hello every one
i have two user control rigister with ShippingInformation1 and ShippingAddress
i transfer information one page to another by there property. this code is easly run and built but at publich time i get the error
System.web.ui.userControl NOT contain defineation of Country
System.web.ui.userControl NOT contain defineation of City
System.web.ui.userControl NOT contain defineation of state
System.web.ui.userControl NOT contain defineation of PostalCode
ShippingInformation1.Country =ShippingAddress.Country;
ShippingInformation1.City = ShippingAddress.City;
ShippingInformation1.State = ShippingAddress.State;
ShippingInformation1.Zip = ShippingAddress.PostalCode;
Web Developer
l have a small flash object the header of my page, i want to replace
this flash with an image, it is possible ??
thank you
When you get mad...THINK twice that the only advice
Tamimi - Code
Hi to all,
I have one class. That i have to convert to Custom control. Just I took one webcontrol library .For that i have to create form tag at runtime.How to write javascript for that. The following is my class. Check the PayNow() and answer me.
public string PayNow()
string modify = string.Empty;
if (CanUserModifySubscription)
modify = "1";
modify = "0";
StringBuilder paypalJavascript = new StringBuilder();
if (SubmitPaypal)
paypalJavascript.Append("<form id="\"stockhaltPaypal\"" method="\"post\"" action=");<br mode=" hold=" /"> if (EnableSandboxMode)
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "cmd", Command, Environment.NewLine);
if (EnableSandboxMode)
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "business", SandboxBusinessEmail, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "business", BusinessEmail, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "item_name", SubscriptionItemName, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "item_number", SubscriptionItemNumber, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "no_shipping", "1", Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "return", SuccessUrl, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "cancel_return", CancelUrl, Environment.NewLine);
if (TrialSubscriptionPeriod != 0)
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "a1", TrialSubscriptionAmount.ToString("0.00"), Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "p1", TrialSubscriptionPeriod.ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "t1", TrialSubscriptionPeriodUnits.ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "a3", RegularSubscriptionAmount.ToString("0.00"), Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "p3", RegularSubscriptionPeriod.ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "t3", RegularSubscriptionPeriodUnits.ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "src", RecurAutomatically, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "sra", ReattemptPaymentOnFailure, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "custom", CustomField, Environment.NewLine);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OptionFieldName1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OptionFieldValue1))
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "on0", OptionFieldName1, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "os0", OptionFieldValue1, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "no_note", "1", Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "currency_code", CurrencyCode, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "rm","2", Environment.NewLine);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NotifyUrl))
paypalJavascript.AppendFormat("<input type="\"hidden\"" name="\"{0}\"" value="\"{1}\"">{2}", "notify_url", NotifyUrl, Environment.NewLine);
paypalJavascript.AppendLine("<script type="\"text/javascript\"" language="\"javascript\"">document.forms[\"stockhaltPaypal\"].submit();</script>");
return paypalJavascript.ToString();
paypalJavascript.AppendLine("<span id="\"stockhaltnolink\""></span>");
return paypalJavascript.ToString();
Thanks & Regards
I have written a simple ASP.net application using C# in visual studio 2005. Now i have to read the system registry information of the users who visits my web site..
how to do that..??
Kindly rate if the answer was helpful
I heard that this is possible using Javascript..
Atleast can i able to read the system Hardware information in ASP.Net 2.0
thanks in Advance..
I am dont think you can do this with javascript eiter. May be check out this JScript
You may have to create a ActiveX over this and host it in your application
But i have't tried this and strongly believe it is far from a possibility.
Kindly rate if the answer was helpful
Thank you .
I sawed the Example given in that webpage., But ActiveXObject is not working in my application..
Do i need to add any dll file or how to create an ActiveXobject for "WScript.Shell" in ASP.net..
modified on Monday, May 26, 2008 3:55 AM
I am trying to read the folder list from another system which is in another domain using WEBDAV.
It works fine in my local system. But when I uploaded the files in the test/production server which are having valid domain address like www.mywebsite.com , it gives the following error in the line,
recRoot.Open "MyFolder/","URL=http://MyIPAddress/"
The error returned is
"Object or data matching the name, range, or selection criteria was not found within the scope of this operation. "
In my test server the error returned is different which is
"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing error '80004005'
Unspecified error "
but it is the same line recRoot.Open "MyFolder/","URL=http://MyIPAddress/" which causes this error.
My requirement is simple.. I have to list the tree style folder structure contained in another machine using ASP.
please help. Any Idea!!
Below is my complete code ,
Set recRoot = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Record")
recRoot.Open "MyFolder/","URL=http://MyIPAddress/"
Set rsChildren = recRoot.GetChildren
Response.write rsChildren.EOF
Do Until rsChildren.EOF
Response.Write rsChildren("RESOURCE_PARSENAME") & "<BR>"
can anyone tell me what the "thePage:mainLayout:formTest:dd" bit means here? ive not seen that notation before in javascript
"mostly watching the human race is like watching dogs watch tv ... they see the pictures move but the meaning escapes them"
Well, obviously it has to be the ID... so i'd guess whatever's generating the page is using some sort of naming scheme that includes the entire heirarchy in the ID. That, or you've got some JS library replacing document.getElementById() ... What's the server generating this stuff?
Citizen 20.1.01 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.'
thats what i thought but i wasnt 100% sure ... i was hoping u might asnwer being a guru at this stuff and all ... its from a lib used by a big coffee corporation for their site
thnx shog
"mostly watching the human race is like watching dogs watch tv ... they see the pictures move but the meaning escapes them"
l a u r e n wrote: i was hoping u might asnwer being a guru at this stuff and all ...
You know, if you want to be absolutely certain, load it up in Firebug and just throw $("thePage:mainLayout:formTest:dd") into the console - if you get a result, you're good to go. Can't beat FireBug for taking the mystery out of this stuff.
Citizen 20.1.01 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.'
Hi Guys,
How can I call an asmx service using ASP.Net(vb code behind) that has a paramet?
Thanks in advance
hifiger2004 wrote: How can I call an asmx service using ASP.Net(vb code behind)
I'll betcha a nickel someone in the ASP.NET forum would know...
Citizen 20.1.01 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.'
Yes, you're right.
But it failed whatever parameters I passed.
add the web ref of your asmx web service to your project
crate the object and call the method
which will specify what are the parameters are required for this
Yes, it is working now.
What I did is I just deleted the web reference and add it back again. And then, it works
Thanks man
Hi all
Please any one suggest me a replacement/fix of ondrag(),ondragstart(),ondragend(),ondragenter(),ondrop(),ondragover() javascript events that supported by all browsers.
I am totally screwed up. Please suggest me a solution.
Awaiting eagerly for a solution
Thanks in advance
Know is Drop, Unknown is Ocean
onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmouseup, onkeyup
Citizen 20.1.01 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.'
capture the mouse down event of the item you want to drag around and save a handle to the element in the click handler (using the "this" pointer for example)
capture the mousemove and mouseup events of the document element and check to see if you have an element that is being dragged around (ie, the saved pointer isnt null) ... if so update it's position with the mouse until the mouseup event where you clear the dragged item handle
"mostly watching the human race is like watching dogs watch tv ... they see the pictures move but the meaning escapes them"
I use IE6 and on a specific event the ajax request is sent and when response come back the function showTbl() is called. This function is:
function showTbl()
myTbl.innerHTML = SOAPResponse.xml;
the xml content is about 2000 rows like that:
The object myTbl is a simple table element and is eventually shown, but it takes more than 30sec to insert the xml content to innerHTML.
How can I decrease this time?
Thank You