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GeneralRe: Getting Thread Exit Code Pin
led mike5-Mar-08 4:30
led mike5-Mar-08 4:30 
GeneralRe: Getting Thread Exit Code Pin
masnu5-Mar-08 4:33
masnu5-Mar-08 4:33 
GeneralRe: Getting Thread Exit Code Pin
Ernest Laurentin5-Mar-08 4:41
Ernest Laurentin5-Mar-08 4:41 
GeneralRe: Getting Thread Exit Code Pin
CPallini5-Mar-08 4:48
mveCPallini5-Mar-08 4:48 
GeneralRe: Getting Thread Exit Code Pin
led mike5-Mar-08 5:29
led mike5-Mar-08 5:29 
GeneralRe: Getting Thread Exit Code Pin
Mark Salsbery5-Mar-08 14:32
Mark Salsbery5-Mar-08 14:32 
Questionhow to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
wendyyue5-Mar-08 3:50
wendyyue5-Mar-08 3:50 
AnswerRe: how to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
toxcct5-Mar-08 4:15
toxcct5-Mar-08 4:15 
a pointer is only an address in memory.

if you handle an array, you actually use a pointer to the 1st element.
the VC6 debugger is not very powerful (actually, VC6 itself is far outdated by its new versions).
so if you want to see the other elements, you have to specify yourself the address of the element you need to watch AFAIK...

GeneralRe: how to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 4:59
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 4:59 
GeneralRe: how to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
toxcct5-Mar-08 5:01
toxcct5-Mar-08 5:01 
GeneralRe: how to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 5:12
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 5:12 
AnswerRe: how to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
Ernest Laurentin5-Mar-08 4:44
Ernest Laurentin5-Mar-08 4:44 
GeneralRe: how to watch the content which is pointed by a pointer Pin
wendyyue6-Mar-08 1:27
wendyyue6-Mar-08 1:27 
QuestionVC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 2:54
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 2:54 
AnswerRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 3:14
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 3:14 
GeneralRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 3:18
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 3:18 
QuestionRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 3:19
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 3:19 
GeneralRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 3:20
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 3:20 
GeneralRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 3:29
Rajkumar R5-Mar-08 3:29 
AnswerRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
Ozer Karaagac5-Mar-08 3:37
professionalOzer Karaagac5-Mar-08 3:37 
GeneralRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 23:47
johnny alpaca5-Mar-08 23:47 
GeneralRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
toxcct5-Mar-08 3:39
toxcct5-Mar-08 3:39 
QuestionRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
David Crow5-Mar-08 8:40
David Crow5-Mar-08 8:40 
GeneralRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
toxcct5-Mar-08 21:14
toxcct5-Mar-08 21:14 
QuestionRe: VC++ 6.0 question newbie question Pin
David Crow6-Mar-08 4:18
David Crow6-Mar-08 4:18 

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