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GeneralRe: CRegKey::QueryValue (...) fails Pin
Roger Stoltz15-Oct-07 1:37
Roger Stoltz15-Oct-07 1:37 
QuestionI wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy2025-Oct-07 2:42
Andy2025-Oct-07 2:42 
QuestionRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana28-May-08 23:18
rosdiana28-May-08 23:18 
AnswerRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy2025-Jun-08 1:27
Andy2025-Jun-08 1:27 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana9-Jun-08 22:21
rosdiana9-Jun-08 22:21 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy20212-Jun-08 2:20
Andy20212-Jun-08 2:20 
QuestionRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana3-Jul-08 22:27
rosdiana3-Jul-08 22:27 
AnswerRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy2027-Jul-08 6:21
Andy2027-Jul-08 6:21 
Open up a term Window and check if the executable program is where you think it is.

They are a Perl script called to run both Client and Server using an IOR file.

I am not an expert on Unix, but it all should work, Perl is free so check if you have it.
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana28-Jul-08 19:42
rosdiana28-Jul-08 19:42 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy20229-Jul-08 0:51
Andy20229-Jul-08 0:51 
Questionhow to create and add ".rc" file in your project? Pin
AnayKulkarni5-Oct-07 2:23
AnayKulkarni5-Oct-07 2:23 
AnswerRe: how to create and add ".rc" file in your project? Pin
Nelek5-Oct-07 2:37
protectorNelek5-Oct-07 2:37 
Questioni/o stream problem Pin
david bagaturia5-Oct-07 0:56
david bagaturia5-Oct-07 0:56 
QuestionRe: i/o stream problem Pin
David Crow5-Oct-07 3:36
David Crow5-Oct-07 3:36 
QuestionPressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve5-Oct-07 0:04
vSteve5-Oct-07 0:04 
AnswerRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:02
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:02 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve5-Oct-07 1:12
vSteve5-Oct-07 1:12 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:32
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:32 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nathan Holt at EMOM5-Oct-07 5:58
Nathan Holt at EMOM5-Oct-07 5:58 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve6-Oct-07 22:23
vSteve6-Oct-07 22:23 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nathan Holt at EMOM8-Oct-07 10:30
Nathan Holt at EMOM8-Oct-07 10:30 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve8-Oct-07 23:34
vSteve8-Oct-07 23:34 
QuestionHow to avoid 3rd party frame's vestiges on my app [modified] Pin
Nelek5-Oct-07 0:01
protectorNelek5-Oct-07 0:01 
QuestionClass Variable Initialization Pin
nitin34-Oct-07 23:32
nitin34-Oct-07 23:32 
AnswerRe: Class Variable Initialization Pin
Nelek4-Oct-07 23:43
protectorNelek4-Oct-07 23:43 

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