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GeneralRe: Find Percentage? Pin
PadmaPriya.S17-Oct-08 1:39
PadmaPriya.S17-Oct-08 1:39 
QuestionIs this possible?? Pin
VinothRao16-Oct-08 20:48
VinothRao16-Oct-08 20:48 
AnswerRe: Is this possible?? Pin
Mycroft Holmes16-Oct-08 21:39
professionalMycroft Holmes16-Oct-08 21:39 
QuestionDistinct Records Pin
jonhbt16-Oct-08 20:43
jonhbt16-Oct-08 20:43 
AnswerRe: Distinct Records Pin
Eslam Afifi16-Oct-08 21:46
Eslam Afifi16-Oct-08 21:46 
QuestionStore Image in Database Pin
astrovirgin16-Oct-08 20:11
astrovirgin16-Oct-08 20:11 
AnswerDouble Post - Please ignore Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili16-Oct-08 20:32
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili16-Oct-08 20:32 
Questionabout identity_insert reset problem Pin
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:54
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:54 
i use identity_insert for a column in one of my tables. when I first insert 5 rows, this column will show number from 1 to 5 (identity set as 1,1), but when I delete this 5 rows and re-insert this 5 rows, the number get incremented (6-10), how can I reset it and make it still start from 1 ??? can I run any simple query to do that?? thanks.
AnswerNever re-use identity Pin
David Mujica16-Oct-08 8:34
David Mujica16-Oct-08 8:34 
AnswerRe: about identity_insert reset problem Pin
Wendelius16-Oct-08 8:38
mentorWendelius16-Oct-08 8:38 
AnswerRe: about identity_insert reset problem Pin
Mycroft Holmes16-Oct-08 17:18
professionalMycroft Holmes16-Oct-08 17:18 
Questioninsert 'SYSDATE' into a table in SQL Server Pin
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:50
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:50 
AnswerRe: insert 'SYSDATE' into a table in SQL Server Pin
Wendelius16-Oct-08 8:33
mentorWendelius16-Oct-08 8:33 
QuestionImporting data items from text files in a table. Pin
amit201116-Oct-08 5:42
amit201116-Oct-08 5:42 
AnswerRe: Importing data items from text files in a table. Pin
Blue_Boy16-Oct-08 6:49
Blue_Boy16-Oct-08 6:49 
leckey16-Oct-08 16:08
leckey16-Oct-08 16:08 
QuestionData in Alphabetical order Pin
amit201116-Oct-08 5:10
amit201116-Oct-08 5:10 
AnswerRe: Data in Alphabetical order Pin
Ashfield16-Oct-08 5:25
Ashfield16-Oct-08 5:25 
AnswerRe: Data in Alphabetical order Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd16-Oct-08 7:44
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd16-Oct-08 7:44 
leckey16-Oct-08 9:47
leckey16-Oct-08 9:47 
Questionmultiple reports in a single report-help [modified] Pin
i_m_hashmat15-Oct-08 22:07
i_m_hashmat15-Oct-08 22:07 
AnswerRe: multiple reports in a single report-help Pin
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:24
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:24 
GeneralRe: multiple reports in a single report-help Pin
i_m_hashmat16-Oct-08 1:03
i_m_hashmat16-Oct-08 1:03 
QuestionError in my SQL query (SQL SERVER 2000) Pin
Karan_TN15-Oct-08 21:31
Karan_TN15-Oct-08 21:31 
AnswerRe: Error in my SQL query (SQL SERVER 2000) Pin
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:31
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:31 

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