Hi …
I am working with datagrid in asp.net/vb.net.
The application is on search criteria I want to display list in datagrid . I making the view of this list as directory because it gives me result as member directory.
Now I want to give effect of that datagrid as flipbook effect as on the mouse click the the page should be open as opening page in book.
So anyone has idea about this pls help me.
Hai all,
i had one function which does not accept apostrophies for the text box but i need to accept the apostrophe for the textbox can any one help me...i am new to javascript...
}else if(c.indexOf(' validate-address ')!=-1&&t.replace(/ /g,'').replace(/[,]/g,'').replace(/[.]/g,'').match(/\W/)){valid=false;
Just remove the apostrophes from the string before the match. Why do you have to many replace calls when you can do all the replacing in one?
}else if(c.indexOf(' validate-address ')!=-1&&t.replace(/[ ,.']+/g,'').match(/\W/)){valid=false;
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
how to detect a machine can access another machine over the lan or not programatically by c#.
please help me with some sample code by which i can detect the machine is connect with internet or not.
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does it mean that there is no Internet connection ?
Abhijit Jana wrote: does it mean that there is no Internet connection ?
I guess it's not specific to internet. It checks for a network connection which may include LAN too. The property he provided always returns true. Check documentation[^].
This has nothing to do with ASP.NET, through check System.Net.NetWorkInformation for more detail report. SystemInformation.Network always returns true !
N a v a n e e t h wrote: SystemInformation.Network always returns true !
why so?
i have run this code, its return true for both cases when my network plug is in and out .
Yes. This is what MSDN documentation says. I don't know why it is so. MSDN Says "This property always returns true on all Windows platforms supported by the .NET Framework. "
Looks like it just check for the machine has networking capability or not and not the network is present ot now.
May be this
System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus has different status telling about the current network status
Unfortunately i dont have a machine that is not in n/w so cannot test.But MSDN confirms it is the one.
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Why do you want to check this in an ASP.NET application ?
hi all, i have strange issue and it may be dumb question, i am using below code in asp.net 1.1 to generate the cookie it is generated on some computer using locale(En-us),but cookie is not generated on some computers which have danish locale.
My question "is cookie generation depend upon the locale/Regional setting/Language"
below is the code to generate
<br />
string strCVal="2001" + "@ENG"; <br />
for(int i=0; i<Request.Cookies.Count; i++){<br />
Request.Cookies[i].Expires=DateTime.Now.AddYears(-30);<br />
}<br />
try<br />
{<br />
Response.Cookies["SCID"].Expires=DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3);<br />
}<br />
catch{}<br />
HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("SCID"); <br />
aCookie.Values[strCVal] = strCVal; <br />
aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5); <br />
that code does not throw any exception as well.
Tasleem Arif
can anyone help me out with API for using inter switch payment gateway ?
i am unable to find out the method to POST data to their server in asp.net..
Ashish Sehajpal
Ashish Sehajpal wrote: inter switch payment gateway ?
Better place would be their customer support desk than here.
whenever i try to add a class file , i get the following message.
You are attempting to add a class to an asp.net application .for a class to be generally consumable in ur site . it should be placed inside the app_code folder.Would u like to place the class in the app_code folder?
Why did microsoft recomended to add the class in the app_code folder?
If you have an apple & I have an apple and we exchange our apples, then each of us will still have only one apple but if you have an idea & I have an idea and we exchange our ideas, then each of us will have two ideas!
Check this[^]
I Love T-SQL
"Don't torture yourself,let the life to do it for you."
app_code directory is added from .NET 2.0 onwards. Classes kept in the app_code directory are accessible to the whole website. When ASP.NET compiles, app_code and it's subdirectories will be compiled as a single assembly.
That means the class outside the app_code folder will not be accessible?
If you have an apple & I have an apple and we exchange our apples, then each of us will still have only one apple but if you have an idea & I have an idea and we exchange our ideas, then each of us will have two ideas!
if you use website project template in VS2005, you won't be able to access classes placed outside app_code. Create a new class library project to the solution and put your classes there and refer this project output to your website.
If you use web application model which is like ASP.NET 1.1 model, then you are allowed to do this, AFAIK.
I have a login page where I have my own label and texboxes which take input username and password, and there is a function in which there is a SP which validates username and password stored in the database.
My code in Login.aspx.cs is such that I call that function and validates username and password and redirects to next page Page2.aspx.
Now I want my site to be authorized such that if a user tries to access internal pages he couldn't be able to do that.
I have code in my WEb.config for that is
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="525600">
<deny users="?">
<allow users="*">
and code in login.aspx.cs is
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
validateUser = validateUser.ValidateUser(txtUserName.Text, hashedPassword);
if (Page.IsValid)
if (validateUser != null)
lblErrorMessage.Text = "Invalid User";
Now when I try to run internal pages without login it automatically redirects to login page which is fine but when I put valid username and password in the login page it redirects with some "ReturnUrl" and not able to redirect to the Page2.aspx page.This is my problem.
Can anybody tell me where I am doing wrong or need to change the code somewhere?
Thanks in advance,
salon wrote: in the login page it redirects with some "ReturnUrl" and not able to redirect to the Page2.aspx page
Did you put your debugger in and step-through?
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
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A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson