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AnswerRe: Distinct Records Pin
Eslam Afifi16-Oct-08 21:46
Eslam Afifi16-Oct-08 21:46 
QuestionStore Image in Database Pin
astrovirgin16-Oct-08 20:11
astrovirgin16-Oct-08 20:11 
AnswerDouble Post - Please ignore Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili16-Oct-08 20:32
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili16-Oct-08 20:32 
Questionabout identity_insert reset problem Pin
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:54
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:54 
AnswerNever re-use identity Pin
David Mujica16-Oct-08 8:34
David Mujica16-Oct-08 8:34 
AnswerRe: about identity_insert reset problem Pin
Wendelius16-Oct-08 8:38
mentorWendelius16-Oct-08 8:38 
AnswerRe: about identity_insert reset problem Pin
Mycroft Holmes16-Oct-08 17:18
professionalMycroft Holmes16-Oct-08 17:18 
Questioninsert 'SYSDATE' into a table in SQL Server Pin
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:50
alexyxj16-Oct-08 7:50 
again, I tried to run the following query


but got the error message as below:

Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
The name "SYSDATE" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

Can anyone tell me what the problem is? Thanks....
AnswerRe: insert 'SYSDATE' into a table in SQL Server Pin
Wendelius16-Oct-08 8:33
mentorWendelius16-Oct-08 8:33 
QuestionImporting data items from text files in a table. Pin
amit201116-Oct-08 5:42
amit201116-Oct-08 5:42 
AnswerRe: Importing data items from text files in a table. Pin
Blue_Boy16-Oct-08 6:49
Blue_Boy16-Oct-08 6:49 
leckey16-Oct-08 16:08
leckey16-Oct-08 16:08 
QuestionData in Alphabetical order Pin
amit201116-Oct-08 5:10
amit201116-Oct-08 5:10 
AnswerRe: Data in Alphabetical order Pin
Ashfield16-Oct-08 5:25
Ashfield16-Oct-08 5:25 
AnswerRe: Data in Alphabetical order Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd16-Oct-08 7:44
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd16-Oct-08 7:44 
leckey16-Oct-08 9:47
leckey16-Oct-08 9:47 
Questionmultiple reports in a single report-help [modified] Pin
i_m_hashmat15-Oct-08 22:07
i_m_hashmat15-Oct-08 22:07 
AnswerRe: multiple reports in a single report-help Pin
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:24
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:24 
GeneralRe: multiple reports in a single report-help Pin
i_m_hashmat16-Oct-08 1:03
i_m_hashmat16-Oct-08 1:03 
QuestionError in my SQL query (SQL SERVER 2000) Pin
Karan_TN15-Oct-08 21:31
Karan_TN15-Oct-08 21:31 
AnswerRe: Error in my SQL query (SQL SERVER 2000) Pin
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:31
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:31 
Questionsql restrict Pin
bhavna432115-Oct-08 21:21
bhavna432115-Oct-08 21:21 
AnswerRe: sql restrict Pin
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:33
Paddy Boyd15-Oct-08 23:33 
AnswerRe: sql restrict Pin
Ashfield15-Oct-08 23:56
Ashfield15-Oct-08 23:56 
GeneralRe: sql restrict Pin
bhavna432116-Oct-08 0:47
bhavna432116-Oct-08 0:47 

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