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AnswerRe: Authentication problems since server change Pin
Wendelius8-Aug-08 6:33
mentorWendelius8-Aug-08 6:33 
Questionset focus Pin
nelsonpaixao7-Aug-08 12:55
nelsonpaixao7-Aug-08 12:55 
AnswerRe: set focus Pin
Colin Angus Mackay7-Aug-08 13:09
Colin Angus Mackay7-Aug-08 13:09 
Questioncan anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
alexyxj7-Aug-08 7:54
alexyxj7-Aug-08 7:54 
AnswerRe: can anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
Wendelius7-Aug-08 8:41
mentorWendelius7-Aug-08 8:41 
GeneralRe: can anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
alexyxj7-Aug-08 9:16
alexyxj7-Aug-08 9:16 
GeneralRe: can anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
Wendelius7-Aug-08 9:21
mentorWendelius7-Aug-08 9:21 
GeneralRe: can anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
alexyxj7-Aug-08 9:49
alexyxj7-Aug-08 9:49 
if it is a temporary table defined by a user, normally how a user can define that in his/her DB, can you give me more information about that? thanks very much
GeneralRe: can anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
Wendelius7-Aug-08 10:02
mentorWendelius7-Aug-08 10:02 
AnswerRe: can anyone explain batch_control, batch_log....? Pin
GuyThiebaut8-Aug-08 0:59
professionalGuyThiebaut8-Aug-08 0:59 
QuestionRequire a single instance of a Stored Procedure Pin
Antony M Kancidrowski7-Aug-08 7:03
Antony M Kancidrowski7-Aug-08 7:03 
AnswerRe: Require a single instance of a Stored Procedure Pin
Wendelius7-Aug-08 8:50
mentorWendelius7-Aug-08 8:50 
GeneralRe: Require a single instance of a Stored Procedure Pin
Antony M Kancidrowski7-Aug-08 12:39
Antony M Kancidrowski7-Aug-08 12:39 
GeneralRe: Require a single instance of a Stored Procedure Pin
Wendelius7-Aug-08 18:25
mentorWendelius7-Aug-08 18:25 
QuestionExtract SQLSERVER.exe programmatically Pin
sunil goyalG7-Aug-08 6:53
sunil goyalG7-Aug-08 6:53 
QuestionHow can identify that particular Instance of SQL Server is installed or not Pin
sunil goyalG7-Aug-08 4:42
sunil goyalG7-Aug-08 4:42 
QuestionTrigger issue Pin
Howard Richards7-Aug-08 2:59
Howard Richards7-Aug-08 2:59 
AnswerRevised billing logic Pin
David Mujica7-Aug-08 3:44
David Mujica7-Aug-08 3:44 
GeneralRe: Revised billing logic Pin
Howard Richards7-Aug-08 4:47
Howard Richards7-Aug-08 4:47 
AnswerRe: Trigger issue Pin
Wendelius7-Aug-08 8:34
mentorWendelius7-Aug-08 8:34 
QuestionNeed some advice on a good "practice" SQL server Pin
MarkB7777-Aug-08 0:52
MarkB7777-Aug-08 0:52 
AnswerRe: Need some advice on a good "practice" SQL server Pin
Howard Richards7-Aug-08 2:45
Howard Richards7-Aug-08 2:45 
AnswerRe: Need some advice on a good "practice" SQL server Pin
Mycroft Holmes7-Aug-08 17:34
professionalMycroft Holmes7-Aug-08 17:34 
QuestionAttach database failed for Server 'computername\Instance1'. Give Error on VISTA but successfully run on XP Pin
Rupsaa7-Aug-08 0:43
Rupsaa7-Aug-08 0:43 
Questionsql server management studio express 32 bit or 64 bit.... Pin
new2pgrmg6-Aug-08 22:27
new2pgrmg6-Aug-08 22:27 

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