QueryResults res = sp.EnumParameters();
thanks Rob Graham
i know this, but how to access type,length,isOutput,... for each column in my loop?
thanks again
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ProFeeRevenueUser"].ConnectionString);
conn.Open(); // connect to the database
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = conn.GetSchema("ProcedureParameters");
DataView view = dt.DefaultView;
view.Sort = "specific_name, ordinal_position";
string ProcedureName = "";
DataRowView dr;
IEnumerator ViewEnum = view.GetEnumerator();
dr = (DataRowView)ViewEnum.Current;
if (!dr["specific_name"].ToString().StartsWith("dt_"))
if (ProcedureName != dr["specific_name"].ToString())
TreeNode ProcedureNode = new TreeNode(dr["specific_name"].ToString());
ProcedureName = dr["specific_name"].ToString();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dr["parameter_name"].ToString());
sb.Append(" ");
sb.Append(" ");
if (!dr.Row.IsNull("character_maximum_length"))
sb.Append(" ");
TreeNode ProcedureParameterNode = new TreeNode(sb.ToString());
TreeView1.Nodes[TreeView1.Nodes.Count - 1].ChildNodes.Add(ProcedureParameterNode);
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
Someone's gotta be the last to know, but why is it always me?
Everytime I run this program i created to open, write to a word doc and print it out, I can no longer print from an excel spreadsheet unless i log off the computer and then log back on. The thing is, it only does this for excel. I can print from notepad or MS Word but i cant print anything from excel. Any ideas?
I think there is something in here thats doing it:
WordApp.Visible = true;
Word.Document aDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing, ref readOnly, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref isVisible, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
WordApp.ActivePrinter = "Phaser 5500DT PS";
aDoc.PrintOutOld(ref myTrue, ref myFalse, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue,
ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref myFalse, ref missingValue, ref missingValue, ref missingValue);
WordApp.ActiveDocument.Close(ref mySave, ref missingValue, ref missingValue);
WordApp.Quit(ref mySave, ref missingValue, ref missingValue);
Check this article:
Dave Traister
Software Engineer
ComponentOne LLC
thanks for pointing me in the right direction...
It works when i use:
object wb = WordApp.WordBasic;
object[] argValues = new object[] { "Phaser 5500DT PS", 1 }; //first arg is a printer name
String[] argNames = new String[] { "Printer", "DoNotSetAsSysDefault" };
wb.GetType().InvokeMember("FilePrintSetup", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, wb, argValues, null, null, argNames);
to set up the printer instead of just: WordApp.ActivePrinter = "Phaser 5500DT PS"
Please can someone help me. I'm using the PDFStamper to set the form fields in a pdf file. It works on my computer properly, but on the QA site it only shows the values of the form fields, the original text does not show, and it gives the message "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly".
Sounds like a tool issue. Try their forums, you'll have better luck. Otherwise, put on your debugging hat, have your QA send you their pdf and compare it with yours.
Scott P
"Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter." --Ayn Rand
No one will provide code for you. Google is your only option.
I have a suggestion. Go to your CS Professor, hand him back your course workbook and tell him you're too incompetent to study that course. Next step is to get a job as a street sweeper, or other such semi-skilled profession.
i am begginer in programming and i get this code to understand the logic of simulation.
no problem , but when you reply you must be polite
It's very rude to delete your original message.
Look at his posts and go look at the Dec 1 2007.
Aah. another looney. Great, always fun to laugh at.
Yes, I think he needs to be added to my list.
s/he's already on there:
cs.it.tech: delete message; do my homework!
Add "has some weird anti-israel views which he's too chicken-sh*t to not delete"
Just reading your blog (bored at work). Any piccies of your cats on there? I'm a bit cat obsessed!
I need to scan some. I don't have any of the newest one except one for Stuff and Cats in which I piled a bunch of laundry on her. I forgot I added this user late last night.
To quote SpacixOne:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
namespace CarWasherOrParkingSimulation
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
throw new Exception("The program code needs to be implemented.");
"Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter." --Ayn Rand
Thanks... I'll have to start a changelog for that one.
Scott P
"Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter." --Ayn Rand
Can we expect it to be in the next itteration?
Yes, as a matter of fact, you can post comments about the new code on my codeproject blog[^]. It could use a good review.
"Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter." --Ayn Rand
You may have won this round, but I shall win the war!
This question doesn't really seem to fit in to any specific forum, so I'll post it here, and hope for the best. I'm using NDoc to document a library I'm writing that contains several .js files that I'd also like to document, and include in the CHM. I saw that there was a AdditionalContentResourceDirectory property, but can't find any documentation on it. Will this property compile .xml files in to the CHM if I create one for my javascript? If not, does anybody know how I might go about doing this without manually modifying the hhp file directly in HTML Help Workshop?
Thanks in advance for any input.
Kyosa Jamie Nordmeyer - Taekwondo Yi (2nd) Dan
Portland, Oregon, USA