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QuestionRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
David Crow7-Aug-08 3:16
David Crow7-Aug-08 3:16 
AnswerRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
Andy2027-Aug-08 3:34
Andy2027-Aug-08 3:34 
QuestionRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
David Crow7-Aug-08 3:50
David Crow7-Aug-08 3:50 
AnswerRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
Andy2027-Aug-08 4:50
Andy2027-Aug-08 4:50 
QuestionRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
David Crow7-Aug-08 4:54
David Crow7-Aug-08 4:54 
AnswerRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
Andy2027-Aug-08 8:50
Andy2027-Aug-08 8:50 
QuestionRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
David Crow7-Aug-08 9:01
David Crow7-Aug-08 9:01 
AnswerRe: VS 2005 MFC Program Always In Focus Pin
Andy2027-Aug-08 21:43
Andy2027-Aug-08 21:43 
Hi David.

The problem was this line:-


I don’t know why I put it in, but it’s the usual case when you loose something they are probably in the first place you looked, but you sometimes don't look properly!

For the same reason I thought that the problem was setting some property of the dialog, but I needed to debug the program and try and locate the area and then the line that was the problem!

I just needed someone to deflect me from my perceived view of the problem so that I could find the real problem.

Many thanks.

QuestionUse textlabel from CTabCtrl? Pin
bosfan7-Aug-08 0:00
bosfan7-Aug-08 0:00 
AnswerRe: Use textlabel from CTabCtrl? Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 7-Aug-08 0:31
_AnsHUMAN_ 7-Aug-08 0:31 
AnswerRe: Use textlabel from CTabCtrl? Pin
Perspx7-Aug-08 0:40
Perspx7-Aug-08 0:40 
QuestionAdd scrollbars dynamically Pin
hari_honey6-Aug-08 23:51
hari_honey6-Aug-08 23:51 
AnswerRe: Add scrollbars dynamically Pin
SandipG 6-Aug-08 23:57
SandipG 6-Aug-08 23:57 
GeneralRe: Add scrollbars dynamically Pin
hari_honey7-Aug-08 1:54
hari_honey7-Aug-08 1:54 
GeneralRe: Add scrollbars dynamically Pin
SandipG 7-Aug-08 2:13
SandipG 7-Aug-08 2:13 
GeneralRe: Add scrollbars dynamically Pin
hari_honey20-Oct-08 20:21
hari_honey20-Oct-08 20:21 
Questionxml lib Pin
duta6-Aug-08 23:37
duta6-Aug-08 23:37 
AnswerRe: xml lib Pin
Cedric Moonen6-Aug-08 23:40
Cedric Moonen6-Aug-08 23:40 
GeneralRe: xml lib Pin
Prasann Mayekar7-Aug-08 22:46
Prasann Mayekar7-Aug-08 22:46 
AnswerRe: xml lib Pin
Hamid Taebi7-Aug-08 23:42
professionalHamid Taebi7-Aug-08 23:42 
Questionproviding implementation of virtual BOOL OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext) causes loss of style Pin
Sternocera6-Aug-08 23:15
Sternocera6-Aug-08 23:15 
AnswerRe: providing implementation of virtual BOOL OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext) causes loss of style Pin
Sternocera7-Aug-08 0:34
Sternocera7-Aug-08 0:34 
AnswerRe: providing implementation of virtual BOOL OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext) causes loss of style Pin
Sternocera7-Aug-08 0:42
Sternocera7-Aug-08 0:42 
QuestionHinding from TASK bar and font chang of caption TEXT Pin
himuskanhere6-Aug-08 23:00
himuskanhere6-Aug-08 23:00 
AnswerRe: Hinding from TASK bar and font chang of caption TEXT [modified] Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 6-Aug-08 23:13
_AnsHUMAN_ 6-Aug-08 23:13 

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