Hi I like to get the end user ipaddress and using which connection he is accessing my site this both information..,
It mean using which netconnection(Airtel/MTNL) he is accessing my webpage and using which server ipaddress he is accessing...,
Plz any one give me some details or proper url to me
Thanks & Regards,
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hello guys,
i'm sorry if repost.
i need enlightenment
i want to send an outlook meeting request from asp.net application.
well, let's just say, there is a form that has date control to pick a date and textbox control to fill an email address, and of course a submit button to...well..submit it.
when user click [SUBMIT] button, i want asp.net send a outlook meeting request with date parameter from date control to someone's email address from email textbox control(just like send an email but this will be outlook meeting request).
can someone help me please ?
anyone? anything?
thx be4
try this link.
Hope this[^] will help you.
Sun Rays
To get something you must have to try once.
My Articles
Hhhhhmmmmm thx Sun Rays...
i didn't quite get the answer from ur google key words but i managed get the answer, but thx anyway for ur support...
i post the enlightenment for this issue just in case there's someone in the world being order by his/her manager to send outlook meeting request in asp.net apps :p
public static void CreateMeetingRequest(string toEmail, string subject, string body, DateTime startDate , DateTime endDate)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application objOL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem objAppt = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem)objOL.CreateItem(OlItemType.olAppointmentItem);
objAppt.Start = startDate;
objAppt.End = endDate;
objAppt.Subject = subject;
objAppt.Body = body;
objAppt.MeetingStatus = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlMeetingStatus.olMeeting;
objAppt.RequiredAttendees = toEmail;
objAppt = null;
objOL = null;
CreateMeetingRequest(someone@bla.com,"Hello test","Cool it works",DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).AddHours(1));
Hi All,
I want to Implement moving content feature in our website.
some text must run/move under the Internet explorer toolbar ot it may be at bottom of the web page.
for more clarification, visit this link - http://www.sharetipsinfo.com/
But I dont know how to do this.
can anybody help me to do this.
I am doing this in ASP.Net
you can user HTML tag. Marquee to achieve that.
<marquee>Testing page</marquee>
Search google for more properties..
Sun Rays
To get something you must have to try once.
My Articles
I have an ASP.NET site that displays a dataGrid which lists word Documents available to the client. Each Document has a hyperlink that allows the user to click and download/print... the files one at a time.
My objective is to have user select multiple documents be downloaded automatically (without user intervention) to the clients pc. I have added a Checkbox on each gridrow. The user can select a series of document for download by checking the row's checkbox. A download button is placed below the grid. Clicking this button will start the download process. The snipett below is from this button_click routine.
I have used weblient as well as FTPClient and They work, but they download the files to local drive on the web server since they are running on the web server.
The solution I've come up with is to run the file download process on the client side. I have used the response.addheader and response.writefile which successfully download a single file to the client pc. But the draw back is that it requires the user interaction responding to the save dialog box. Also it can't itirate through all selected files since response.end is used.
The logic is to dynamicall create a javascript on the client side using row specific filename and path and download each file.
I need to instantiate either a FTPclass (that I have compiled and tested on the serverside) in a vb or javascript on the client side. I also have access to third party FTP DLL objects that I could use.
Here is the snipett:
For Each dgItem In grid.Items
chksel = dgItem.FindControl("CB1")
If chksel.Checked Then
rdate = CType(dgItem.FindControl("datereceived"), Label).Text.Trim()
Dim d As String
d = rdate.Year & rdate.Month & rdate.Day
Dim sFile As String = CType(dgItem.FindControl("documentLink"), HyperLink).Text.ToString()
strLink = "c:/mydocs/" & Me.GetDocumentPath(jobID)
'Response.Write("var ftp = new FtpClient('
Response.Write("alert ('" & sFile & "');")
chksel.Checked = False
chksel.Visible = False
End If
Note: pin is passed to the function and has a value that identifies the user.
I have comment the area where the logic is for FTPclient and have added Alert to display teh dynamic name of the files for selected for download.
The alert does shows the filenames as intended.
My issue is how to instantiate the FTPclient class in javascript. Is there anyother method I can use?
Thanks in advance,
modified on Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:30:09 PM
Hello everyone, so we have an ASP Net project witch need to show/hide/disable/enable some controls in the page and allow/deny access according to the credentials of the user logged (role based). Right now all this process is due manually, every control has its own logic, the same for every page. I do not want my homework due by yours, just some guidelines on how to accomplish this task in the most easy and clean way.
p.s: Sorry for my bad english.
You haven't specified how you are managing user details in your application. The Membership and Role APIs in ASP.NET 2.0 help you with controlling access to functionality. For instance, limiting access to pages based on a user's role can be defined declaratively in the web.config. To configure layout based on user role, you could consider using the MultiView and View controls and defining different page layout views for different types of users.
Paul Marfleet
"No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government"
Tom Sawyer - Rush
Thanks for you response.
I did not start this project, i am being assigned to solve this problem.
All the security is Session based, something like that :
<br />
If Session("User") Is Nothing Then<br />
Response.Redirect("Login.aspx")<br />
End If<br />
Ugly isn't??
By the way, all those settings (groups, users, permissions, allowed actions, allowed pages) come from a database, so the web.config is not an option.
I will check your recommendations and see if those changes are doable without much headache.
hello emiaj
well u can always use panel control. and grouping your control based on user's role. with this, you just customize one panel control instead many controls. i hope this will help your "homework" .
Hello Boku, thanks for you response. The panel strategy could be an option.
Hello. I wonder if it's possible to create ASP.NET projects in Visual Studio 2003 without IIS, under Windows 2000 Professional.
Is there any other alternative?
Diego F.
Diego F. wrote: Hello. I wonder if it's possible to create ASP.NET projects in Visual Studio 2003 without IIS, under Windows 2000 Professional.
I'm not sure why you would not want to use IIS. It comes with Windows 2000. To install it, read this document[^].
Paul Marfleet
"No, his mind is not for rent
To any God or government"
Tom Sawyer - Rush
Hi all,
i am trying to generate an ExcelSheet in Asp.net (using C#).
My Problem is that the code written do well when i execute web page on file system.
But when on HTTP it does't generate the excel sheet.
Though i have noticed that the TaskManager show there is a process running for Excel every time i run the page but the Excel sheet is never generated.
I have alredy custmized the Launch And Activation Properties of Excel by using Dcom Config using component services.
Any Help will be appreciated
How are you generating the excel sheet - are you creating excel objects on the server?
Ya i am creating objects on server. I am pasting the code for your refrence.
Excel.Application ExlApp;
Excel.Workbook ExlBook;
Excel.Worksheet ExlSheet;
DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection ConnObj;
void GenerateExcelSheet()
ConnObj = new SqlConnection("Server =.;database=parnam;user id=sa;password=");
ExlApp = new Excel.ApplicationClass();
//System.Globalization.CultureInfo OldCL = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
//System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
ExlBook = ExlApp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
ExlApp.Visible = true;
ExlBook.Application.Visible = true;
//ExlSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)ExlBook.Worksheets[1];
ExlSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)ExlBook.ActiveSheet;
ExlSheet.Name = "Report";
string SQL = "select society_code, society_name,shift_date,shift,round (fat,2),clr,snf,milk_qty,totalamount,deductamount,netamount from trucksheet";
// ConnObj = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["cn"]);
SqlDataAdapter Da = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, ConnObj);
DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, i]).Font.Bold = true;
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 1]).Value2 = "Society Code";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 2]).Value2 = "Society Name";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 3]).Value2 = "Shift Date";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 4]).Value2 = "Shift";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 5]).Value2 = "F.A.T";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 6]).Value2 = "C.L.R";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 7]).Value2 = "S.N.F";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 8]).Value2 = "Milk Quantity";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 9]).Value2 = "Total Amount";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 10]).Value2 = "Deduct Amount";
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[1, 11]).Value2 = "Net Amount";
for (int r = 2, i = 0; r < Dt.Rows.Count; r++, i++)
for (int c = 1, j = 0; c <= Dt.Columns.Count; c++, j++)
// ((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[k, 3]).Value2 = DtAcc.Rows[0][0].ToString();
((Excel.Range)ExlSheet.Cells[r, c]).Value2 = Dt.Rows[i][j].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
This will create and open an excel spreadsheet on your server, which has a couple of problems:
1. Clients on remote machines aren't going to be able to see this, it's on the server.
2. You don't close the spreadsheet. Trust me (from experience as a junior dev), it doesn't take too many instances of excel to be open before you bring a server to its knees.
If you want to display an excel spreadsheet to a client, you can display your data in an html table and then set appropriate headers to tell the browser what you are downloading is Excel. This should then enable the user to view it in Excel.
Thanks Sir.
I will try.
Warm Regards
I'm working on a web app for work using asp.net 2.0 that will be accessible only on our intranet. I was wondering if there is a way check for installed software on the client machines, and even interact with the client software via asp.net 2.0(+). Assuming also that all the machines are running windows xp SP2 or later. For example ... updating the outlook address book.
You may need to have an ActiveX Control to achieve that. The default JavaScript or HTML may not have that privilege to interact with the local machine (system) settings.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson
ok ... I've never done any ActiveX programming before. Any suggestions on where to start? I already know what functionality I need. Can I do activeX in .Net ?
I got this[^], when I searched in google.