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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB [modified] Pin
CPallini18-Oct-08 3:07
mveCPallini18-Oct-08 3:07 
GeneralRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB Pin
ganralf18-Oct-08 3:12
ganralf18-Oct-08 3:12 
GeneralRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB Pin
CPallini18-Oct-08 3:23
mveCPallini18-Oct-08 3:23 
GeneralRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB Pin
ganralf18-Oct-08 3:30
ganralf18-Oct-08 3:30 
GeneralRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB Pin
CPallini18-Oct-08 3:38
mveCPallini18-Oct-08 3:38 
AnswerRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB Pin
Michael Dunn18-Oct-08 17:16
sitebuilderMichael Dunn18-Oct-08 17:16 
GeneralRe: String Conversion C++ <--> VB [modified] Pin
ganralf18-Oct-08 23:44
ganralf18-Oct-08 23:44 
QuestionAccessing Bits of Shared Memory Pin
Andy20218-Oct-08 0:52
Andy20218-Oct-08 0:52 
I have a section of shared memory divided into 4 areas, but I would like to use memcpy() to update each section without affecting the other section.

I have a pointer memPtr;

int *memPtr;

Can I just use:-

memscpy(memPtr, sizeof(section[0]), section[0]);

and then 

memcpy(memPtr + sizeof(section[0]), section[1]);

i.e. the total ares is
MyStruct section[4]; and would like to update section[0] and section [1] as required


QuestionStatic linking not working Pin
scorpiodx18-Oct-08 0:27
scorpiodx18-Oct-08 0:27 
AnswerRe: Static linking not working Pin
scorpiodx18-Oct-08 6:45
scorpiodx18-Oct-08 6:45 
QuestionIn vc6 debugger, edit and continue doesn't work Pin
sashoalm18-Oct-08 0:15
sashoalm18-Oct-08 0:15 
Questionbuttons in VC++2005 Pin
RNarayan18-Oct-08 0:04
RNarayan18-Oct-08 0:04 
AnswerRe: buttons in VC++2005 Pin
santhoshv8418-Oct-08 0:44
santhoshv8418-Oct-08 0:44 
AnswerRe: buttons in VC++2005 Pin
Hamid Taebi18-Oct-08 9:14
professionalHamid Taebi18-Oct-08 9:14 
QuestionHow to store bmp using URLDownloadToFile from a URL ? Pin
Rahul Vaishnav17-Oct-08 23:31
Rahul Vaishnav17-Oct-08 23:31 
AnswerRe: How to store bmp using URLDownloadToFile from a URL ? Pin
Hamid Taebi18-Oct-08 9:14
professionalHamid Taebi18-Oct-08 9:14 
AnswerRe: How to store bmp using URLDownloadToFile from a URL ? Pin
Michael Dunn18-Oct-08 17:21
sitebuilderMichael Dunn18-Oct-08 17:21 
AnswerRe: How to store bmp using URLDownloadToFile from a URL ? Pin
Rahul Vaishnav21-Oct-08 18:30
Rahul Vaishnav21-Oct-08 18:30 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
AnayKulkarni17-Oct-08 22:53
AnayKulkarni17-Oct-08 22:53 
AnswerRe: How to remove maximize button and its box from application's main window in MDI application? Pin
santhoshv8418-Oct-08 0:35
santhoshv8418-Oct-08 0:35 
Questionhow to store character in string using MFC? Pin
sn00pi17-Oct-08 20:36
sn00pi17-Oct-08 20:36 
QuestionRe: how to store character in string using MFC? Pin
CPallini17-Oct-08 22:03
mveCPallini17-Oct-08 22:03 
AnswerRe: how to store character in string using MFC? Pin
sn00pi17-Oct-08 23:00
sn00pi17-Oct-08 23:00 
GeneralRe: how to store character in string using MFC? Pin
CPallini17-Oct-08 23:10
mveCPallini17-Oct-08 23:10 
GeneralRe: how to store character in string using MFC? Pin
sn00pi17-Oct-08 23:47
sn00pi17-Oct-08 23:47 

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