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GeneralRe: VS type property pages Pin
Rafone7-Dec-08 4:10
Rafone7-Dec-08 4:10 
QuestionTrace any copy of files in window xp ? Pin
kindman_nb6-Dec-08 18:09
kindman_nb6-Dec-08 18:09 
AnswerRe: Trace any copy of files in window xp ? Pin
Mycroft Holmes6-Dec-08 23:10
professionalMycroft Holmes6-Dec-08 23:10 
GeneralRe: Trace any copy of files in window xp ? Pin
kindman_nb7-Dec-08 17:56
kindman_nb7-Dec-08 17:56 
AnswerRe: Trace any copy of files in window xp ? Pin
Marcelo Emmerich7-Dec-08 6:01
Marcelo Emmerich7-Dec-08 6:01 
GeneralRe: Trace any copy of files in window xp ? Pin
kindman_nb7-Dec-08 17:55
kindman_nb7-Dec-08 17:55 
Questionbattleship program Pin
colonelgadaffi6-Dec-08 7:58
colonelgadaffi6-Dec-08 7:58 
AnswerRe: battleship program Pin
Thomas Stockwell6-Dec-08 15:59
professionalThomas Stockwell6-Dec-08 15:59 
To get the grids, you simply need to have two for loops that loop through the specific amount of pixels to form a grid. My Tetris program may be help with getting the general appearance for your grid:[^].

For my battleship program that I created awhile ago:
>The grid was a user control that was self painted with events for placing the ships
>The logical layer was separate from the graphical layer so I did not have to worry about exact pixel specifications
>The logical ships were stored in a collection. The ship object contained generic coordinates along with the size of the ship and image location of the ship

Thomas Stockwell

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

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GeneralRe: battleship program Pin
colonelgadaffi9-Dec-08 8:57
colonelgadaffi9-Dec-08 8:57 
GeneralRe: battleship program Pin
Thomas Stockwell9-Dec-08 9:37
professionalThomas Stockwell9-Dec-08 9:37 
QuestionMaking all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 7:00
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 7:00 
AnswerRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Wendelius6-Dec-08 7:40
mentorWendelius6-Dec-08 7:40 
GeneralRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 7:52
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 7:52 
GeneralRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Wendelius6-Dec-08 7:57
mentorWendelius6-Dec-08 7:57 
GeneralRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 8:19
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 8:19 
GeneralRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Wendelius6-Dec-08 8:27
mentorWendelius6-Dec-08 8:27 
GeneralRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Mycroft Holmes6-Dec-08 23:15
professionalMycroft Holmes6-Dec-08 23:15 
GeneralRe: Making all columns text when using Microsoft Text Driver(*.txt, *.csv) Pin
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 23:30
Sunset Towers6-Dec-08 23:30 
QuestionTesting C# with xUnit Pin
Jammer6-Dec-08 5:33
Jammer6-Dec-08 5:33 
QuestionC# serial Port Pin
Karmendra Suthar6-Dec-08 5:05
Karmendra Suthar6-Dec-08 5:05 
AnswerRe: C# serial Port Pin
Wendelius6-Dec-08 5:41
mentorWendelius6-Dec-08 5:41 
Questionmaking alarm Pin
Xmen Real 6-Dec-08 4:48
professional Xmen Real 6-Dec-08 4:48 
AnswerRe: making alarm [modified] Pin
Alan N6-Dec-08 10:12
Alan N6-Dec-08 10:12 
GeneralRe: making alarm Pin
Xmen Real 6-Dec-08 14:29
professional Xmen Real 6-Dec-08 14:29 
AnswerRe: making alarm Pin
Wendelius7-Dec-08 0:12
mentorWendelius7-Dec-08 0:12 

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