You would have to manually navigate to the comments and close their outlining.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
"There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance." Ali ibn Abi Talib
"Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri?"
Any other solution. Because same as every programmer I have Copy/paste power with me. And I am working in .NET so ctr+M, M automatically pressed after some time
Actually It is in my habit.
Either I have to change my habit or you suggestion is help full.
Pankaj Joshi
If you want to shape your dreams into reality, please wake-up...
Did you look at the documentation about CAS and security attributes/permissions?
One of them could be relevant for you: StrongNameIdentityPermission[^]
Black holes are the places where God divided by 0...
Ya I see it but dosen't seems to prevent the code for unauthorized use.
I want to protect my DLL's.
Pankaj Joshi
If you want to shape your dreams into reality, please wake-up...
Pankaj - Joshi wrote: I see it
Did you understand it as well? Using this permission you can make sure that only callers with a certain strong name signature can call your code. You'll have to sign all your assemblies with this strong name, so they are allowed to use the code.
Someone else doesn't have the same private/public key pair neccessary for signing, so it seems to be exactly what you want.
Black holes are the places where God divided by 0...
Sorry for previos post.
I read it but I wans unable to create the code for this. I read too many articles but those all are bit confusing.
Any simple link to visit...?
Pankaj Joshi
If you want to shape your dreams into reality, please wake-up...
i am having one gridview in my application where i am displaying one linkbutton column in it. By clicking on the link some xxxx.wav will be downloaded and directly played in the media player.
<a href='feedback/<%#Eval("Filename")%>' target="_self"><%# Eval("FeedbackTitle") %></a>
what i want is, to show some xxx.gif image to the user at the time of downloading it will be useful for larger files.
if anybody has a solution for this please do let me know.
with warm regards
-- modified at 0:08 Saturday 1st December, 2007
I have to create a relationship line in c# windows application. Like Microsoft Access Relationship tool creates line when we drag items it creates a line to show the relationship
Avaneet Kumar
Software Engineer
You need to draw that stuff yourself. Handle the paint event, draw stuff, handle mouse events, it's all on you.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )
I am developing an application here i need to implement triggers using C#.NET and SQL Server 2000 so i want to know how to implemet these triggers
These are 2 completely different paradigms. Database triggers are implemented purely as SQL statements on the database. C# "triggers" would be events and again these are in the realm of C# and C# applications/libraries alone. Mixing the two would only work on the downstream by triggering an event in your C# application that would perform a certain task/ call a certain procedure on the DB (C# -> DB).
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
"There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance." Ali ibn Abi Talib
"Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri?"
Dear friend:
which one can tell me how can I find a tool for transfer vb.net code to C# code ,or c++ to C#?
VB.NET to C#, tools abound. C++->C# is a lot tricker.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )
As Christian said, there are many tools for converting VB to C#.
For C++ to C#, we produce the (plainly named) "C++ to C# Converter".
It is primarily a syntax converter, so it will not convert most C++ library method calls to .NET equivalents.
David Anton
C++ to C# Converter
C++ to VB Converter
C++ to Java Converter
C++ to C++/CLI Converter
Instant C#: VB to C# converter
Instant VB: C# to VB converter
Instant C++: converts C# to C++/CLI and VB to C++/CLI
I'm looking for any code that provides a base
for exploring either bioinformatics algorithms
or Blast database lookups, etc. Anything.
Anyone have any idea how to find this?
mg1234 wrote: Anyone have any idea how to find this?
Google searches and maybe look around at IEEE. That's just a start.
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
Paul Conrad wrote: Google searches and maybe look around at IEEE. That's just a start.
Thanks, Paul, but I didn't find much via Google. Hence
the question.
What did you mean by looking around at IEEE? Not sure
I follow.
You need to store the current time in the session, run a client side timer, and fail the test if the server side time has ellapsed ( people can hack your client side code )
This belongs in the ASP.NET forum
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )
gubba wrote: I have solved the problem using the cookies.
People can still hack that. I'd test it a bit to make sure.
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
I am writing an application to synchronise two MDB files, one accessed through a webserver and the other on the local system.
All well on the webserver side, but on the local system where the application is running I need to be able to change the source of the data from information in an INI file. (i.e if the MDB file is moved I need to change the source to match).
Standard OLEDbConnections to password protected MDB files seem to problematical, so I ended up using the Dataset as this saves a lot of hand coding
If you want to see a picture please feel free to look at the image here which should give you the context.
I can not figure out how to make the source of the Dataset change from within the code.
Thanks for your help
I am reading the C# cookbook and came across the "encoding binary data as base64" section. They don't explain how it works so I have a question I hope I can get cleared up.
Here is the snippet:
<br />
public string Base64EncodeBytes(byte[] inputBytes)<br />
{<br />
long arrayLength = (long)(4.0d * inputBytes.Length / 3.0d);<br />
if((arrayLength % 4) != 0)<br />
{<br />
arrayLength += 4 - (arrayLength % 4);<br />
}<br />
<br />
char[] theEncodedCharArray = new char[arrayLength];<br />
Convert.ToBase64CharArray(inputBytes, 0, inputBytes.Length, theEncodedCharArray, 0);<br />
<br />
return (new string(theEncodedCharArray));<br />
}<br />
long arrayLength = (long)(4.0d * inputBytes.Length / 3.0d);
they say that the above line is needed to change each 3 byte sequence into a 4 byte sequence.
why does it have to be converted? I thought that when converting to base64 you use 3 bytes at a time.