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QuestionMultiple relation not working as expected [modified] Pin
panda8692-Mar-08 3:40
panda8692-Mar-08 3:40 
Generalconvert structure to IntPtr Pin
amirreza_nl2-Mar-08 3:35
amirreza_nl2-Mar-08 3:35 
GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
amirreza_nl2-Mar-08 19:37
amirreza_nl2-Mar-08 19:37 
GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
DaveyM692-Mar-08 23:27
professionalDaveyM692-Mar-08 23:27 
GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
amirreza_nl3-Mar-08 4:36
amirreza_nl3-Mar-08 4:36 
GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
DaveyM693-Mar-08 9:11
professionalDaveyM693-Mar-08 9:11 
GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr [modified] Pin
amirreza_nl6-Mar-08 6:05
amirreza_nl6-Mar-08 6:05 
AnswerRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
Martin Cook6-Mar-08 10:17
professionalMartin Cook6-Mar-08 10:17 
Hello Amirreza_nl,

I wrote the code that was alluded to earlier in this thread (from You are correct that your code is similar to mine, however I am calling a slightly different method to get the path from the PIDL. In my case I am using the SHGetPathFromIDList function. Also, my code doesn't convert from the InPtr to a ITEMIDLIST structure. I am able to deal with PIDL's as IntPtr objects instead of converting them to ITEMIDLIST structures. (See my code here)

You don't say which call is failing in your code, is it SHGetSpecialFolderLocation or SHGetFileInfo?

My suggestion would be to try omiting the conversion of the PIDL to a struct if possible.

I hope I have helped,


Martin Cook
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
amirreza_nl6-Mar-08 22:59
amirreza_nl6-Mar-08 22:59 
GeneralRe: convert structure to IntPtr Pin
amirreza_nl6-Mar-08 23:15
amirreza_nl6-Mar-08 23:15 
QuestionHelp me ! Pin
banghv2-Mar-08 0:37
banghv2-Mar-08 0:37 
GeneralRe: Help me ! Pin
Not Active2-Mar-08 3:27
mentorNot Active2-Mar-08 3:27 
GeneralRe: Help me ! Pin
banghv2-Mar-08 14:34
banghv2-Mar-08 14:34 
QuestionHow to open a file in the application using openFileDialog Pin
Walaza2-Mar-08 0:24
Walaza2-Mar-08 0:24 
AnswerRe: How to open a file in the application using openFileDialog Pin
buchstaben2-Mar-08 2:45
buchstaben2-Mar-08 2:45 
AnswerRe: How to open a file in the application using openFileDialog Pin
Walaza2-Mar-08 4:54
Walaza2-Mar-08 4:54 
AnswerRe: How to open a file in the application using openFileDialog Pin
Xmen Real 2-Mar-08 6:39
professional Xmen Real 2-Mar-08 6:39 
GeneralRe: How to open a file in the application using openFileDialog Pin
Walaza2-Mar-08 6:54
Walaza2-Mar-08 6:54 
GeneralRe: How to open a file in the application using openFileDialog Pin
Xmen Real 2-Mar-08 6:54
professional Xmen Real 2-Mar-08 6:54 
Generalexplosion with xna Pin
e_za_sbc1-Mar-08 23:48
e_za_sbc1-Mar-08 23:48 
GeneralRe: explosion with xna Pin
User 66582-Mar-08 1:13
User 66582-Mar-08 1:13 
GeneralRe: explosion with xna Pin
e_za_sbc4-Mar-08 6:38
e_za_sbc4-Mar-08 6:38 
Generaldatagridview button problem ++ Pin
half-life1-Mar-08 22:32
half-life1-Mar-08 22:32 
GeneralRe: datagridview button problem ++ Pin
Xmen Real 1-Mar-08 23:06
professional Xmen Real 1-Mar-08 23:06 
GeneralRe: datagridview button problem ++ Pin
half-life2-Mar-08 0:06
half-life2-Mar-08 0:06 

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