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AnswerRe: Not able to call dll through PL /SQL Pin
Mike Dimmick22-Jul-08 3:44
Mike Dimmick22-Jul-08 3:44 
AnswerRe: Not able to call dll through PL /SQL Pin
Wendelius22-Jul-08 6:15
mentorWendelius22-Jul-08 6:15 
Questionquerying all items... the best method? [modified] Pin
gethomast21-Jul-08 22:56
gethomast21-Jul-08 22:56 
AnswerRe: querying all items... the best method? Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 0:01
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 0:01 
GeneralRe: querying all items... the best method? [modified] Pin
gethomast22-Jul-08 0:42
gethomast22-Jul-08 0:42 
AnswerRe: querying all items... the best method? Pin
leoinfo22-Jul-08 2:48
leoinfo22-Jul-08 2:48 
GeneralRe: querying all items... the best method? Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 3:54
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 3:54 
GeneralRe: querying all items... the best method? Pin
leoinfo22-Jul-08 8:54
leoinfo22-Jul-08 8:54 
I wonder why everyone runs away from XML... Smile | :)

Let me know if you find a more elegant way.
Maybe you have also time to run some performance tests Wink | ;)

Please... SAVE my time by rating the posts that you read!

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

GeneralRe: querying all items... the best method? Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 14:45
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 14:45 
GeneralRe: querying all items... the best method? Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 16:24
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jul-08 16:24 
Questionretreving the gridview row in color from sqlserver using boundfields Pin
santosh04221-Jul-08 18:54
santosh04221-Jul-08 18:54 
AnswerRe: retreving the gridview row in color from sqlserver using boundfields Pin
Mycroft Holmes21-Jul-08 19:57
professionalMycroft Holmes21-Jul-08 19:57 
QuestionFunction returning a table Pin
Kushi Bobby21-Jul-08 18:49
Kushi Bobby21-Jul-08 18:49 
AnswerRe: Function returning a table PinPopular
Mycroft Holmes21-Jul-08 20:01
professionalMycroft Holmes21-Jul-08 20:01 
QuestionBackup Database And Move Stored Procedures Pin
mehrnoosh21-Jul-08 18:18
mehrnoosh21-Jul-08 18:18 
AnswerRe: Backup Database And Move Stored Procedures Pin
John_Adams21-Jul-08 19:44
John_Adams21-Jul-08 19:44 
GeneralRe: Backup Database And Move Stored Procedures Pin
mehrnoosh22-Jul-08 19:25
mehrnoosh22-Jul-08 19:25 
Generalneed to layout the database [modified] Pin
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 13:06
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 13:06 
QuestionRe: need to layout the database Pin
Paul Conrad21-Jul-08 13:14
professionalPaul Conrad21-Jul-08 13:14 
AnswerRe: need to layout the database Pin
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 14:16
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 14:16 
QuestionRe: need to layout the database Pin
Paul Conrad21-Jul-08 14:27
professionalPaul Conrad21-Jul-08 14:27 
AnswerRe: need to layout the database Pin
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 14:31
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 14:31 
GeneralRe: need to layout the database Pin
User 171649221-Jul-08 13:18
professionalUser 171649221-Jul-08 13:18 
GeneralRe: need to layout the database Pin
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 14:33
keyboard warrior21-Jul-08 14:33 
GeneralRe: need to layout the database Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.21-Jul-08 15:02
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.21-Jul-08 15:02 

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