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QuestionHow to make row highlighted in other paging in DataGrid Pin
Mr. Wonderful24-May-08 6:38
Mr. Wonderful24-May-08 6:38 
AnswerRe: How to make row highlighted in other paging in DataGrid Pin
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 8:01
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 8:01 
AnswerRe: How to make row highlighted in other paging in DataGrid Pin
Laddie25-May-08 4:20
Laddie25-May-08 4:20 
QuestionASP.NET error on opening the Project ! Pin
Assaf8224-May-08 6:08
Assaf8224-May-08 6:08 
AnswerRe: ASP.NET error on opening the Project ! Pin
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 7:48
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 7:48 
AnswerRe: ASP.NET error on opening the Project ! Pin
Oakman25-May-08 7:52
Oakman25-May-08 7:52 
Questionsession become out Pin
krishnaveer24-May-08 2:50
krishnaveer24-May-08 2:50 
AnswerRe: session become out Pin
Laddie25-May-08 4:28
Laddie25-May-08 4:28 
You are storing the session in Inproc which is well known for the session loss. If you are using IIS 6 then possible reson could be that your worker process could have been recycled.(you can change it by going to the properties of the application pool of your application).

You can store the session in StateServer to prevent such accidents


Kindly rate if the answer was helpful

GeneralRe: session become out Pin
krishnaveer25-May-08 19:33
krishnaveer25-May-08 19:33 
GeneralRe: session become out Pin
Laddie25-May-08 21:27
Laddie25-May-08 21:27 
QuestionGlobal parameters are becoming null Pin
Yaniv___24-May-08 2:13
Yaniv___24-May-08 2:13 
AnswerRe: Global parameters are becoming null Pin
Laddie25-May-08 4:24
Laddie25-May-08 4:24 
GeneralRe: Global parameters are becoming null Pin
Yaniv___26-May-08 0:44
Yaniv___26-May-08 0:44 
Questionconvert date Pin
ptvce24-May-08 1:15
ptvce24-May-08 1:15 
QuestionProblem in opening the project ? Pin
Assaf8224-May-08 0:26
Assaf8224-May-08 0:26 
AnswerRe: Problem in opening the project ? Pin
gnjunge25-May-08 1:33
gnjunge25-May-08 1:33 
QuestionHow to resolve this errors on running the tabstrip sourcecode downloaded from same website? Pin
puneetneema23-May-08 23:52
puneetneema23-May-08 23:52 
AnswerRe: How to resolve this errors on running the tabstrip sourcecode downloaded from same website? Pin
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 7:53
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 7:53 
QuestionUsing custome web parts in share point 2007 [modified] Pin
Rameshjpc23-May-08 23:38
Rameshjpc23-May-08 23:38 
QuestionCaching an HttpFileCollection Pin
ShimnaMukundan23-May-08 23:19
ShimnaMukundan23-May-08 23:19 
Questionsearch in aspx pages of virtual directory [modified] Pin
Pankaj Garg23-May-08 22:40
Pankaj Garg23-May-08 22:40 
AnswerRe: search in aspx pages of virtual directory Pin
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 7:59
N a v a n e e t h24-May-08 7:59 
QuestionFile is downloaded with the html content Pin
Yaniv___23-May-08 22:19
Yaniv___23-May-08 22:19 
AnswerRe: File is downloaded with the html content Pin
Yaniv___23-May-08 22:24
Yaniv___23-May-08 22:24 
Questionproblem with accessing webservice from remote pc Pin
Faysal23-May-08 22:06
Faysal23-May-08 22:06 

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