.netman wrote: or ask rajkumar.3 he seems to have a soft spot for useless programmers
Who is he?
Apurva Kaushal
he is a user, look down a couple of topics and you will see his post
And all this soft spots he got in one day(he joined here only one day before).
Apurva Kaushal
There is a website called Google and it is located at this URL http://www.google.com/[^]. If you type your query there, it would guide you to appropriate tutorials instantly. Wonder what it is? It is 'Internet Magic'.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson
Hi there,
I created a web page which inherits masterpage.
In my web page, i'm having two buttons. when ever that click event occurs, i want that page to be postback. I'm using trigger and all.
But postback is not working. If i'm using asp:Scriptmanager, for all the event it's post backing. But i want only for buttons.
Below is my code:
In masterpage i've written as:
<atlas:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
and in web page,
<atlas:UpdatePanel ID="TimeRecordPanel" runat="server"><br />
<ContentTemplate> <br />
<asp:Button ID="BtnAddRecord" runat="server" CssClass="ColorButtonOver70_New" Text="Save"<br />
OnClick="BtnAddRecord_Click" /> <asp:Button ID="BtnReportCancel" runat="server" CssClass="ColorButtonOver70_New"<br />
Text="Reset" OnClick="BtnReportCancel_Click" CausesValidation="False" /><br />
<br />
</ContentTemplate><br />
<Triggers><br />
<atlas:ControlEventTrigger EventName="Click" ControlID="BtnAddRecord" /><br />
<atlas:ControlEventTrigger EventName="Click" ControlID="BtnReportCancel" /><br />
<br />
</Triggers><br />
Please help..!!
Regards n Thks
Have you got an event set up for the onclick for the buttons, please post code if you do
I have a page having a panel that contains a gridview and a chart.
My problem here is that i want only the contents inside the panel to be exported to excel on a button click..
I tried using the render control, but it says gridview has to be within Form tag with runat server, and even the chart image is not coming.
Thanks in advance!!
I was born dumb!!
Programming made me laugh !!!
hi friends..
i want to enter multiple data's , like sales invoice. Does anybody have idea. Page should not postback.
Perhaps you should search on google for what you want
then start coding something
then post back here
You need to explain more about what you want
hello .netman searching in google every body know it dude... but u know we dont get exactly what we r looking in google...this is live for developers thats why we post req here .. and please dont suggest again google to any body coz even a small chield using google after searching in google only they come here..
When someone puts a message like the one below it clearly suggests that they haven't actually written any code and are just fishing for someone to chuck a load of code up for them to copy.
If they knew how to code then they would have posted a question which contained a snippet of code which they were struggling on.
I will suggest google to anyone who is fishing for a large bit of code to be given to them so they can just copy it and take the credit.
Maybe you should concentrate on helping people rather then picking at other people's posts
"i want to enter multiple data's , like sales invoice. "
rajkumar.3 wrote: searching in google every body know it dude
I beg to differ. A lot of the questions posted on this forum, including this one, indicate that the posters don't i) know how to use Google and ii) have the first clue how to approach a problem. This forum provides answers to specific programming questions. It isn't here to provide complete solutions to projects. The forum rules clearly state this.
Paul Marfleet
"No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government"
Tom Sawyer - Rush
Its a great reply Raj. Some peoples think like tat.. Any how i didnt got the answer Yet..
You can create page where people can enter the data and then finally when they hit save you save the complete data in the database. Where exactly in this you are having the problem?
Apurva Kaushal
Yes .. Apurva.. i mean the same as u wrote.. Do you have any solution..
can u share me.. my mail id : samjoseph_p@hotmail.com
Look man if you are expecting anyone here to write the complete code for you then it will never be the case. What you can do is to start doing the same by yourself and the ask specific questions where you are stuck.
Apurva Kaushal
i know that.
but i tried a method , which will add the controls at runtime. but the problem is , the values in it is not getting in code behind , so tat i can save to database..
i used javascript to add the html controls....
I can't say now what exactly would be the problem in this case unless I see the code.
But suppose if you want to keep multiple records of the same type then what you can do is to create a datatable and insert the data dynamically to that datatable. You can store that datatable temporarily some where and at the final save take the data from the datatable and then put it in the database.
Apurva Kaushal
S i know that method.. but y m trying is , v want to avoid the postback..
let me explain the thing..
i have a page for enter product code and Quantity,
so 2 txtboxes. txtpcode1, txtqty1
the txtboxes increases when the user press add more
and the name of txtboxes will b like txtpcode2 , txtqty2.......
up to this wrking fine.
but i hve to get the values from tat txtboxes in codebehind, so tat v can save it.
hope now u got me..
SamRST wrote: the txtboxes increases when the user press add more
SamRST wrote: v want to avoid the postback.
That means you are using javascript to add the element in the web page. Am I right here?
If so then you have to store the values of the textbox in some hidden field otherwise you will not be in a position to access the same on the server.
Apurva Kaushal
S m using javascript to add elements.
but how can v store the values in hidden field, if d textbox increases to 20 or 30. And also , each row tere will b 2 txtboxes for pcode and qty.
You can store the values in hidden field by delimiting it with a semi colon or some thing else. What you need to do is to keep appending the values in hidden field when you are adding the controls.
Apurva Kaushal
i got ur idea. but the thing is how v vl seperate each row
for eg.
pcodtxt qtytxt
a102 10
B1025 20
c1000 12
35622 5
3698 25
As per ur suggestion:
here wich is pcode , which z qty. ???????
SamRST wrote: As per ur suggestion:
here wich is pcode , which z qty. ???????
Here you are separating the records with a semi colon similarly you can separate the fields with a comma. Then you can get the data like this:
Hope this will be clarifying the issue.
Apurva Kaushal
ok, its good.
but i hve 1 more pblm.. dont hit me .. Okay...
now times v added the rows..
vat will happen if v delete a row.
mm m m m ......