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GeneralText with words in different color Pin
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 8:44
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 8:44 
GeneralRe: Text with words in different color Pin
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 10:46
Dj_Lordas13-Apr-08 10:46 
GeneralSerial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 7:21
shpid3r13-Apr-08 7:21 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
Ed.Poore13-Apr-08 7:45
Ed.Poore13-Apr-08 7:45 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 8:05
shpid3r13-Apr-08 8:05 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
ERLN13-Apr-08 21:00
ERLN13-Apr-08 21:00 
QuestionRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
bob1697213-Apr-08 8:19
bob1697213-Apr-08 8:19 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:15
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:15 
Using the function provided here to display the error message[^]
GetLastError returns "code error: 5. Access is denied.".
What does this mean ?
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write [modified] Pin
CPallini13-Apr-08 10:26
mveCPallini13-Apr-08 10:26 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:21
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:21 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
CPallini13-Apr-08 12:13
mveCPallini13-Apr-08 12:13 
GeneralRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:32
shpid3r13-Apr-08 11:32 
QuestionRe: Serial Port --> Write Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:32
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:32 
QuestionEncryption using AES Pin
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 5:06
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 5:06 
GeneralRe: Encryption using AES Pin
Randor 13-Apr-08 7:21
professional Randor 13-Apr-08 7:21 
GeneralRe: Encryption using AES Pin
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 10:56
Strategic_Thinker13-Apr-08 10:56 
GeneralCStringW to CStringA Pin
Joseph Marzbani13-Apr-08 4:14
Joseph Marzbani13-Apr-08 4:14 
GeneralRe: CStringW to CStringA Pin
CPallini13-Apr-08 5:08
mveCPallini13-Apr-08 5:08 
GeneralCEdit Control Pin
john563213-Apr-08 1:50
john563213-Apr-08 1:50 
GeneralRe: CEdit Control Pin
Joseph Marzbani13-Apr-08 2:12
Joseph Marzbani13-Apr-08 2:12 
GeneralRe: CEdit Control Pin
john563213-Apr-08 2:13
john563213-Apr-08 2:13 
GeneralRe: CEdit Control Pin
Joseph Marzbani13-Apr-08 2:22
Joseph Marzbani13-Apr-08 2:22 
GeneralRe: CEdit Control Pin
Hamid_RT14-Apr-08 19:56
Hamid_RT14-Apr-08 19:56 
GeneralRe: CEdit Control Pin
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:35
David Crow14-Apr-08 4:35 
GeneralRe: CEdit Control Pin
Hamid_RT14-Apr-08 19:54
Hamid_RT14-Apr-08 19:54 

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