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GeneralData corruption during File Write Pin
SelvaKr6-Dec-07 20:35
SelvaKr6-Dec-07 20:35 
GeneralRe: Data corruption during File Write Pin
Nelek6-Dec-07 21:32
protectorNelek6-Dec-07 21:32 
GeneralRe: Data corruption during File Write Pin
JudyL_MD7-Dec-07 2:02
JudyL_MD7-Dec-07 2:02 
GeneralRe: Data corruption during File Write Pin
Bram van Kampen7-Dec-07 12:46
Bram van Kampen7-Dec-07 12:46 
Generalerrors in converting code from multibyte to unicode Pin
neha.agarwal276-Dec-07 20:13
neha.agarwal276-Dec-07 20:13 
GeneralRe: errors in converting code from multibyte to unicode Pin
kcynic6-Dec-07 20:42
kcynic6-Dec-07 20:42 
GeneralRe: errors in converting code from multibyte to unicode Pin
CPallini6-Dec-07 23:47
mveCPallini6-Dec-07 23:47 
GeneralRe: errors in converting code from multibyte to unicode Pin
krmed7-Dec-07 1:59
krmed7-Dec-07 1:59 
Without seeing the code that is causing these errors, it's difficult to say exactly the best way to solve them.

For the CStdioFile.Open, if you are using something like
myFile.Open("test.txt", CFile::modeCreate);
you could just change it to
myFile.Open(_T("test.txt"), CFile::modeCreate);

The same may be try for the ATL::CStringT problem. The following code could cause the error:
CString myString("Test");
Again, this can be fixed by using
CString myString(_T("Test"));

The advantage is that this will work with either MBCS or Unitcode builds.

Hope that helps.

Karl - WK5M
PGP Key: 0xDB02E193
PGP Key Fingerprint: 8F06 5A2E 2735 892B 821C 871A 0411 94EA DB02 E193

GeneralHelp about characterset [modified] Pin
kcynic6-Dec-07 20:11
kcynic6-Dec-07 20:11 
GeneralRe: Help about characterset Pin
Hamed Musavi7-Dec-07 3:25
Hamed Musavi7-Dec-07 3:25 
GeneralRe: Help about characterset Pin
kcynic7-Dec-07 14:14
kcynic7-Dec-07 14:14 
GeneralRe: Help about characterset Pin
Hamed Musavi7-Dec-07 19:24
Hamed Musavi7-Dec-07 19:24 
QuestionHelp! How to change the color of the current row in datagrid [modified] Pin
shakaqrj6-Dec-07 19:49
shakaqrj6-Dec-07 19:49 
GeneralHelp in visual C++ Pin
cinzhan6-Dec-07 19:39
cinzhan6-Dec-07 19:39 
GeneralRe: Help in visual C++ Pin
ThatsAlok6-Dec-07 20:11
ThatsAlok6-Dec-07 20:11 
Generaldata map declartion. Pin
CodingLover6-Dec-07 18:53
CodingLover6-Dec-07 18:53 
GeneralRe: data map declartion. Pin
Karismatic6-Dec-07 19:34
Karismatic6-Dec-07 19:34 
GeneralRe: data map declartion. Pin
CodingLover6-Dec-07 20:04
CodingLover6-Dec-07 20:04 
GeneralRe: data map declartion. Pin
jhwurmbach6-Dec-07 21:40
jhwurmbach6-Dec-07 21:40 
GeneralRe: data map declartion. Pin
David Crow7-Dec-07 2:57
David Crow7-Dec-07 2:57 
GeneralExplorer view Pin
john56326-Dec-07 18:27
john56326-Dec-07 18:27 
GeneralRe: Explorer view Pin
Nelek6-Dec-07 21:29
protectorNelek6-Dec-07 21:29 
Generalaccess to archive Pin
patrickinminneapolis6-Dec-07 15:54
patrickinminneapolis6-Dec-07 15:54 
GeneralRe: access to archive Pin
Mike Dimmick7-Dec-07 16:49
Mike Dimmick7-Dec-07 16:49 
GeneralDirectX problem Pin
MarkB7776-Dec-07 12:36
MarkB7776-Dec-07 12:36 

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