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AnswerRe: CRegKey::QueryValue (...) fails Pin
Roger Stoltz5-Oct-07 4:38
Roger Stoltz5-Oct-07 4:38 
GeneralRe: CRegKey::QueryValue (...) fails Pin
Nelek8-Oct-07 3:59
protectorNelek8-Oct-07 3:59 
GeneralRe: CRegKey::QueryValue (...) fails Pin
Roger Stoltz15-Oct-07 1:37
Roger Stoltz15-Oct-07 1:37 
QuestionI wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy2025-Oct-07 2:42
Andy2025-Oct-07 2:42 
QuestionRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana28-May-08 23:18
rosdiana28-May-08 23:18 
AnswerRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy2025-Jun-08 1:27
Andy2025-Jun-08 1:27 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana9-Jun-08 22:21
rosdiana9-Jun-08 22:21 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy20212-Jun-08 2:20
Andy20212-Jun-08 2:20 
Hi, I did get the Messenger example working, but never used mwc.

Try and build using gmake.

You can use

gmake realclean #for a clean build

Remember they are so many build files (Windows, Borland, gcc compiler etc. You need to use (I think) GNUmakefile.

The scheme using the IOR file works, but the Naming Service is a bit 'all over the place'

Hope this helps.
QuestionRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana3-Jul-08 22:27
rosdiana3-Jul-08 22:27 
AnswerRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy2027-Jul-08 6:21
Andy2027-Jul-08 6:21 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
rosdiana28-Jul-08 19:42
rosdiana28-Jul-08 19:42 
GeneralRe: I wanted to see (and play with) an example using CORBA, so I downloaded a 60 day trial of Borlands Visibroker. Pin
Andy20229-Jul-08 0:51
Andy20229-Jul-08 0:51 
Questionhow to create and add ".rc" file in your project? Pin
AnayKulkarni5-Oct-07 2:23
AnayKulkarni5-Oct-07 2:23 
AnswerRe: how to create and add ".rc" file in your project? Pin
Nelek5-Oct-07 2:37
protectorNelek5-Oct-07 2:37 
Questioni/o stream problem Pin
david bagaturia5-Oct-07 0:56
david bagaturia5-Oct-07 0:56 
QuestionRe: i/o stream problem Pin
David Crow5-Oct-07 3:36
David Crow5-Oct-07 3:36 
QuestionPressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve5-Oct-07 0:04
vSteve5-Oct-07 0:04 
AnswerRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:02
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:02 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve5-Oct-07 1:12
vSteve5-Oct-07 1:12 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:32
Nishad S5-Oct-07 1:32 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nathan Holt at EMOM5-Oct-07 5:58
Nathan Holt at EMOM5-Oct-07 5:58 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve6-Oct-07 22:23
vSteve6-Oct-07 22:23 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
Nathan Holt at EMOM8-Oct-07 10:30
Nathan Holt at EMOM8-Oct-07 10:30 
GeneralRe: Pressing several buttons at once Pin
vSteve8-Oct-07 23:34
vSteve8-Oct-07 23:34 
QuestionHow to avoid 3rd party frame's vestiges on my app [modified] Pin
Nelek5-Oct-07 0:01
protectorNelek5-Oct-07 0:01 

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