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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Save the file in Unicode format Pin
Stuart Dootson23-Jan-09 20:52
professionalStuart Dootson23-Jan-09 20:52 
AnswerRe: Save the file in Unicode format Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian25-Jan-09 4:50
professionalRajesh R Subramanian25-Jan-09 4:50 
QuestionBest suited sorting algorithm Pin
VCProgrammer23-Jan-09 19:44
VCProgrammer23-Jan-09 19:44 
AnswerRe: Best suited sorting algorithm Pin
VCsamir23-Jan-09 20:05
VCsamir23-Jan-09 20:05 
GeneralRe: Best suited sorting algorithm Pin
VCProgrammer23-Jan-09 20:35
VCProgrammer23-Jan-09 20:35 
AnswerRe: Best suited sorting algorithm Pin
Stuart Dootson23-Jan-09 21:06
professionalStuart Dootson23-Jan-09 21:06 
Questionmenubar custom draw in MFC (Very Urgent...............) Pin
AnithaSubramani23-Jan-09 18:24
AnithaSubramani23-Jan-09 18:24 
AnswerRe: menubar custom draw in MFC (Very Urgent...............) Pin
VCsamir23-Jan-09 20:18
VCsamir23-Jan-09 20:18 
Check if this link help u Smile | :)
AnswerRe: menubar custom draw in MFC (Very Urgent...............) Pin
Stuart Dootson23-Jan-09 21:08
professionalStuart Dootson23-Jan-09 21:08 
GeneralRe: menubar custom draw in MFC (Very Urgent...............) Pin
AnithaSubramani23-Jan-09 21:31
AnithaSubramani23-Jan-09 21:31 
GeneralRe: menubar custom draw in MFC (Very Urgent...............) Pin
Stuart Dootson23-Jan-09 22:47
professionalStuart Dootson23-Jan-09 22:47 
QuestionTAB and Escape keys are not working in windows created using CreateDialog Pin
vinvino200123-Jan-09 18:01
vinvino200123-Jan-09 18:01 
Questionusing javascript in BHO Pin
Haim Nachum23-Jan-09 14:05
Haim Nachum23-Jan-09 14:05 
AnswerRe: using javascript in BHO Pin
«_Superman_»23-Jan-09 18:03
professional«_Superman_»23-Jan-09 18:03 
GeneralRe: using javascript in BHO Pin
Haim Nachum24-Jan-09 0:52
Haim Nachum24-Jan-09 0:52 
GeneralRe: using javascript in BHO Pin
«_Superman_»24-Jan-09 1:45
professional«_Superman_»24-Jan-09 1:45 
QuestionGetting Linker Errors when I compile a CLR Library which uses Native C++ Library Pin
Member 570390523-Jan-09 12:33
Member 570390523-Jan-09 12:33 
AnswerRe: Getting Linker Errors when I compile a CLR Library which uses Native C++ Library Pin
N a v a n e e t h23-Jan-09 17:06
N a v a n e e t h23-Jan-09 17:06 
AnswerRe: Getting Linker Errors when I compile a CLR Library which uses Native C++ Library Pin
Stuart Dootson23-Jan-09 21:17
professionalStuart Dootson23-Jan-09 21:17 
QuestionCatching messages from remote control [modified] Pin
mk_423-Jan-09 8:08
mk_423-Jan-09 8:08 
AnswerRe: Catching messages from remote control Pin
Code-o-mat23-Jan-09 9:26
Code-o-mat23-Jan-09 9:26 
GeneralRe: Catching messages from remote control [modified] Pin
mk_423-Jan-09 10:15
mk_423-Jan-09 10:15 
GeneralRe: Catching messages from remote control Pin
Code-o-mat23-Jan-09 10:26
Code-o-mat23-Jan-09 10:26 
GeneralRe: Catching messages from remote control Pin
mk_423-Jan-09 11:02
mk_423-Jan-09 11:02 
QuestionFolding doxygen comments with Eclipse CDT? Pin
crewchill23-Jan-09 7:14
crewchill23-Jan-09 7:14 

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