you can try to make a JavaScript function for validation. For extra protection you can make one other validation test on server side.
Does anyone know any free web hosting for asp.net?
The Developer - CEH
You want a lot for free, don't you? Including others to do your work for you.
and what are you doing here in CP
The Developer - CEH
And once again you aer asking a question you could quite easily find the answer to yourself.
I may not be the most prolific helper on CP, but I do from time to time, when I have the time and someone has asked a sensible quesiton. More to the point though, I don't try to leech off others; I don't ask questions without first putting in a good effort at solving them myself; and I will certainly never ask such a general question as "How to add data to Datalist by code" - if you need to ask that, you are wasting everyone's time, including your own.
This is not an answer change ur tag to joke
The Developer - CEH
If you get dyndns or similar, you can host your own site.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
Free Hosting[^]
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
i am using master page.
i use page using master page in this page there are two content place holder one for datagrid and second for panel add,edit,delete, info. and in datagrid there are info, edit, delete image button. when i click on edit image button than open edit panel which exists in second content place holder and fill that from database previous values. when i edit on fields and than click on save button i want that page will not refresh and value is edited in database and also in gridview. how i can do this?
update panel cant place outside the both content place holder because this page is from mater page.
I will do my best?
Update panel is evil. If you can avoid using it, please do.
Can you please explain more clearly what you are trying to do?
thanks to reply
problem is that i want to refresh datagrid control which is also in updatepanel and this control is in contentplaceholder1. and when i open edit panel which is open in new contentplaceholder2 when edit data datagrid is not refreshed while work is done. when i click on that contentplaceholder1 dropdownlist then datagrid is update. how to refresh without refresh the page.(using ajax)
I will do my best?
UpdatePanel != Ajax.
Your best bet is probably to combine the Datagrid and Edit controls in the same UserControl.
If you keep your current model, one thing you could try is to put a hidden button on the UC with the datagrid. On the server side, when that button is clicked, refresh the grid.
Then when the edit controls should update the grid, have JavaScript programmatically click the hidden button on the datagrid UC.
How to add data to Datalist by code. like adding columns to DataGrid?
The Developer - CEH
You set the data source and data bind.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
But how to add the rows dynamically?
The Developer - CEH
Hello friends,
I want to implement SSL in my project. After buying a certificate from CA, What kind of coding changes I need to made to my Project?
Any suggestions?
you need change a setting (Require secure channel) in IIS and change all hardcoded links from "http://" to "https://"
Any Code? Can you explain me in detail?
The word "None" means no code, unless you have hardcoded links.
Check this[^] for info on how to setup your webserver. Or google "iis ssl"
I make a request for trial certificate at www.thawte.com. But it is giving error like this.. Any help?
Form Processing Error
An error occurred while we were processing your form. Usually this means that one of the values you submitted in your form was invalid, or you did not put a value in a required field. Please check the error message below, and then review your submission.
The actual error given was:
You cannot get a cert for an intranet address for this product.
Kind regards,
it's a trust thing
Read Thawtes guides[^] on how to do it.
After the SSL certificate is installed on your domain do something like this depending on your requirements:
Write a redirect script, that redirects all (or some, depending on your requirements) requests to your website to https://
This script needs to be named default.asp and placed in the folder your domain is pointing to if you are redirecting all http requests.
If you only want to protect some web site pages it becomes a more complicated process. You will have to modify this code and put it into the desired folder to meet your requirements. You will also have to check referrer on the individual web pages to make sure they are being opened from another web page on your site and not just typed into the browser address.
I have created a certificate request and tried to use it in thwate.com for trial certificate. But it is giving me an error, like this
You cannot get a cert for an intranet address for this product.
What It means? What could be the solution for this?
I don't know what the problem is. Are you trying to put a certificate on a subdomain?
Email thewate.com and see what it means. They are rejecting your request because they say you are trying to use it on an intranet.
Does your web hosting provider offer to set up a certificate on your domain?
You will need to have the certificate set up before you can use secure pages (https).
Hello Friends
I made a widget .. (ascx) control for my client
Now he wants to distribute that widget
I would like to know how to call that widget in different pages
( i do not want to give code )
It may sound a silly question but please do reply
One more question is How to make the widget drag and drop
I got code from www.dropthings.com but would like to know if any shortcuts are there to accomplish the task
( drag and drop is possible with the Drag extender provided by ajax control toolkit but .. dragging in different containers .. like igoogle or dropthings)
Thanks and Regards
sindhu tiwari
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