If you are using a trusted connection, then your account must be defined on the remote node (Sys2 in your case).
A probable better solution is to use a defined account and password;
for example:
Driver={SQL Native Client};Server=Sys\SQLEXPRESS;Database=OT_LOG;uid=OT_Log_User;pwd=OT_Log_User_PWD
The username and password can be stored in the registry, a config file, and INI file, etc.
Hope that helps.
Hi Tim,
Thanks lot for your help.
Can you give me some idea about that username and password.
Is that username and password same as windows username and password or we need to create specific for this. If so, how to do with that.
The username and password can be whatever you want; there are defined on the SQLServer end. Create a user account, define the password, and grant access to the database.
I am dealing with one windows application. In this application I m using DataGridView control. I have used multi threading on this control to display updated data continuously. But When second thread displays the data both scroll positions reset to original state. I want retain scrollbar positions. I request you to plz guide me for the same
Gurudatta B. Shelke
There's no managed code way to do this. You've have to use the Win32 api to do it. The DataGridView is a bit problematic in this. You can find out more about it here.[^]
Hello all,
I need to take in today's date in parts (using datetime.now.day etc.) and output them. The problem is that if the date is less than ten it is shown as "9" instead of "09". Same with the time.
Is there an easy way to show it in the format i want or do i have to get each ones length and check if it needs adding to?
Any help will be appreciated.
Use Format Function
Ex : format(now.day ,"00")
Rajesh B --> A Poor Workman Blames His Tools <--
.... or now.Days.ToString("D2")
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
This month's tips:
- before you ask a question here, search CodeProject, then Google;
- the quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get;
- use PRE tags to preserve formatting when showing multi-line code snippets.
small correction
instead of "Days" put "Day"
Rajesh B --> A Poor Workman Blames His Tools <--
Use a format string to get the parts of the date formatted the way that you want.
Dim fullDate = theDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
Dim year = theDate.ToString("yyyy")
Dim month = theDate.ToString("MM")
Dim day = theDate.ToString("dd")
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
Thanks to everyone for the quick reply!
You can use the following function:
#Region "Function GetDate - returns date / time according to format"
Public Function GetDate(ByVal MyFormat As String, Optional ByVal dt As Date = Nothing) As String
If dt = Nothing Then
Return Now.ToString(MyFormat, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
Return dt.ToString(MyFormat, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "GetDate", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
Return ""
' MyFormat can be
' * d :08/17/2000
' * D :Thursday, August 17, 2000
' * f :Thursday, August 17, 2000 16:32
' * F :Thursday, August 17, 2000 16:32:32
' * g :08/17/2000 16:32
' * G :08/17/2000 16:32:32
' * m :August 17
' * r :Thu, 17 Aug 2000 23:32:32 GMT
' * s :2000-08-17T16:32:32
' * t :16:32
' * T :16:32:32
' * u :2000-08-17 23:32:32Z
' * U :Thursday, August 17, 2000 23:32:32
' * y :August, 2000
' * dddd, MMMM dd yyyy :Thursday, August 17 2000
' * ddd, MMM d "'"yy :Thu, Aug 17 '00
' * dddd, MMMM dd :Thursday, August 17
' * M/yy :8/00
' * dd-MM-yy :17-08-00
' *dd/MM/yyyy : 17/08/2000
End Function
#End Region
You can improve and add another overloaded function that will get as parameter an enum parameter (containing the different formats)
Shay Noy
Thanks again but i got it working using the following code to timestamp a file that I have processed:
File.Move(fileToMove, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("NewPath").ToString() _
& Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileToMove) _
& " " & System.DateTime.Now.Day.ToString("D2") _
& System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("D2") _
& System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString("D4") _
& "_" & System.DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("D2") _
& System.DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2") _
& System.DateTime.Now.Second.ToString("D2") _
& System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString("D3") _
& Path.GetExtension(fileToMove).ToString())
this is not OK, you should call DateTime.Now only once, store it in a variable,
and use it over and over; the way you do it, you may get inconsistent information
(imagine what happens when the time goes from 01:59:59 to 02:00:00 WHILE executing
your very long statement!).
Furthermore, you could do it with the DateTime.ToString() method itself, as Guffa already
told you. That one even accepts some unrecognized characters in its format specifier,
so you could try DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMdd_HHmmssfff")
Note that I have put the year first, so alphabetical and chronological order is the same thing.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
This month's tips:
- before you ask a question here, search CodeProject, then Google;
- the quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get;
- use PRE tags to preserve formatting when showing multi-line code snippets.
One more remark,
if the file generation code is in a loop, you may end up with duplicate filenames:
the milliseconds in DateTime.Now don't increment by one; they typically
get increased by 10, 16, or even 55 depending on your hardware and operating system.
If you want to know more about this, you may want to read my timers article.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
This month's tips:
- before you ask a question here, search CodeProject, then Google;
- the quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get;
- use PRE tags to preserve formatting when showing multi-line code snippets.
Thanks for the pointers. Wouldn't have even though of that being a problem!
hi im new in ADO.NET
i have an error when i test the connection. says: theres no error message for this ....!!!
ive not installed sql server.
Member 4262317 wrote: i have an error when i test the connection. says: theres no error message for this ....!!!
ive not installed sql server.
You need to get some beginner level book.
Member 4262317 wrote: ive not installed sql server.
Wow - gotta love when the question tells me that you already must know what the problem is.
Christian Graus
Please read this if you don't understand the answer I've given you
"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )
could you provide more info.... whats you code like?
Anoop Brijmohun wrote: could you provide more info.... whats you code like?
Gosh - you're as bad as the first guy. His code is irrelevant. He doesn't have SQL Server installed.
Christian Graus
Please read this if you don't understand the answer I've given you
"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )
What database are you trying to connect to?
ive got 2007 and 2003 access files
non of them work
when i try to connect using connectionstring i recieve a message box with no message in it!!! and only one ok button!!
Member 4262317 wrote: and only one ok button!!
Well, one should be enough.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." (DNA)