If you use that editor in your project. Then you can provide the functionality of modifying the html content and surely you can save that html content into the database. That will exactly work as normal textbox control despite it will also give you the independence to use html content in addition to the normal content with some more functionality.
Apurva Kaushal
on page i have requiredfield validatorss and buttons, how could i set up, if i click button1 let validators check textboxes, if i click button2, Validators do no action?
it is a form, like
i add some data to grid , at the bottom of the page, there is a SAVE button, i click the save button , Validators show error messages
greekius@hotmail.com wrote: on page i have requiredfield validatorss and buttons, how could i set up, if i click button1 let validators check textboxes, if i click button2, Validators do no action?
Make the causevalidation property of the button 2 to false.
Apurva Kaushal
thank you:S
Always welcome..
Apurva Kaushal
hi friends i m using empty grid with one row has two dropdown and six textbox
In the grid first column i have two imagebutton ADD and Delete
now when i click on add new row is added
but i want that on click on delete one row is deleted
i m using update panel.
how do i do it.
hi deepakkumar
thanks for reply
but i m using grid with update panel and i m adding row on page load because whaen i add new row on click event function it will lost all dat from the past rows as well as don't show the grid...
so my problem is when i click on delete button then also one new row is generated...
means whenever page is postback the new row is created..
have the solution...
hai friends...
i just wanna display a message box before a delete record....that message box should contain...YES/NO function ...if we press Yes ..following record will be deleted...other wise ...we can escape from dat options...how to this...send me the code...its very urgent.....i am using C#,asp.net
jeffreyk wrote: send me the code.
No, look it up yourself.
Javascript confirm [^]
only two letters away from being an asset
Hi Friends,
How to retreive XML data from Javascript .Can any one give me an example?
Thanks & Regards
Senthil Kumar.T.S
What is this error....
The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
I used sandbox testing....
if need SSL/TLS certifite
Either you can not establish a HTTPS connection with the web server or the server certificate is not valid.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson
This error appear for me on a web app because of a remote server certificate failure.
The certificate error blocked the web service saying SSL authentication error.
Try to dig the for some certificate supporting the web service which u have and this is ONE OF THE POSSIBILITY of this kind of error.
If solved dont forget to thxs
Hi! i want to copy a large file (1 gb) from source to destination using 5 mb buffer size with the help of streaming. can any one help me in this regards?
2489128 wrote: copy a large file (1 gb) from source to destination using 5 mb buffer size with the help of streaming. can any one help me in this regards?
Using ASP.NET ?
I have a peculiar situation.
I need to export an image and a gridview control to excel.
im using rendercontrol for image and datagrid, however, the image only exports it with a link to the actual location.
The code snippet is :
//Code starts
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Export.xls");
Response.ContentType = "Application/vnd.ms-excel";
Response.ContentType = "Application/vnd.ms-excel";
System.IO.StringWriter strW = new System.IO.StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(strW);
HtmlImage himg = new HtmlImage();
System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("Charts.aspx"));
himg.Src = Server.MapPath("Charts.jpg");
HtmlTable tbl1 = new HtmlTable();
int intRows = 0;
while (intRows < 23)
HtmlTableRow hrow = new HtmlTableRow();
//code ends
What i need is to embed the image on to the excelsheet.
How can i do that?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!!
I was born dumb!!
Programming made me laugh !!!
Thanks deepak for the reply..
ill try that out..
I was born dumb!!
Programming made me laugh !!!
hi friends
I have stored image in my database now i have retrieved that image how to set it to a image control
Thank You
Dont Get Paid for the Hours you worked, Get Paid for the Work You Have Done in an Hour.
it depends upin your store procedure . if you have sotore the image patg , just retrive the image path and give it to imagecontrol url.
Best Regards
Abhijit Jana
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Success is Journey it's not a destination"