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GeneralRe: Hide toolbar and menu bar of IE. Pin
zareee7-Jan-09 19:24
zareee7-Jan-09 19:24 
QuestionUsing Web Browser Control Pin
Nagaraj Muthuchamy7-Jan-09 19:08
professionalNagaraj Muthuchamy7-Jan-09 19:08 
Questionhow to play the songs retrieved frm the database into a dataview Pin
reogeo20087-Jan-09 18:39
reogeo20087-Jan-09 18:39 
AnswerRe: how to play the songs retrieved frm the database into a dataview Pin
Jas 0077-Jan-09 18:56
Jas 0077-Jan-09 18:56 
GeneralRe: how to play the songs retrieved frm the database into a dataview Pin
reogeo20087-Jan-09 19:01
reogeo20087-Jan-09 19:01 
Questionhow to insert date in textbox from a calender control in ASP.Net (without Java Script and Ajax) Pin
Jas 0077-Jan-09 17:09
Jas 0077-Jan-09 17:09 
AnswerRe: need help Pin
Abhijit Jana7-Jan-09 17:24
professionalAbhijit Jana7-Jan-09 17:24 
AnswerRe: how to insert date in textbox from a calender control in ASP.Net (without Java Script and Ajax) Pin
Sunil Wise7-Jan-09 21:10
professionalSunil Wise7-Jan-09 21:10 
jasjit jas wrote:
insert date in a textbox from a calender calender

under Calendar1_SelectionChanged event write this snippet

textbox1.Text = Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToString();

hope this helps
AnswerRe: how to insert date in textbox from a calender control in ASP.Net (without Java Script and Ajax) Pin
mazekui7-Jan-09 21:27
mazekui7-Jan-09 21:27 
Questionset cookie in button event handler and access it from request Pin
dennizsoftware.se7-Jan-09 6:24
dennizsoftware.se7-Jan-09 6:24 
AnswerRe: set cookie in button event handler and access it from request Pin
Bharathy Sadagopan7-Jan-09 6:56
Bharathy Sadagopan7-Jan-09 6:56 
GeneralRe: set cookie in button event handler and access it from request Pin
dennizsoftware.se7-Jan-09 7:06
dennizsoftware.se7-Jan-09 7:06 
GeneralRe: set cookie in button event handler and access it from request Pin
Bharathy Sadagopan7-Jan-09 7:18
Bharathy Sadagopan7-Jan-09 7:18 
GeneralRe: set cookie in button event handler and access it from request Pin
dennizsoftware.se7-Jan-09 7:32
dennizsoftware.se7-Jan-09 7:32 
QuestionMeasure the figures of web site Pin
slSoftware7-Jan-09 6:11
slSoftware7-Jan-09 6:11 
AnswerRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
Guffa7-Jan-09 6:18
Guffa7-Jan-09 6:18 
GeneralRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
slSoftware7-Jan-09 6:25
slSoftware7-Jan-09 6:25 
GeneralRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
N a v a n e e t h7-Jan-09 16:34
N a v a n e e t h7-Jan-09 16:34 
AnswerRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
Abhijit Jana7-Jan-09 17:30
professionalAbhijit Jana7-Jan-09 17:30 
GeneralRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
Aman Bhullar7-Jan-09 17:48
Aman Bhullar7-Jan-09 17:48 
GeneralRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
Abhijit Jana7-Jan-09 18:35
professionalAbhijit Jana7-Jan-09 18:35 
GeneralRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
Aman Bhullar8-Jan-09 6:18
Aman Bhullar8-Jan-09 6:18 
GeneralRe: Measure the figures of web site Pin
slSoftware8-Jan-09 0:28
slSoftware8-Jan-09 0:28 
Questionhow to give shading to the text while writing it to the image Pin
Hema Bairavan7-Jan-09 5:38
Hema Bairavan7-Jan-09 5:38 
AnswerRe: how to give shading to the text while writing it to the image Pin
Bharathy Sadagopan7-Jan-09 7:13
Bharathy Sadagopan7-Jan-09 7:13 

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