R u using Validation summary?.
i think it is useful for u.
use ASP.Net Validation Summary. This[^] Will Help You !!
I would say you need to buy a book on ASP.NET. As for your specific question, you would use javascript, or perhaps something in ASP.NET that emits js ( like the validation summary others have pointed to ). alert is the javascript method to show a message box.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Its possible to use third party controls in vs2003?,
Mean i want to use infragistics controls in my vs2003 project,
but i cant able to add those controls in my control toolkit,
Thanks & Regards,
Member 3879881,
please don't forget to vote on the post
some of third party controls need newer version.
like AJAX toolkit.
Mohammad Khansari
Any toolkit that you try to use, will need a .NET 1.1/VS 2003 version for you to use it. Why are you living in the dark ages ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I've used dropdownlist in my asp.net page. I've loaded ID and Name from a table using datareader. To get the ID value i've used "selecteditem.value" and i'll put it into table. But the problem is if I've selected 3rd item in the drop down, but the code "selecteditem.value" and "selecteditem.text" both give the values for first item listed in dropdown. So, it stores wrong value in table.
How can I get the value for currently selected item. I'm standing initial stage of .net
If any can give a answer pls, reply for this post....
Thank You,
Rishihar S
if you have assinged id value to dropdown using
dropdownlist.datavaluefield ="databasefield id"
dropdownlist1.items[i].value = "value";
then using dropdownlist.selectedvalue you can access id of selectedvalue.......
I've used dropdownlist.datavaluefield ="databasefield id".
When I tried with dd.selectedvalue it gives the first item id as like as same instead of what i've selected.
i cant use dd.items[i].value because i dont know the value of "i" i may select any thing..
Thank You
Rishihar S
there must be logical error in your code then....
the way you are trying to get selectedvalue is accurate...
Please use Dropdownlist.Clearselection() function if u loaded ur Dropdownlist with in IsPostback.
if u loaded out side of ispostback,please try to load with in Ispostback
if(! ispostback)
load ur dropdown here.
As suresh said, you must be binding your dropdownlist on each page load
Every time you bind your dropdownlist, it select the first item
Just bind you control iside a not ispostback condition
Alexei Rodriguez
I have a table which name is login & contain 3 columns. Such as: Name,password & code. In code column contains the table name. eg: table1,table2 so on.
And I also create the table of same name as mentioned in code column which is mentioned above.
My requirement is that I insert the value in table1 or table2. but in insert query I want to put the table name from the code column.
I use following two methods but it didn’t work::
string code = " select code from login where user_name= name";
da = new SqlDataAdapter(code, con);
string s = da.Fill(ds, "c");
string time = " insert into '"+s+"' values (getdate(),getdate())";
da = new SqlDataAdapter(time, con);
da.Fill(ds, "b");
string code = " select code from login where user_name = name'";
string time = " insert into '"+s+"' values (getdate(),getdate())";
da = new SqlDataAdapter(time, con);
da.Fill(ds, "b");
thanks in advance
tell me how can i use Sql server User Define Function in Asp.net .
i am using this by Stored Procedure but it create Problem , can anyne tell me hw to do this.
hmm.... it seems to me that you're a bit lost. We can't really give you any help based on this vague post that you can't get from MSDN. What does 'it create problem' mean ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Okay, I've got a page with two drop down lists, both of which are databound to separate datasources. The first drop down determines what is displayed in the second. Here's my problem, I don't want the second dropdown to be visible on the page if it isn't populated with items. Any ideas on what I may do here? I've tried this:
if dropdownlist1.items.count = 0 then
dropdownlist1.visible = false
This doesn't even make the drop down list visible even if there are items in it. What am I doing wrong?
May be you have to do this .
If (DropDownList1.Items.Count==0)
How about:
dropdownlist1.visible = (dropdownlist1.items.count > 0)
or how about making it invisible by default and making it visible in the code that adds items to it ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Can anyone suggest some good free tools to track all the HTTP requests going through my machine??
I am more interested in header details like cookies exchanged between server and client.
I am currently using tools like Fiddler Web Debugger, HTTP Watch, etc... but not much of help.
Thanks for reply.
Thats a nice tool..but its more of a network tracer which gives me ips and protocol..
I need to trace my http request, and all the information exchanged as cookies, html and other stuff...
Hello .. i'm new in asp.net : i need to use POST vars ... instead of GET : Request["myGetvars"]
my problem is that i want to send data from one page to another page without using the Session[] vars ...
how can i do this ?
than you for your help and i hope that i'm clear.
Use Request.Form[] instead of Request.QueryString[] to get the form values that was posted to the page.
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
You Can use Querystring , HyperLink .