Chun2 wrote: No, I don't have SP1. I cannot find Service Pack 1 for .net 2.0 on Vista.
It's not "for Vista", it's for the .NET Framework 2.0. Here[^]
Chun2 wrote: 1)Do I need to install 3.5 framework which comes with .net sp1 for vista
Chun2 wrote: which comes with .net sp1 for vista
There's no such thing as ".net sp1 for Vista".
Chun2 wrote: 2)I came across "Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 Express Editions Service Pack 1", is it necessary to install this SP?
No. That's the service pack for Visual Studio 2005 Express. It has nothing to do with Vista or .NET 2.0.
*** UPDATE ***
It turns out that the reason the normal SP1 pack won't work on Vista is because Vista uses a different Update installation engine. Installing .NET Framework 3.5[^] also installs the SP1 for .NET 2.0, as well as .NET 3.0 with it's SP1. That link downloads the installer that works on Vista.
What a pain...
Thank you Dave. I will try installing .net framework 3.5 and I hope it will solve the problem. I appreciate your help.
I installed .Net framework 3.5 on the Vista computer, restarted the computer, complied the code again, copied the debug folder to XP computer and then tried to run the application. I am still getting the same error. Under Control Panel --> Programs and features --> it shows framework 1.1, framework 1.1 hotfix (KB929729) and framework 3.5
Any suggestions plzz???
You have checked the .NET Framework 2 is already installed on the destination PC and if not your installer installs it?
Steve Jowett
It is offen dangerous to try and see someone else's point of view, without proper training. Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)
Yes, .net 2.0 is installed on all the computers. The application developed on XP machine, runs on any other XP machine with .net 2.0. However, application developed on Vista doesnot run on XP with .net 2.0 installed on it.
Just a crazy shot in the dark and hopefully it wasn't already asked: Is the Vista computer 64-bit and the XP computer 32-bit? A 32-bit executable from XP would run on the 64-bit Vista but not vice-versa.
Thank you for responding. all the computers are 32-bit and have .net 2.0. However, XP pc had SP1 for .net 2.0 but vista didnot. I will try installing .net 3.5 on Vista and see if it solves the problem.
Hi I hate to tell you but installing .net 3.5 doesn't help. I'm having the same problem.
I've written my program on a vista machine, using vb 2005 and Inno step to install. Like you I've copied over all relevant files etc for install. Works fine on Vista machines but, is using .net 3.5 automatically to compile even though I'm installin .net 2.0. Apparently, Vista automatically updated to .net 3.5 in an upgrade.
What I'm trying to find out is how I can overrun 3.5 and tell the computer to use 2.0?
Complicated, just so you know you're not on your own.
Kris MCP
Hi Friends,
I have developed one application in vb 6.0 with msaccess as backend.
I am using the following Connection string.
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=\\deep1\overtime log\Overtime Log\Data\OT_Log.mdb"
In the above line, deep1 is the server name(System name) where the database mdb file is located. the folder overtime log is shared folder.
I packed the application and installing in others system. This is working fine for some of the people and they can able to login inside the application and give data...and I Checked their entries are presented over deep1-Sever mdb file.
But some of us cannot login since, the network could not find the path deep1. So its not logging in. But if they try with the servers ip address they can go inside.
But the problem is the server's ip address will change dynamically. So in code i cannot give ipaddress also. So only that I have given the system name.
The persons who are all in different subnet in network cannot able to access with system name.
Can anyone please help me out.
I m very thankful to you.
Thanks in advance,
are these people that can't login able to do a DNS lookup? if not, then your kind of out of luck using APIs to be able to resolve the ip address of deep1. if they can, here's a link to some code that might help you... haven't tested it but looks good...
'Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.' ~ anonymous
'Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.' ~ anonymous
aaraaayen wrote: This is working fine for some of the people and they can able to login inside the application and give data
This is because those user cannot resolve the name deep1 . They have some netowkring issue that prevents them from resolving that name, either a DNS problem or WINS.
aaraaayen wrote: But some of us cannot login since, the network could not find the path deep1. So its not logging in. But if they try with the servers ip address they can go inside.
But the problem is the server's ip address will change dynamically. So in code i cannot give ipaddress also. So only that I have given the system name.
If you can't resolve the name normally using DNS or WINS, there is nothing you can do to get the dynamic IP address. The methods you would use are the very methods that are failing now. You have some kind of name resolution problem on this network. It's up to the network's administrators to solve this problem.
I have HP 6767 (with vista OPerating system) NoteBook and SQL Server 2005 inbuild in opertaing system . but i can not access sql sever2005 so how i can access sql Please help me.
Piyush Vardhan Singh
I don't know about the SQL Server but I think the shift key on the laptop is broken...
Piyush Vardhan Singh wrote: but i can not access sql sever2005 so how i can access sql Please help me.
You're question is very vague. How are you trying to access SQL Server?? What error mesasges do you get?? If this is your code, what does the code look like???
i write following statement to filter dataset'tables
Dim IsItemExist As DataRow() = DatabaseCopy.Tables(0).Select("areaname='" & txtAreaName.Text.Trim & "'")
if txtAreaName.Text.Trim does not contains any single quote , then it works well & return proper result.but if txtAreaName.Text.Trim contains single quote(for example ab'cd) then it gives following error
Syntax error: Missing operand after 'cd' operator.
Please suggest that how can i resolve this error ? mean if filter criteria contains special character then how can i get proper result ?
Rupesh Kumar Swami
Software Engineer,
Integrated Solution,
Bikaner (India)
My Company
In your example, you specified ab'cd . Does it work if you double-up the single quote mark? i.e.: ab''cd
how can i guess that, user enter single quote in text box ? if he enter any other character (in place of single quote) or does not enter any special character. Please notice my vb.net statement
Dim IsItemExist As DataRow() = DatabaseCopy.Tables(0).Select("areaname='" & txtAreaName.Text.Trim & "'")
here i have no idea that which value will be entered in this textbox. it may be simple words or digit or any other special character.
hope you understand my problem properly.
Rupesh Kumar Swami
Software Engineer,
Integrated Solution,
Bikaner (India)
My Company
Rupesh Kumar Swami wrote: how can i guess that, user enter single quote in text box ?
At this point, who cares? All you're trying to do is narrow down a problem. So, TEST IT! What happens when the user enters two single quote marks (ab''cd )as opposed to one (ab'cd )??
ok sir,
i replace single quote as following
Dim itemName As String = """" & txtAreaName.Text.Trim.Replace("'", "''") & """"<br />
'Dim IsItemExist As DataRow() = DatabaseCopy.Tables(0).Select("areaname='" & txtAreaName.Text.Trim & "'")<br />
Dim IsItemExist As DataRow() = DatabaseCopy.Tables(0).Select("areaname='" & itemName & "'")
and above code works well. but if txtAreaName.Text contains double quote (for example abc"de) then how would i replace double quote and from which character ?
Rupesh Kumar Swami
Software Engineer,
Integrated Solution,
Bikaner (India)
My Company
How to do reports in Visual Basic.
Vignesh Krishnan wrote: How to do reports in Visual Basic.
Like you would in any other language, I guess...
Seriously, it would depend on the tool you use, or you could write your own.
There are a bunch of reporting packages out there, like SQL Reporting Services and Crystal Reports to name a couple. Exactly what you do is up to the package that you use.
hai frnds
i m developing a web portal.
in that for a page i set the property "AutoPostBack=True" for few controls.
does there is any disadvantage for using this property for many times in a single page.
i mean, if page is postback to itself for several times in a single page
then is there any problem.
thanks in advance
This question has nothing to do with VB.NET and everything to do with ASP.NET. You should be asking this question in the ASP.NET Forum[^].