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GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow16-Apr-08 4:40
David Crow16-Apr-08 4:40 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 10:54
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 10:54 
QuestionRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow17-Apr-08 11:03
David Crow17-Apr-08 11:03 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 11:34
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 11:34 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr20-Apr-08 11:07
Larry Mills Sr20-Apr-08 11:07 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow20-Apr-08 16:15
David Crow20-Apr-08 16:15 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr21-Apr-08 3:46
Larry Mills Sr21-Apr-08 3:46 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow21-Apr-08 3:52
David Crow21-Apr-08 3:52 
Larry Mills Sr wrote:
Outlook says file too large. It's only 15.3MB

Remove the unnecessary binary files (e.g., EXE, OBJ, PCH, OPT, NCB) from it.

"Love people and use things, not love things and use people." - Unknown

"To have a respect for ourselves guides our morals; to have deference for others governs our manners." - Laurence Sterne

GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr23-Apr-08 10:15
Larry Mills Sr23-Apr-08 10:15 
GeneralText with words in different color Pin
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 8:44
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 8:44 
GeneralRe: Text with words in different color Pin
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 10:46
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 10:46 
GeneralSerial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 7:21
shpid3r13-Apr-08 7:21 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
Ed.Poore13-Apr-08 7:45
Ed.Poore13-Apr-08 7:45 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 8:05
shpid3r13-Apr-08 8:05 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
ERLN13-Apr-08 21:00
ERLN13-Apr-08 21:00 
QuestionRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
bob1697213-Apr-08 8:19
bob1697213-Apr-08 8:19 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:15
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:15 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write [modified] Pin
CPallini13-Apr-08 10:26
mveCPallini13-Apr-08 10:26 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:21
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:21 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
CPallini13-Apr-08 12:13
mveCPallini13-Apr-08 12:13 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:32
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:32 
QuestionRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:32
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:32 
QuestionEncryption using AES Pin
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 5:06
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 5:06 
GeneralRe: Encryption using AES Pin
Randor 13-Apr-08 7:21
professional Randor 13-Apr-08 7:21 
GeneralRe: Encryption using AES Pin
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 10:56
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 10:56 

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