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Windows Forms

AnswerRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
rtklueh23-Aug-08 4:16
rtklueh23-Aug-08 4:16 
GeneralRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
sixadOne23-Aug-08 4:56
sixadOne23-Aug-08 4:56 
GeneralRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
Frank Horn23-Aug-08 9:19
Frank Horn23-Aug-08 9:19 
GeneralRe: Hide control inherited from a base form in a specific derived form, this at design-time ! Pin
sixadOne24-Aug-08 5:31
sixadOne24-Aug-08 5:31 
QuestionDataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
rtklueh22-Aug-08 11:13
rtklueh22-Aug-08 11:13 
AnswerRe: DataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Aug-08 20:11
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Aug-08 20:11 
GeneralRe: DataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
rtklueh23-Aug-08 3:59
rtklueh23-Aug-08 3:59 
GeneralRe: DataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
sixadOne23-Aug-08 5:28
sixadOne23-Aug-08 5:28 
Don't know if it works, but maybe you can fire the load/enter event of each tabpages when the form is loading. All bindings should have been done after that.
Or you can have a boolean for each tabpages that determines if it's the firs load or not.

Not very good solutions. It's a shame you can't use events related to your datasource.
GeneralRe: DataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
Mycroft Holmes23-Aug-08 13:52
professionalMycroft Holmes23-Aug-08 13:52 
GeneralRe: DataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
rtklueh23-Aug-08 15:20
rtklueh23-Aug-08 15:20 
GeneralRe: DataSet HasChanges doesn't pick up changes made by bound TextBoxes Pin
rtklueh25-Aug-08 5:52
rtklueh25-Aug-08 5:52 
QuestionWindows Service Pin
varshavmane22-Aug-08 5:08
varshavmane22-Aug-08 5:08 
AnswerRe: Windows Service Pin
Pavel Klocek22-Aug-08 11:15
Pavel Klocek22-Aug-08 11:15 
GeneralRe: Windows Service Pin
varshavmane24-Aug-08 19:45
varshavmane24-Aug-08 19:45 
AnswerRe: Windows Service Pin
rtklueh23-Aug-08 4:06
rtklueh23-Aug-08 4:06 
AnswerRe: Windows Service Pin
lisan_al_ghaib23-Aug-08 12:23
lisan_al_ghaib23-Aug-08 12:23 
GeneralRe: Windows Service Pin
varshavmane24-Aug-08 19:47
varshavmane24-Aug-08 19:47 
QuestionHow to print data across then down in RDLC report Pin
tantja22-Aug-08 3:53
tantja22-Aug-08 3:53 
QuestionScript (VBS) (WMI) To query Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) and get security settings Pin
rocker198721-Aug-08 1:23
rocker198721-Aug-08 1:23 
Questioncannot invalidate() mdi child form from another Pin
Member 251239120-Aug-08 16:38
Member 251239120-Aug-08 16:38 
AnswerRe: cannot invalidate() mdi child form from another Pin
led mike21-Aug-08 5:12
led mike21-Aug-08 5:12 
QuestionWindows Forms + External Program Pin
raymondk20-Aug-08 11:17
raymondk20-Aug-08 11:17 
AnswerRe: Windows Forms + External Program Pin
AhsanS20-Aug-08 19:38
AhsanS20-Aug-08 19:38 
GeneralRe: Windows Forms + External Program Pin
raymondk20-Aug-08 20:06
raymondk20-Aug-08 20:06 
QuestionLoading controls with a BackgroundWorker Pin
james nugent20-Aug-08 7:05
james nugent20-Aug-08 7:05 

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