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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralOK buddy! Pin
CPallini10-Dec-07 2:43
mveCPallini10-Dec-07 2:43 
JokeRe: OK buddy! Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:44
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:44 
GeneralRe: OK buddy! Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 3:16
George_George10-Dec-07 3:16 
GeneralNope Pin
CPallini10-Dec-07 3:34
mveCPallini10-Dec-07 3:34 
GeneralRe: Nope Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 15:30
George_George10-Dec-07 15:30 
GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 3:15
George_George10-Dec-07 3:15 
GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:11
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:11 
GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 2:28
George_George10-Dec-07 2:28 
Thanks toxcct,

1. I do not quite catch your points, why a class must implement a function without any parameters?

<blockquote class="FQ"><div class="FQA">toxcct wrote:</div>that means, every class used MUST have such a function existing, but also it means that every class used so defines its own behavior. </blockquote>

2. I want to confirm that, the declaration of variable pmf could be pointed to any member functions of class (type) T which returns type R and no input parameters? Right?

R (T::*pmf)()

GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:38
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:38 
GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 16:06
George_George10-Dec-07 16:06 
GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 21:28
toxcct10-Dec-07 21:28 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 2:34
George_George10-Dec-07 2:34 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:45
toxcct10-Dec-07 2:45 
GeneralRe: Function pointer Pin
George_George10-Dec-07 3:19
George_George10-Dec-07 3:19 
QuestionRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 6:21
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 6:21 
GeneralRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 8:12
toxcct10-Dec-07 8:12 
GeneralRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 19:46
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 19:46 
GeneralRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
toxcct10-Dec-07 21:26
toxcct10-Dec-07 21:26 
GeneralCapture Minimize and Restore events in wondows. Pin
Y K Kishore Kumar10-Dec-07 0:08
Y K Kishore Kumar10-Dec-07 0:08 
GeneralRe: Capture Minimize and Restore events in wondows. Pin
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 1:17
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 1:17 
GeneralRe: Capture Minimize and Restore events in wondows. Pin
Nelek10-Dec-07 1:19
protectorNelek10-Dec-07 1:19 
GeneralRe: Capture Minimize and Restore events in wondows. Pin
only coder10-Dec-07 1:36
only coder10-Dec-07 1:36 
GeneralDisplay Thumbnails from thumbs.db file Pin
Member 455415810-Dec-07 0:07
Member 455415810-Dec-07 0:07 
GeneralRe: Display Thumbnails from thumbs.db file Pin
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 1:30
Hamid_RT10-Dec-07 1:30 
Generalerror Idispatch error #291 Pin
tasumisra10-Dec-07 0:06
tasumisra10-Dec-07 0:06 

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