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QuestionSet webgrid scroll position Pin
Armandt__25-Nov-08 3:00
Armandt__25-Nov-08 3:00 
AnswerRe: Set webgrid scroll position Pin
Abhijit Jana25-Nov-08 3:27
professionalAbhijit Jana25-Nov-08 3:27 
GeneralRe: Set webgrid scroll position Pin
Armandt__25-Nov-08 4:56
Armandt__25-Nov-08 4:56 
GeneralRe: Set webgrid scroll position Pin
Armandt__26-Nov-08 19:35
Armandt__26-Nov-08 19:35 
Question[Urgent](NewBie)How To dynamicaly add three dropdownlists in ASP.NET C#? Pin
bilal haider25-Nov-08 2:58
bilal haider25-Nov-08 2:58 
AnswerRe: [Urgent](NewBie)How To dynamicaly add three dropdownlists in ASP.NET C#? Pin
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 4:03
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 4:03 
GeneralRe: [Urgent](NewBie)How To dynamicaly add three dropdownlists in ASP.NET C#? Pin
bilal haider25-Nov-08 18:24
bilal haider25-Nov-08 18:24 
Questiondisplaying image in gridview from folder Pin
Jai Vikas Singh25-Nov-08 2:56
Jai Vikas Singh25-Nov-08 2:56 
Hi, I have to display images from a folder in imagefield. I am using following code but its not showing the image. Please help!
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
      // dt.Columns.Add("S.No", typeof(string));
      dt.Columns.Add("NeckLace", typeof(string));
      DataRow dr;
      int i = 1;
      foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath(@"NeckLace\")))
          //string nm = Path.GetFileName(file);
          dr = dt.NewRow();
          // dr[0] = i.ToString();
          dr[0] = ResolveUrl(file);
          i += 1;
      GridView1.DataSource = dt;

AnswerRe: displaying image in gridview from folder Pin
kenexcelon25-Nov-08 5:17
kenexcelon25-Nov-08 5:17 
GeneralRe: displaying image in gridview from folder Pin
raghvendrapanda25-Nov-08 19:21
raghvendrapanda25-Nov-08 19:21 
QuestionConditional PostBackURL Based in UserName Pin
lisad_tgc25-Nov-08 2:39
lisad_tgc25-Nov-08 2:39 
AnswerRe: Conditional PostBackURL Based in UserName Pin
vrushaliD29-Jan-09 0:23
vrushaliD29-Jan-09 0:23 
QuestionCan we use SOAP UI's mockup web service in an ASP .net project Pin
Rocky#25-Nov-08 2:22
Rocky#25-Nov-08 2:22 
QuestionDisplaying images from another folder.? Pin
Mir_As25-Nov-08 1:55
Mir_As25-Nov-08 1:55 
AnswerRe: Displaying images from another folder.? Pin
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 2:36
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 2:36 
GeneralRe: Displaying images from another folder.? Pin
Mir_As25-Nov-08 3:03
Mir_As25-Nov-08 3:03 
GeneralRe: Displaying images from another folder.? Pin
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 3:47
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 3:47 
GeneralRe: Displaying images from another folder.? Pin
Mir_As25-Nov-08 4:48
Mir_As25-Nov-08 4:48 
Questionhow to pass xml file to web service Pin
md_azy25-Nov-08 1:51
md_azy25-Nov-08 1:51 
Questionreg error 40 Pin
madeline_veda25-Nov-08 1:20
madeline_veda25-Nov-08 1:20 
AnswerRe: reg error 40 Pin
Abhijit Jana25-Nov-08 1:47
professionalAbhijit Jana25-Nov-08 1:47 
QuestionI am Confused with this Pin
Krazy Programmer25-Nov-08 0:30
Krazy Programmer25-Nov-08 0:30 
AnswerRe: I am Confused with this Pin
Abhijit Jana25-Nov-08 1:49
professionalAbhijit Jana25-Nov-08 1:49 
QuestionPopulate values from GridView to ModalDialog box using Javascript....? Pin
codingrocks25-Nov-08 0:01
codingrocks25-Nov-08 0:01 
AnswerRe: Populate values from GridView to ModalDialog box using Javascript....? [modified] Pin
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 1:24
Nishant Singh25-Nov-08 1:24 

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