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GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Ashish Sehajpal15-Apr-08 1:16
Ashish Sehajpal15-Apr-08 1:16 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Christian Graus15-Apr-08 1:24
protectorChristian Graus15-Apr-08 1:24 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
simsen15-Apr-08 1:31
simsen15-Apr-08 1:31 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Christian Graus15-Apr-08 1:35
protectorChristian Graus15-Apr-08 1:35 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
simsen15-Apr-08 1:41
simsen15-Apr-08 1:41 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Christian Graus15-Apr-08 1:54
protectorChristian Graus15-Apr-08 1:54 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
simsen15-Apr-08 1:58
simsen15-Apr-08 1:58 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Christian Graus15-Apr-08 2:00
protectorChristian Graus15-Apr-08 2:00 
You should buy a book on OO and read it then.

You are creating an instance of your control, but your local reference, is a reference to a base class. It therefore does not know that the class instance is a specific derived class, it could be any class derived from Control. Until you cast it up to the class thhat contains that property, it will not be visible.

If you do this:

((UserControls_TestSetProject )myControl).ProjectId = "Blah";

it will work, assuming your variable is called myControl. For the reasons I have explained.

Christian Graus

Please read this if you don't understand the answer I've given you

"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )

GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
simsen15-Apr-08 2:23
simsen15-Apr-08 2:23 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Christian Graus15-Apr-08 11:03
protectorChristian Graus15-Apr-08 11:03 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
Broken Bokken15-Apr-08 2:58
Broken Bokken15-Apr-08 2:58 
GeneralRe: Dynamic User control load get a parameter Pin
simsen15-Apr-08 3:55
simsen15-Apr-08 3:55 
Questionroot node problme in sitemap file Pin
Sonia Gupta14-Apr-08 23:50
Sonia Gupta14-Apr-08 23:50 
GeneralRe: root node problme in sitemap file Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Apr-08 0:19
N a v a n e e t h15-Apr-08 0:19 
GeneralRe: root node problme in sitemap file Pin
Ashish Sehajpal15-Apr-08 1:17
Ashish Sehajpal15-Apr-08 1:17 
GeneralRe: root node problme in sitemap file Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Apr-08 1:20
N a v a n e e t h15-Apr-08 1:20 
QuestionASP page related Pin
Sasmi14-Apr-08 23:01
Sasmi14-Apr-08 23:01 
GeneralSearching data in word document Pin
Lijo Rajan14-Apr-08 22:40
Lijo Rajan14-Apr-08 22:40 
GeneralRe: Searching data in word document Pin
eyeseetee14-Apr-08 22:51
eyeseetee14-Apr-08 22:51 
GeneralRe: Searching data in word document Pin
Lijo Rajan14-Apr-08 23:04
Lijo Rajan14-Apr-08 23:04 
GeneralRe: Searching data in word document Pin
Nouman Bhatti14-Apr-08 23:52
Nouman Bhatti14-Apr-08 23:52 
GeneralRe: Searching data in word document Pin
Christian Graus15-Apr-08 0:02
protectorChristian Graus15-Apr-08 0:02 
Questionoutlook express new message window Pin
Sonia Gupta14-Apr-08 20:52
Sonia Gupta14-Apr-08 20:52 
GeneralRe: outlook express new message window Pin
Christian Graus14-Apr-08 21:10
protectorChristian Graus14-Apr-08 21:10 
QuestionRe: outlook express new message window Pin
Sonia Gupta14-Apr-08 21:25
Sonia Gupta14-Apr-08 21:25 

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