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AnswerRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Abhijit Jana25-May-08 19:05
professionalAbhijit Jana25-May-08 19:05 
QuestionRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Pankaj Garg25-May-08 19:25
Pankaj Garg25-May-08 19:25 
AnswerRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Abhijit Jana25-May-08 19:30
professionalAbhijit Jana25-May-08 19:30 
QuestionRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Pankaj Garg25-May-08 19:43
Pankaj Garg25-May-08 19:43 
AnswerRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Abhijit Jana25-May-08 19:52
professionalAbhijit Jana25-May-08 19:52 
QuestionRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Pankaj Garg25-May-08 19:57
Pankaj Garg25-May-08 19:57 
AnswerRe: virtual directories c# Pin
N a v a n e e t h25-May-08 20:05
N a v a n e e t h25-May-08 20:05 
AnswerRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Laddie25-May-08 19:58
Laddie25-May-08 19:58 
Yes. Try using Directory Info class


DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ReportServer001Test");
FileInfo[] fileinfo = info.GetFiles();
foreach (DirectoryInfo fi in fileinfo)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + fi.Name);


Kindly rate if the answer was helpful

GeneralRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Abhijit Jana25-May-08 20:01
professionalAbhijit Jana25-May-08 20:01 
GeneralRe: virtual directories c# Pin
N a v a n e e t h25-May-08 20:04
N a v a n e e t h25-May-08 20:04 
GeneralRe: virtual directories c# Pin
Laddie25-May-08 20:13
Laddie25-May-08 20:13 
GeneralRe: virtual directories c# Pin
N a v a n e e t h25-May-08 20:55
N a v a n e e t h25-May-08 20:55 
QuestionCross Application Authentication (Domain Read/Set problem) Pin
RCoate25-May-08 15:15
RCoate25-May-08 15:15 
QuestionBest Practice: Thread Management: Making Asynchronous WebRequest from the server Pin
Daniel Magliola25-May-08 14:28
Daniel Magliola25-May-08 14:28 
QuestionFormView Insert record containing DropDownList value Pin
thowra25-May-08 8:48
thowra25-May-08 8:48 
QuestionGet the number of response bytes of an HTTP Response Pin
Marco225025-May-08 5:20
Marco225025-May-08 5:20 
Questionrepresenting dataset after receiving from webservice Pin
Faysal25-May-08 4:53
Faysal25-May-08 4:53 
AnswerRe: representing dataset after receiving from webservice Pin
CodingYoshi25-May-08 9:06
CodingYoshi25-May-08 9:06 
GeneralRe: representing dataset after receiving from webservice Pin
Faysal25-May-08 17:10
Faysal25-May-08 17:10 
Questionformat of date Pin
ptvce24-May-08 23:35
ptvce24-May-08 23:35 
AnswerRe: format of date Pin
gnjunge25-May-08 1:30
gnjunge25-May-08 1:30 
AnswerRe: format of date Pin
derm225-May-08 7:15
derm225-May-08 7:15 
Questioncontrol & access data to a web page programmatically Pin
caradri24-May-08 22:27
caradri24-May-08 22:27 
AnswerRe: control & access data to a web page programmatically Pin
doWhileSomething25-May-08 3:10
doWhileSomething25-May-08 3:10 
QuestionIssue with ajax Update panel and Javascript Pin
Sajid A.24-May-08 22:21
Sajid A.24-May-08 22:21 

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