obymathew wrote: Can SQL Server 2005 receive emails with INSERT statements?
No. It can only send mail.
obymathew wrote: I am trying to insert data into SQL Server 2005 from a non-windows platform.
It seems that I have two options, either the SQL mail(if it can recevie emails) or the Endpoints feature. Does anyone has worked on similar solutions? Any other way to approach the issue? Please give insights into!!
Web Services might be another approach. I would, however, be very wary of allowing an external process supply raw SQL Statements. If you can get it to call stored procedures only then it might be a bit more secure.
Voted down to shoot the messenger?
DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
Mike Dimmick wrote: Voted down to shoot the messenger?
I dunno. It happens. I no longer really care. I got a spate of ones for a period of days during the summer. I guess I must have upset somebody. I find that I'm growing more intolerant of people who refuse to learn stuff, (as you can probably tell from my blog) and I probably upset one of them.
Curiously, I was talking to our new hire at the office Christmas party about what he thought of our interview process (mainly because I designed a fair few of the questions). He said he was really apprehensive about the technical test and was really worried about it, but when he saw the specification I handed him he suddenly realised it was a piece of piss. (Which it is! It isn't designed to trip anybody up - Everyone in the development team has taken the test, or varients of it as it was being developed). Anyway, the point about the aprehensiveness has been taken on board so next time round we'll be supplying a bit of information to the recruitment agent to give to the candidate to alleviate any fears any future candidates may have about it.
Microsoft have a JDBC Driver[^] if you're using Java.
Other than that you will have to implement some form of front-end server software - possibly using Web Services, as Colin suggests - to receive and translate queries.
DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
how to declare and read array in sql server 2000
There is no inbuilt support for arrays in SQL Server. If your "array" is a comma-delimited string ov values like "va11, val2, val3" etc, you can use the string split functions available in the net.
Cause is effect concealed. Effect is cause revealed.
I already told you in this post[^].
seems like you have doubt what I was saying.. Okay. If you have doubts or something, you can reply me back in the original post that you posted instead of opening the new thread....
Hi dears,
How can I change owner of all tables and stored procedures in my database?
I know with executing stored procedure sp_changeobjectowner I can do it , but I don`t want to execute it for each table and sp,
Thx for your help
modified on Wednesday, January 02, 2008 5:20:30 AM
Do you want to change the owner of the database? You can change using sp_changedbowner
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." --Socrates
Does your database have any data in it? If not, you could always just generate the create script for your database and then change the owners using a global search and replace. There are other ways, but this is the easiest.
Hi all
Now i need to import access to sqlexpress but i haven't sqlserver 2005 so i have sql2000 but it dont run with sqlexpress.
Some body show for me?
Download tool or programd manager sqlexpress.
You can download "SQL Server Management Studio Express" or SQL 2005 Express Advanced service. but I'm not sure whether it has the functionality for importing the Access into SQL 2005 directly..
in my table i want to store the date only , but the problem is when i insert date only it automatically stores it with the time 12.00.00 AM,
how can i store only the date ?
You can't store the date on it's own as any form of date type. Nor should you need to. If you really want to do this, you could store the date in a varchar field.
Pete O'Hanlon wrote: If you really want to do this, you could store the date in a varchar field.
You didn't write today's Daily WTF entry[^], did you?
DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
Mike Dimmick wrote: You didn't write today's Daily WTF entry[^], did you?
No - it's the main reason I advised him that there was no valid reason to do it. A date's a date's a date. Mind you, if he did store the date, it would (of course) had to be in UTC format.
If you really really need to do this then you can store it as an integer by converting dates as follows:
cast(convert(char(10),getdate(),112)as int)
Storing it as an integer will only take 4 bytes rather than the 10 bytes a char or varchar would take.
The beauty of this is that you can do comparisons between integer dates without having to cast the data first.
You always pass failure on the way to success.
Using SQLSERVER 2000 I've written a stored procedure in which a piece of code is as shown below
Declare @tbl table (cardno varchar(20))
Insert @tbl
select cardno from carddata
select * from @tbl
Here @tbl is an array
When I execute the above code @tbl is getting populated with a list of cardnos.
Now I want to insert all the cardnos in @tabl into another table
Is there any method to do this, How to read an array in SQLSERVER 2000
Thanks and regards
Member 3057887 wrote: Here @tbl is an array
Actually, it is called SQL Table variable[^]. Not array.
Member 3057887 wrote: Now I want to insert all the cardnos in @tabl into another table
You can treat it like table. Try the following code.
Insert @tabl <br />
select * from @tbl
A very happy new year to all my friends
i m facing problem in SQL server 2000 , when i try to access it from client machine using Qurey Analyzer, it give error msg
"SQL server does not exist or Access denied"
BUT client can be access by the server.
These are the setting on client and server.
Server:-Windows2003server,SQL server 2000
Client:-Windows2000server,SQL server 2000.
Server is pinging from client using IP address.
Client is pinging from server using IP address.
At client, In SQL Server Netverk Utility AND SQL Server Client Netverk Utility Enable protocols are TCP/IP,Named Pipes.
At Server, In SQL Server Netverk Utility AND SQL Server Client Netverk Utility Enable protocols are TCP/IP,Named Pipes.
At server side database can be access using Qurey Analyzer and New SQL server Registrating is made from client database using IP address.
plzz help me how can i connect my client machine to server.
Thanks in advance
Have you tried using like that "ServerName\SQLInstanceName"??
Yes , BUT still its not working
Hi guys i need ur help in query...,
If any one knows plz hep mw with query,
See i have 2 tables like this:
Key Id name
1 100 Mag
2 101 Kum
Id M1 M2
100 50 50
101 60 55
Now i want to that table1 "kum" Id want to 100 & "Mag" Id want to 101..,
So i want to do update the records using key in table1...,
While updating the table1 id and name..,
The changes have to update in Table2 records also (Id,m1,m2)...,
In this case if i update it will affect the both record in same table itself...,
so i need proper updation, How to do that?
Thanks & Regards,
please don't forget to vote on the post
modified on Wednesday, January 02, 2008 7:21:51 AM
Hi all,
my table contains some records and a column is autonumbered.
I have to fetch records in a particular sequence for example (2,8,4,3,9)
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ID IN(2,8,4,3,9)
But sql server orders the records by the ID field(2,3,4,8,9). How to prevent this?
Thank You.
By default it will order by Primary key.....
If U Get Errors U Will Learn
If U Don't Get Errors U Have Learnt