Awsome, thanks!
But will this work for mySQL? And SQL pre 2005?
it will work with any version of SQL Server 2005, but i am not sure about mySQL
Hi Friends,
I developed a mail application in C#.Net.
I am using gmail account to send the mail.
Its working fine in my system,But not on other (of same config).
Its throwing an exception "The SMTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source".
Please help me.
Shivarudrayya H wrote: Its throwing an exception "The SMTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source".
Exception clearly says what is the problem. please check that SMTP Server name and configuration that where you trying to run the application.
I provided the right name.Here is the my code:
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com";
msg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername", textBox1.Text); // User name
msg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword", textBox2.Text); // Password
I am building a windows service which essentially checks whether a certain process(an executable) is running or it has finished..
How can we know that a certain process is running or has finished executing?
There is a property HasExited in the Process class. This might solve the purpose.
using System.Diagnostics;
Process[] process = Process.GetProcessesByName("[The ProcessNAme]");
if (process.Length > 0)
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See this[^] to learn how to get the processes running. You can check your required application is in the list.
Thanks navaneeth, but I think you mis-understood my question.
I want to know whether a process has finished executing, not to get the list of Processes.
I already know the name of the process to check.
Ohh, but if the executable finished executing, it won't be there in the list, right ?
WaitForExit() method waits until the process is exited (or else till timeout if specified)..If u want to check whether a process has exited then use
HasExited property
System.Diagnostics.Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
"Don't worry if it doesn't work right. If everything did, you'd be out of a job." (Mosher's Law of Software Engineering)
i was wondering,
if a create an adaptor with a select statement containing a parameter of type datetime, is this parameter send to the server as a string in datetime format defined by the clients culture info?
select * from customer where [Lastupdate] = @CurrentDate<br />
or does it send the parameter to the SQL server and is there no problem with the datetime format.
(Usually i use stored procs and doesn't have this problem, but this is an exception for me)
Hi all
How i can to invoke script code (JScript, VBScript dosn't mutter) in RunTime in C#.
you can invoke them as a process .
if we implement ajax on windows application what will be the advantages for this
modified on Monday, May 26, 2008 3:21 AM
Ajax is for web applications to make it more faster and responsive
What is the scenirio you are thinking to implement it in windows apps ?
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we can use xmlhttp object for requesting a web resource and have response data in windows application from web server
Ofcouse yes. But the reason why we do this is to avoid postbacks and make the web application more responsive. In case of windows application we dont require to do this.
Kindly rate if the answer was helpful
in windows application we can provide more intraticve user interface and connect to web server without tcp?ip or other complex programming,
using Through ajax in windows application
in windows application we can provide more intraticve user interface and connect to web server without tcp?ip or other complex programming,
using Through ajax in windows application
Elesh wrote: if we implement ajax on windows application what are the advantages for this
there is no use of ajax in Windows application.
what make you think like that.....
You can play with window application as of your liking..
and there's no need of ajax in windows applications.
we can use xmlhttp object for requesting a web resource and have response data in windows application from web server
hi all,
I got problem on remove unrecognized escape sequence in richtextbox.
Actually i did program that write text from other text file into richtextbox.When text write into richtextbox,the output at richtextbox shows text "\par"(new line used in text editor).Now i need remove
this char..
So how to this kind of character..?
Pls help me..
Thank You.