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GeneralVB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
aaraaayen8-Apr-08 23:09
aaraaayen8-Apr-08 23:09 
GeneralRe: VB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
Christian Graus9-Apr-08 0:08
protectorChristian Graus9-Apr-08 0:08 
GeneralRe: VB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
aaraaayen9-Apr-08 0:14
aaraaayen9-Apr-08 0:14 
GeneralRe: VB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
Christian Graus9-Apr-08 0:34
protectorChristian Graus9-Apr-08 0:34 
GeneralRe: VB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
Steven J Jowett9-Apr-08 0:42
Steven J Jowett9-Apr-08 0:42 
GeneralRe: VB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
aaraaayen9-Apr-08 1:09
aaraaayen9-Apr-08 1:09 
GeneralRe: VB Connection String with MS Access - By using MAC address instead of IP Address Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 5:25
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 5:25 
GeneralThread Pooling Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Apr-08 22:56
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Apr-08 22:56 
Using VS05

I have a thread pool requirement. I grabbed the threadpool articles by Xiangyang Liu and it was very instructive. However I have large long running processes that are interdependant and all the thread pools seem to be directed at independant, small, high volume processes. Also I cannot use a queue because I need to check for dependancies already in the work list and extract from other than the 1st position. So I intend to use object lists and the RemoveAt method.

Is there a reason to support a minimum number of threads in the pool. I am intending to create a new thread up to the max setting (4 only) and destroy the thread when it is compleated, is this reasonable? Some of the processes take 90 minutes. Sigh | :sigh:

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity

GeneralRe: Thread Pooling Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 5:27
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 5:27 
GeneralRe: Thread Pooling Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 12:39
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 12:39 
GeneralRe: Thread Pooling Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 14:54
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 14:54 
GeneralRe: Thread Pooling Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 16:52
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 16:52 
GeneralRe: Thread Pooling Pin
Mark Churchill9-Apr-08 21:28
Mark Churchill9-Apr-08 21:28 
GeneralRe: Thread Pooling Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 22:47
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Apr-08 22:47 
GeneralFind my dll's Pin
helelark1238-Apr-08 22:06
helelark1238-Apr-08 22:06 
QuestionProcess Naming Pin
Maffyx8-Apr-08 18:28
Maffyx8-Apr-08 18:28 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 2:34
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 2:34 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Maffyx9-Apr-08 4:47
Maffyx9-Apr-08 4:47 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 5:03
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 5:03 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Maffyx9-Apr-08 5:05
Maffyx9-Apr-08 5:05 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 12:13
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 12:13 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Maffyx9-Apr-08 13:36
Maffyx9-Apr-08 13:36 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 14:47
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Apr-08 14:47 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Maffyx9-Apr-08 14:52
Maffyx9-Apr-08 14:52 
GeneralRe: Process Naming Pin
Dave Kreskowiak10-Apr-08 1:40
mveDave Kreskowiak10-Apr-08 1:40 

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