try to use following lie of code in page load-
Page.SmartNavigation = true;
First it was that person who was posting his message more that once and now you are posting your answers more than once.
Apurva Kaushal
Hay Apurva
I have just modified my signature but not repost the same answer. And I'm not able to see duplicate answer here!!
I fill a dropdownlist with values from a table's column. but when i perform an insertion operation into another table based on selected data from the dropdownlist, it only insert the first value of the dropdownlist and not the one i selected. How do i resolve this?
have u used Dropdownlist.SelectedValue property for gettiing the the data from the dropwornlist.
U need to explain the problem more.
Bijay Bhaskar Deo
Thanks & Regard
Yea! have used selectedValue property, but still pick the fisrt value and not the selected value during insertion.
pls this only affect dropdownlist filled with values from a table and not that of hardcoded values
you probabaly need to check the post back ispostbak property because every time
you change the selection of the dropdown it is refreshing that is why you get the
same data.try if not ispostback option
How do we set focus to textbox on page after click on button it is end of the page and it is scrollable page. the focus is not set to control,
Vinay Dornala.
Best Regards
Abhijit Jana
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Success is Journey it's not a destination"
Thanks, I need to maintain between postback.
can you confirm it in details ?
Best Regards
Abhijit Jana
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Success is Journey it's not a destination"
May what you are asking is how to maintain the scroll position of the long page. During the postback goes to the top of the page. If this is the case then you can make smartnavigation to true.
Apurva Kaushal
but it is .ascx file how do i achieve this
Try to put the same in the container page.
Apurva Kaushal
try to use
Page.SmartNavigation = true;
in page load event.
and then use
in your function.
I have a application on asp.in it there is a button.on click event of that button aspx page is open.
asp uses some user id and password.
how i will retain that user id and password in the aspx page.
when page transfer from asp to aspx it lost all the session.
and according to user id i have ti fill some data to the aspx page.
can any one tell me how i retain session when i transfer asp page to aspx page.
There can be two ways one way is to send this user ID as quesrystring to the aspx page (assuming that this is not at all a vital data which are not supposed to be known to the users). And in the aspx page you can retrieve the ID and get the related data.
Second way can be to share the session between both the application. Here[^] is an article which can give an idea on how to proceed for this.
Apurva Kaushal
How to use datetime control in asp.net2.0 with VB
you have to use DateTime Class.
Best Regards
Abhijit Jana
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Success is Journey it's not a destination"
Thanks for ur reply. Actually my query is the current time should be shown on the page whenever opened with seconds running. Its used for login purpose.
yes, you can do it using Datetime Class. if you want to Seccond running,
Just use AJAX Timer Control.
Best Regards
Abhijit Jana
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Success is Journey it's not a destination"
Abhijit Jana wrote: DateTime Class.
DateTime is a structure, not a class.
yes, i made the writing mistake. sorry
Best Regards
Abhijit Jana
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Success is Journey it's not a destination"
Im trying to rewrite the Url using C# Asp.Net 2.0..if i run the application in default i will get the Address bar Url as below..
But i need as like below.this mean that who logged in that username is to be displayed..and it should be appear in the address bar like this..
any suggestion??
you can search for HttpModules