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QuestionRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 5:39
David Crow14-Apr-08 5:39 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 6:05
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 6:05 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 10:36
David Crow14-Apr-08 10:36 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 10:43
Larry Mills Sr14-Apr-08 10:43 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow15-Apr-08 9:18
David Crow15-Apr-08 9:18 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr15-Apr-08 12:30
Larry Mills Sr15-Apr-08 12:30 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow16-Apr-08 2:55
David Crow16-Apr-08 2:55 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr16-Apr-08 4:25
Larry Mills Sr16-Apr-08 4:25 
By-the-way, I'd like to send you my complete project so you can check it out.(the project for checking for the error.) The original project compiled and worked correctly under VS2008 Pro BETA 2. This retail version has given me nothing but trouble from the start. And I can't get any help from microsoft. I think it didn't load something/or didn't merge something right. I've reinstalled it 4 times with the same results.
Like I said, the program was created under VS2008 APro BETA 2 and everything worked correctly until I installed the retail version.

A C++ programming language novice, but striving to learn
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow16-Apr-08 4:40
David Crow16-Apr-08 4:40 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 10:54
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 10:54 
QuestionRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow17-Apr-08 11:03
David Crow17-Apr-08 11:03 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 11:34
Larry Mills Sr17-Apr-08 11:34 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr20-Apr-08 11:07
Larry Mills Sr20-Apr-08 11:07 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow20-Apr-08 16:15
David Crow20-Apr-08 16:15 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr21-Apr-08 3:46
Larry Mills Sr21-Apr-08 3:46 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
David Crow21-Apr-08 3:52
David Crow21-Apr-08 3:52 
GeneralRe: No hwnd, ie hwnd = 00000000 using CMonthCalendar Control Pin
Larry Mills Sr23-Apr-08 10:15
Larry Mills Sr23-Apr-08 10:15 
GeneralText with words in different color Pin
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 8:44
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 8:44 
GeneralRe: Text with words in different color Pin
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 10:46
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 10:46 
GeneralSerial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 7:21
shpid3r13-Apr-08 7:21 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
Ed.Poore13-Apr-08 7:45
Ed.Poore13-Apr-08 7:45 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 8:05
shpid3r13-Apr-08 8:05 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
ERLN13-Apr-08 21:00
ERLN13-Apr-08 21:00 
QuestionRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
bob1697213-Apr-08 8:19
bob1697213-Apr-08 8:19 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:15
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:15 

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