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Windows Forms

QuestionProblem with mdi form controls Pin
pradeep kumarappagari27-Aug-08 4:54
pradeep kumarappagari27-Aug-08 4:54 
Questionset focus on mouse position Pin
caradri26-Aug-08 5:51
caradri26-Aug-08 5:51 
QuestionRe: set focus on mouse position Pin
led mike26-Aug-08 6:33
led mike26-Aug-08 6:33 
AnswerRe: set focus on mouse position Pin
dybs26-Aug-08 18:05
dybs26-Aug-08 18:05 
GeneralRe: set focus on mouse position Pin
caradri26-Aug-08 18:22
caradri26-Aug-08 18:22 
GeneralWrong forum Pin
led mike27-Aug-08 4:50
led mike27-Aug-08 4:50 
GeneralRe: Wrong forum Pin
caradri27-Aug-08 22:28
caradri27-Aug-08 22:28 
QuestionAdding an intelliscence into a combo box Pin
makumazan8425-Aug-08 0:39
makumazan8425-Aug-08 0:39 
Here is what I want to do. I've got a combo box, which has lots of items, so selecting specific item takes some time. I'd like to use an intelliscence, bc that would make the input process faster: once the user starts typing the first letters, he is shown the items, which have the same starting letters. I've seen this done on many websites, but I haven't found any info for it.

Thanks for time and effort, I really appreciate your help.
AnswerRe: Adding an intelliscence into a combo box Pin
Paul Conrad25-Aug-08 7:54
professionalPaul Conrad25-Aug-08 7:54 
Questionseveral forms displayed on/off in the same main window with a main menu strip - how in C#.NET? [modified] Pin
DbIMKA24-Aug-08 22:35
DbIMKA24-Aug-08 22:35 
AnswerRe: several forms displayed on/off in the same main window with a main menu strip - how in C#.NET? Pin
Manas Bhardwaj25-Aug-08 1:48
professionalManas Bhardwaj25-Aug-08 1:48 
GeneralRe: several forms displayed on/off in the same main window with a main menu strip - how in C#.NET? Pin
DbIMKA28-Sep-08 21:40
DbIMKA28-Sep-08 21:40 
QuestionCreating Add-ons for Firefox Pin
hidayatalishah24-Aug-08 20:27
hidayatalishah24-Aug-08 20:27 
AnswerRe: Creating Add-ons for Firefox Pin
hidayatalishah25-Aug-08 1:41
hidayatalishah25-Aug-08 1:41 
GeneralRe: Creating Add-ons for Firefox Pin
hidayatalishah25-Aug-08 1:42
hidayatalishah25-Aug-08 1:42 
AnswerRe: Creating Add-ons for Firefox Pin
Robert.C.Cartaino25-Aug-08 6:26
Robert.C.Cartaino25-Aug-08 6:26 
AnswerRe: Creating Add-ons for Firefox Pin
Ashfield26-Aug-08 5:16
Ashfield26-Aug-08 5:16 
QuestionGDI Drawings and Erase Pin
afridy24-Aug-08 18:49
afridy24-Aug-08 18:49 
AnswerRe: GDI Drawings and Erase Pin
John Ad24-Aug-08 19:44
John Ad24-Aug-08 19:44 
GeneralRe: GDI Drawings and Erase Pin
afridy24-Aug-08 20:19
afridy24-Aug-08 20:19 
GeneralRe: GDI Drawings and Erase [modified] Pin
afridy25-Aug-08 3:56
afridy25-Aug-08 3:56 
QuestionHide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
sixadOne22-Aug-08 13:53
sixadOne22-Aug-08 13:53 
AnswerRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
rtklueh23-Aug-08 4:16
rtklueh23-Aug-08 4:16 
GeneralRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
sixadOne23-Aug-08 4:56
sixadOne23-Aug-08 4:56 
GeneralRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
Frank Horn23-Aug-08 9:19
Frank Horn23-Aug-08 9:19 

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