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GeneralMenu On RButtonDown of Mouse. Pin
Le@rner11-Apr-08 20:39
Le@rner11-Apr-08 20:39 
GeneralRe: Menu On RButtonDown of Mouse. Pin
enhzflep12-Apr-08 7:14
enhzflep12-Apr-08 7:14 
GeneralRe: Menu On RButtonDown of Mouse. Pin
Hamid Taebi12-Apr-08 7:19
professionalHamid Taebi12-Apr-08 7:19 
Generalfiles present in folder Pin
neha.agarwal2711-Apr-08 19:41
neha.agarwal2711-Apr-08 19:41 
GeneralRe: files present in folder Pin
CPallini11-Apr-08 21:34
mveCPallini11-Apr-08 21:34 
GeneralUnlock Process Pin
john563211-Apr-08 17:58
john563211-Apr-08 17:58 
GeneralRe: Unlock Process Pin
Schehaider_Aymen11-Apr-08 23:11
Schehaider_Aymen11-Apr-08 23:11 
GeneralMIME Spec Pin
Bram van Kampen11-Apr-08 11:46
Bram van Kampen11-Apr-08 11:46 

I am writing an automatic email sending/receiving module. I'm not using MFC for this. It's actually remarkably simple without MFC. Now I want to send along Attachments. The MIME Spec is in Text Form (as in Notepad) and does not facilitate searches.

I've been scouring the MIME specs for an indication as to how to designate data held in a buffer to be sent as an attachment to an email. (i.e.: MIME Header Entries to Name the Data as a File on the Client Side, and Info to identify the Buffer).

Anyone there swith some knowledge about this.

Kind Regards

Bram van Kampen

GeneralPrevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
428811-Apr-08 8:02
428811-Apr-08 8:02 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Mark Salsbery11-Apr-08 8:20
Mark Salsbery11-Apr-08 8:20 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
428811-Apr-08 9:22
428811-Apr-08 9:22 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Moak12-Apr-08 1:34
Moak12-Apr-08 1:34 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Mark Salsbery12-Apr-08 4:41
Mark Salsbery12-Apr-08 4:41 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
428812-Apr-08 10:47
428812-Apr-08 10:47 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Moak12-Apr-08 16:30
Moak12-Apr-08 16:30 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
428813-Apr-08 10:48
428813-Apr-08 10:48 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Moak13-Apr-08 13:22
Moak13-Apr-08 13:22 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
428814-Apr-08 0:46
428814-Apr-08 0:46 
JokeRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Moak14-Apr-08 11:58
Moak14-Apr-08 11:58 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Mark Salsbery14-Apr-08 14:15
Mark Salsbery14-Apr-08 14:15 
GeneralRe: Prevent active controls under child window to overwhelm it Pin
Moak14-Apr-08 14:29
Moak14-Apr-08 14:29 
Questionremoving the maximize box Pin
genush11-Apr-08 6:17
genush11-Apr-08 6:17 
GeneralRe: removing the maximize box Pin
Gavin Taylor11-Apr-08 6:40
professionalGavin Taylor11-Apr-08 6:40 
QuestionRe: removing the maximize box Pin
genush11-Apr-08 8:00
genush11-Apr-08 8:00 
GeneralRe: removing the maximize box Pin
Randor 11-Apr-08 8:42
professional Randor 11-Apr-08 8:42 

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