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QuestionDTS - Data Transformation Services Pin
mihksoft16-Oct-07 2:39
mihksoft16-Oct-07 2:39 
AnswerRe: DTS - Data Transformation Services Pin
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:41
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:41 
GeneralRe: DTS - Data Transformation Services Pin
mihksoft16-Oct-07 3:48
mihksoft16-Oct-07 3:48 
GeneralRe: DTS - Data Transformation Services Pin
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:53
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:53 
AnswerRe: DTS - Data Transformation Services Pin
GuyThiebaut16-Oct-07 22:34
professionalGuyThiebaut16-Oct-07 22:34 
Questionhow to update table after query Pin
nibabug16-Oct-07 1:14
nibabug16-Oct-07 1:14 
AnswerRe: how to update table after query Pin
John-ph16-Oct-07 2:38
John-ph16-Oct-07 2:38 
GeneralRe: how to update table after query Pin
Mike Dimmick16-Oct-07 3:34
Mike Dimmick16-Oct-07 3:34 
Actually they are physically sorted in the order of the clustered index information - that's what 'clustered index' means. However, it is the default to build the index supporting the primary key as the clustered index. Tables without a clustered index are not sorted and are referred to as 'heaps'. Specific rows in a heap are referred to internally using row identifiers which give the physical location of the row, but this information isn't available to clients.

If you wish to update a specific row, you need to include some kind of row identifier within the table such that each row has its own identifier.

SQL Server 2005 does provide the RANK function which might prove helpful for updating an ad-hoc query.

DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991

GeneralRe: how to update table after query Pin
nibabug16-Oct-07 16:11
nibabug16-Oct-07 16:11 
QuestionHow to Convert a project from sql 2000 to 2005 in Pin
scicorp15-Oct-07 23:49
scicorp15-Oct-07 23:49 
AnswerRe: How to Convert a project from sql 2000 to 2005 in Pin
Christian Graus16-Oct-07 1:10
protectorChristian Graus16-Oct-07 1:10 
Questionwhile loop in stored procedure Pin
Sonia Gupta15-Oct-07 22:19
Sonia Gupta15-Oct-07 22:19 
AnswerRe: while loop in stored procedure Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili15-Oct-07 22:41
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili15-Oct-07 22:41 
AnswerRe: while loop in stored procedure Pin
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:42
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:42 
QuestionSQL and ClickOnce Pin
Polymorpher15-Oct-07 11:52
Polymorpher15-Oct-07 11:52 
QuestionCascading Product Variants (E-Commerce) Pin
mm-2k15-Oct-07 7:56
mm-2k15-Oct-07 7:56 
AnswerRe: Cascading Product Variants (E-Commerce) Pin
pmarfleet15-Oct-07 9:28
pmarfleet15-Oct-07 9:28 
QuestionSql Server Windows Authentication Mode in Workgroup Environment? Pin
DotNetWWW15-Oct-07 4:52
DotNetWWW15-Oct-07 4:52 
AnswerRe: Sql Server Windows Authentication Mode in Workgroup Environment? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon15-Oct-07 5:09
mvePete O'Hanlon15-Oct-07 5:09 
GeneralRe: Sql Server Windows Authentication Mode in Workgroup Environment? Pin
DotNetWWW15-Oct-07 6:33
DotNetWWW15-Oct-07 6:33 
GeneralRe: Sql Server Windows Authentication Mode in Workgroup Environment? Pin
Laxman Auti16-Oct-07 23:31
Laxman Auti16-Oct-07 23:31 
GeneralRe: Sql Server Windows Authentication Mode in Workgroup Environment? Pin
DotNetWWW17-Oct-07 2:44
DotNetWWW17-Oct-07 2:44 
Questionadd new user to sql server database 2005 Pin
Gazide15-Oct-07 3:50
Gazide15-Oct-07 3:50 
AnswerRe: add new user to sql server database 2005 Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili15-Oct-07 4:02
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili15-Oct-07 4:02 
GeneralRe: add new user to sql server database 2005 Pin
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:49
Hesham Amin16-Oct-07 3:49 

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