ok i "stepped into" it and nothing happens once it gets into the string, it displays "John Smith teaches grade 2007" because of the DOB...
I no this program seems weird, but my prof. gave this to me as a birthday date program, originaly you were suspossed to put in ur first and last name and then you picked a date from this calendar and then once u clicked ok it would display in a messageBox saying "John Smith is 6 years old." But just for fun he gave this to me and told me to try and ask around to see if i could get it working. because he has the working one and won't show it to me until i have it working.
OK, so were are you filling in the DOB property of your class?? How are you getting the OB from the user??
I don't need to look at it. The questions I'm asking are the ones YOU should be asking and doing the research to find out what the answers are or what you need to do to answer those questions.
o ok sorry, isn't this fourm here to help and direct me in the right direction... can anyone else anser to this problem i'm having, i don't see why just you have to respond, this is the best fourm i'm told to, all other VB forums suck. does anyone else know what else i'd need to?
Let's see, you've been given an assignment, one where you have to solve a problem. Then you come here and just want the answer to the problem handed to you. What would you learn in the process?? Would you pass the assignment?? Maybe. But, will you pass the next one??
You already have everything you need to solve the problem. You've been given all kinds of hints on where to look and what you might want to search for and do research on. BTW: The #1 skill you MUST have as a developer is the ability to do research on problems and possible solutions. It's not actually writing code...
ok well i am still going to mess around with this program. I am not going to be a developer because theres a ridiculous amount of crap you have to learn in order to be able to code something. there is so much crap that i not needed in visual basic. This course is just a requirement that is part part of my degree.
The research skills apply to problem solving. That's the whole point behind the exercise. Your problem can be solved in a single line of code. Noone here is going to write it for you because you won't learn anything if we did.
wow do i feel like a douche... I read over your replys a few times, i really thought about it and did research for an hour today and some how i got the program to work. It displays the corret message and everything, and you were totaly right and i didn't even see it, "The #1 skill you MUST have as a developer is the ability to do research on problems and possible solutions." i just wanna thank you for giving me that tip, i gave it some though last night and i made it happen today!
That little skill applies to everything Engineering, software or otherwise.
Hello Everyone & Help Me please
following is My Project's picture
And Test on Hyper Termonal Program (by TCP/IP winsock)
1. type "w" is Forward
2. type "s" is Backward
3. type "a" is turn Left
4. type "d" is turn Right
5. type other is stop
but main problem is
Application VB.NET on Pocket PC
1. How to send word "w,s,a,d" to robot by wireless of Pocket PC
1.1 what namespace ?
1.2 what Reference ?
1.3 what member , class and properties in use ?
2. In .NET 2.0 Compact Framework is support this problem ?
and i want example program.
Thank you very much .
ps. I'm sorry if you don't understand this question , I can speak English a little bit.
GODPREAL wrote: i want example program.
I want, doesn't get.
Have you read the forum guidelines[^]? If not, I suggest you do, paying particular attention to no. 2. No one is going to do your homework assignment for you.
Paul Marfleet
"No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government"
Tom Sawyer - Rush
You did forget to add the magic word : URGNT!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." (DNA)
Hey guys, I made an application and it has 7 form and 2 modules. Is there any way I can print all those code in Single document (like vb6) in Visual Studio 2005?
- Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities -
Not supported natively. You'd need an add-in to Visual Studio to do this. This[^] is the only one I remember hearing about, but there's nothing stopping you from writing your own.
Thanks Dave.
(Why Microsoft has to take such features off??)
- Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities -
Can someone show me how to copy an existed Excel file (ie: c:\temp\oldFile.xls) to a new Excel file (ie: c:\temp\newFile.xls)?
Thank in-advanced
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("D:\filename.xls", "E:\filename.xls")
- Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities -
It works
Many thanks
Search about Code Snippet and learn about it. It will help you a lot doing OS tasks.
- Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities -
I keep getting
The remote server returned an error: (500) Syntax error, command unrecognized.
When I try to get the size of a file, The code matches what I found on the net and I also download a class with this function in it and I still get the same error. This has been driving me nuts for days now, I can't find any thing else on the matter on the net!
here is the code:
Dim u As New System.Uri("")
Dim FTPclient2 As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = CType(System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create(u), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
FTPclient2.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(mLogin, mPassword)
FTPclient2.UseBinary = False
FTPclient2.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetFileSize
Dim resp As System.Net.FtpWebResponse = CType(FTPclient2.GetResponse(), System.Net.FtpWebResponse)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Please does someone know why this is happening?
I try both values for the Usebinary property also
jdionneaxsys wrote: The remote server returned an error: (500) Syntax error, command unrecognized.
This should be your clue. The FTP server you're connecting to doesn't support the commands used to tell the server to report file size.
Thanks for the reply, but that was my first assumption.
But an old VB6 application that I am currently porting to .NET works fine with the ‘SIZE’ command. It seems to be something with the .NET framework
Any other ideas?
In that case, you'll have to find a third party FTP client library that supports what you want it to do with the server that you're trying to connect to. I don't know of any myself, but a little Googling for ".net ftp client library" might come up with something.
I did download someone’s ftp library and that didn't work either.
There code was almost exactly the same as mine!
Bummer... I guess I’ll keep looking