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GeneralRe: mysql subtract value Pin
Blue_Boy20-Aug-08 14:05
Blue_Boy20-Aug-08 14:05 
QuestionPackages in SQL server 2005 Pin
geekfromindia20-Aug-08 5:44
geekfromindia20-Aug-08 5:44 
AnswerRe: Packages in SQL server 2005 Pin
DerekFL20-Aug-08 6:07
DerekFL20-Aug-08 6:07 
Questionmysql data type Pin
dianenacario20-Aug-08 1:34
dianenacario20-Aug-08 1:34 
AnswerRe: mysql data type Pin
TheFM23420-Aug-08 7:13
TheFM23420-Aug-08 7:13 
QuestionA question about the DB construction Pin
makumazan8420-Aug-08 1:00
makumazan8420-Aug-08 1:00 
AnswerRe: A question about the DB construction Pin
TheFM23420-Aug-08 7:22
TheFM23420-Aug-08 7:22 
GeneralRe: A question about the DB construction Pin
makumazan8420-Aug-08 8:46
makumazan8420-Aug-08 8:46 
Thanks a lot for your help! I really appreciate it.
I liked your idea, but once I started to implement it, I've come up with a "joined" solution, that combines the advantages of yours and mine approaches. Here is the idea.
Although, there is a big variety of businesses in my city, many of them share the same schedule. Therefore, I think it would be better to create a table "Schedules", which will contain the list of all schedules, that the businesses use. This way, each of 24/7 shops in my database will contain only an ID for appropriate 24/7 schedule, therefore, I will avoid lots of duplication. And, if I meet some odd schedule, I can just add it into the table with the schedules.
If you find any faults in this idea, or have some suggestions - I'll appreciate that.
Once again, thanks for time&effort
GeneralRe: A question about the DB construction Pin
TheFM23420-Aug-08 16:10
TheFM23420-Aug-08 16:10 
QuestionForeign Key Column Pin
Subramaniam s.V.19-Aug-08 23:25
Subramaniam s.V.19-Aug-08 23:25 
AnswerRe: Foreign Key Column Pin
Wendelius20-Aug-08 3:01
mentorWendelius20-Aug-08 3:01 
QuestionNeed help with View <noobie></noobie> Pin
Ltek19-Aug-08 20:47
Ltek19-Aug-08 20:47 
AnswerRe: Need help with View Pin
Blue_Boy19-Aug-08 20:57
Blue_Boy19-Aug-08 20:57 
AnswerRe: Need help with View Pin
TheFM23420-Aug-08 7:24
TheFM23420-Aug-08 7:24 
Questiondatabase Convert Pin
saurabh60mca6019-Aug-08 20:05
saurabh60mca6019-Aug-08 20:05 
AnswerRe: database Convert Pin
That's Aragon19-Aug-08 20:14
That's Aragon19-Aug-08 20:14 
GeneralRe: database Convert Pin
Preethi_12321-Aug-08 19:06
Preethi_12321-Aug-08 19:06 
QuestionIs there any alternative function for Rank() or Row_Number() in sql server 2000? Pin
Ashish Kumar Vyas19-Aug-08 19:03
Ashish Kumar Vyas19-Aug-08 19:03 
AnswerRe: Is there any alternative function for Rank() or Row_Number() in sql server 2000? Pin
Mycroft Holmes19-Aug-08 22:18
professionalMycroft Holmes19-Aug-08 22:18 
GeneralRe: Is there any alternative function for Rank() or Row_Number() in sql server 2000? Pin
Ashish Kumar Vyas19-Aug-08 22:30
Ashish Kumar Vyas19-Aug-08 22:30 
GeneralRe: Is there any alternative function for Rank() or Row_Number() in sql server 2000? Pin
Mycroft Holmes19-Aug-08 22:41
professionalMycroft Holmes19-Aug-08 22:41 
GeneralRe: Is there any alternative function for Rank() or Row_Number() in sql server 2000? Pin
Tripathi Swati20-Aug-08 23:27
Tripathi Swati20-Aug-08 23:27 
QuestionSQL SERVER .sql script file to DB2 DBMS Pin
fantasy121519-Aug-08 18:56
fantasy121519-Aug-08 18:56 
AnswerRe: SQL SERVER .sql script file to DB2 DBMS Pin
mghiassi21-Aug-08 4:40
mghiassi21-Aug-08 4:40 
QuestionRank() function is not working in sql server 2000. Pin
Ashish Kumar Vyas19-Aug-08 18:52
Ashish Kumar Vyas19-Aug-08 18:52 

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