
mav.northwind10-Feb-09 10:29
mav.northwind10-Feb-09 10:29 
AnswerRe: Parsing at end of line with split function Pin
Guffa10-Feb-09 10:37
Guffa10-Feb-09 10:37 
QuestionDataSet columns Pin
ziwez010-Feb-09 8:39
ziwez010-Feb-09 8:39 
AnswerRe: DataSet columns Pin
Wendelius10-Feb-09 8:47
mentorWendelius10-Feb-09 8:47 
GeneralRe: DataSet columns Pin
ziwez010-Feb-09 8:54
ziwez010-Feb-09 8:54 
GeneralRe: DataSet columns Pin
Wendelius10-Feb-09 9:04
mentorWendelius10-Feb-09 9:04 
AnswerRe: DataSet columns Pin
Mycroft Holmes10-Feb-09 13:28
professionalMycroft Holmes10-Feb-09 13:28 
QuestionGet "Input string was not in a correct format" exception when calling OdbcConnection's getSchema("Columns") for Oracle 9i database Pin
stilz10-Feb-09 8:11
stilz10-Feb-09 8:11 
AnswerRe: Get "Input string was not in a correct format" exception when calling OdbcConnection's getSchema("Columns") for Oracle 9i database Pin
Wendelius10-Feb-09 8:26
mentorWendelius10-Feb-09 8:26 
GeneralRe: Get "Input string was not in a correct format" exception when calling OdbcConnection's getSchema("Columns") for Oracle 9i database Pin
stilz10-Feb-09 8:53
stilz10-Feb-09 8:53 

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