Venkat Subramaniam to Speak on Debugging Ajax, Agile Development, Test Driven Development in .NET, Programming Groovy
Great Indian Developer Summit 2009 – India’s Biggest Gathering of Software Developers
Bangalore, November 24, 2008: Developing Ajax applications is a lot of fun, up until things stop working. In addition to the general programming complexities, you need to deal with browser differences, JavaScript, and framework idiosyncrasies. alert() often helps only to get our blood pressure high. Agile practitioner Venkat Subramaniam is coming back this summer to India's biggest summit for the developer ecosystem - Great Indian Developer Summit (http://www.developersummit.com/) with a two-prong approach to debugging Ajax. The first is a proactive step towards testing and developing Ajax applications in smaller steps. Second, when bugs still manage to creep in, exploring what tools can help to fix those bugs and keep your BP normal at the same time.
The co-author of the award-winning book 'Practices of an Agile Developer' Grails, along with its facility to develop test driven, is a killer combination, along with agile development, for rapidly developing web applications. Venkat will teach how to develop fully functional web application in Grails while also utilizing other capabilities like Ajax.
Venkat will be covering some tricky features of Java, those that can trip you over, and also look at some ways to improve your Java code. He will also step through the benefits of using Groovy, its features, how you can take advantage of metaprogramming and intermix with Java.
The founder of Agile Developer, Inc., will also conduct two 3-hour workshops -- on developing a sample application using Test Driven Development and; differentiating between different Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), their characteristics and how to edit, parse, and validate external DSLs using Java based tools.
About Great Indian Developer Summit
Great Indian Developer Summit, produced by Saltmarch Media is the biggest gathering of software developers from Java/J2EE, Microsoft computing technologies, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Web 2.0, Ajax, Agile, SOA, and Enterprise IT. For both veterans and newcomers to the world of .NET, Java, and the Rich Web, the Great Indian Developer Summit provides participants with a well-balanced learning experience that guaranteed they went back with a richer understanding of the technologies that make a difference to their careers. See the GIDS 2008 Red Stripe Report: http://www.developersummit.com/2008/report/pdf/Red_Stripe_Report-GIDS08.zip
Over 3000 qualified and talented delegates attended GIDS 2008 - Source: The Hindu - Monday, 26 May 2008 (http://www.developersummit.com/2008/report/postPress.html). With outstanding educational sessions, powerhouse speakers, a high-profile award ceremony, GIDS 2009 will feature premium knowledge, action plans and advise from been-there-done-it veterans, creators, and visionaries. For further information on GIDS 2009, please visit the summit on the web http://www.developersummit.com/
A Saltmarch Media Press Release
E: info@saltmarch.com
Ph: +91 80 4005 1000
Hello All,
I have 3 Textbox on my Page and each Textbox has Text Change Event. When User input a number in first textbox say for ex 5 then 5 new textboxes are added below that Textbox and similarly it happens for other 2 textbox also.
I am adding these textbox to PlaseHolder control runtime but when i click save button i have to take all the values and save back to server but I am not getting the values of textbox which I have added at runtime.
How i can solve this problem please help me..
The textbox doesn't exist, and so there's no viewstate, it's lost. Put a hidden control on your form and use js to store the text there.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Thanks Christian, I used Javascript and its working fine.
From yesterday we are facing some problem on German pages of our website.
Till yesterday it was working fine but since yesterday it starts showing javascript error. On debugging it opens guide.opendns.com in Visual Studio.
I am clueless about the issue can someone help please.
If you have JS debugging enabled on your page then you yourself can check the issue by opening the page on IE (http://www.nagarro.de/default.aspx).
And now it is also taking significant amount of time to load.
Thanks in advance.
I am creating a cursor and I want to pass its results to a dataset. Because I want to bind the dataset to a report (crystal report)
any idea how to do it?
Pass on the Cursor Results to a Temprory table .......
then Select the results from Temprory table in Stored Procedure .....
can you please tell me how can i do that??
How to export image with table in asp.net to ms-word.
Please send me reply.
Thank you,
Your best bet is to get ahold of the HTML involved and put it into Word.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I can not did you.Please help me
I guess you need to break down the task, try it and ask specific questions if you get stuck. I am not going to do it for you.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I am receiving this error when I try to run my application. XML Parsing Error: no element found Line Number 1, Column 1:
The Line no :1 is
Please help me how i am clear this error.
Thank you.
shanthi jothi wrote: Src="WebUserControl1.ascx"
is this user control available in your web application. or check thh path.
Why would you put this in a CDATA section ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
In my ASP.Net web application am uploading a MS Project file using C# code.After that immediately i will read the uploaded MS Project file.For reading the file am using vb.net code.I created a class library in vb.Net.This dll is used in web application to read the MS Project file.Things are going smoothly if am upload and read the MS Project file through visual studio.I can read the read the file .But when i tried to upload and read the file after publishing i will get a message like this
"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {36D27C48-A1E8-11D3-BA55-00C04F72F325} failed due to the following error: 80080005".
I configuered the dcom settings and all,used the identity impersonate in my web config.Still i have the same problem.
i done as specified in this site
"http://blog.crowe.co.nz/archive/2006/03/02/589.aspx " but didn't solved my problem
Please help me
I am using Visual studio 2008,my operating system is XP.
Thanks in advance
Rajesh V R
Hi, i want to read data from csv file to datatable. But i am getting following error
"'D:\csvData.csv' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides."
The path is right only. The file csvData.csv exists in D drive.
My code is as follows
public DataTable CSVtoDataset()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
string _filepath = "D:\\csvData.csv";
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection cnCSV = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + _filepath + @";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=NO;FMT=Delimited""");
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter daCSV = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", cnCSV);
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
return dt1;
catch (OleDbException dataex)
Response.Write("<br>Exp2" + dataex.Message.ToString());
return dt1;
G. Satish
The D drive on the server, or on the client ? Also, an ASP.NET application cannot access files that are not within the application structure. Is your app housed at the root of the D drive ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Hi Christian,
The D drive is on the client.
I placed CSV file where my appilcation resides.
i.e D:\Projects\Diaspora1.0\Testing\csvData.csv
My application is D:\Projects\Diaspora1.0
The execution page is D:\Projects\Diaspora1.0\Testing\exportCSVData.aspx
My appliction is hosted on D Drive...but still getting same error..
G. Satish
If the idea is that the file comes from the client, then your app can't work, so just forget it. Get the user to submit the file to the server.
If it's on the server, try putting it inside d:\projects\Disaspora1.0, that's what I was saying.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Try to use
Hi Abhijit,
I tried using server.Mappath also...not working
I also place a CSV file to the application hosted...still not working
The applicaiton and file both are on one machine(client) only..still not working
G. Satish
The reason is, you can't map a path below the server root, as I said.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
can any one give me sugession that i want to place confirm message box in
in codebehind file of C#...
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
if confirm true then
do nothing..
line 5
any sugession would be appriciated...
This means you don't understand ASP.NET at all. No, you can't do that. If you show a message box in C#, it will show on the server, not the client. You need to use a javascript message, not a C# one.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.