Asp.Net/C#/SQL 2005
I created a user and login under security for the database.
In the web.cfg I have:
<add name="ConnectionString1" connectionstring="Data Source=X2\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TheDB;Integrated Security=True"
<add name="ReadOnlyConnectionString"
connectionstring="Data Source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TheDB;
Integrated Security=False;User ID=userReaderOnly;Password=123"
in the codebehind file:
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ReadOnlyConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
errors at the line:
The Error:
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
I was happily working on my solution with access, everything going sweet.
Until i started to use backgroundworkers doing some inserts to the database, while the main thread was accessing the database calling the tableadapters as well for it's own purposes...
Is there any way MSAcess can manage multiple calls to the database, or should i just forget about it and start working on something different.
I was planning to include in the deploy the mdb file. I tested it, and it worked fine. But with this?
Suggestions PLEASE
Thanks for everyones time.
Daniel Sovino
i'm using sql server 2005 i want to know the way to insert mpeg files???
bleave in your self
Putting aside the obvious answer ( google can tell you in seconds ), why would you want to ? MPEGs are big, and no media player can play them without a physical file, so storing paths to files seems to make more sense to me.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
I agree with Graus, this is the good method. Since inserting huge file into db makes it huge and will overhead to administrative perspective.
In sql2005 it is not possible to insert videos. In SQL2008 (COde Name:katmai) has these facilities.
Vidhya Sagar
I am using SQL Server 2005 and I have a column of type decimal. Default it adds decimal(18, 0). My value that I will have will be 9.99. How would I change decimal(18, 0) to accommodate this?
Please can someone help??
decimal(18,2) specifies a column that can hold values with 18 decimal digits in total, including 2 decimal digits to the right of the decimal point.
Paul Marfleet
str+="(ID INTEGER,FangWei TEXT,FuYang TEXT,QingXie TEXT)";
when debug to here, the following appear:
Unhandled exception in SerialRecieve.exe(KERNEL32.DLL):0xE06D7363:Microsoft C++ Exception.
str is a CString variable,which is the table name, the program passed the compile and the build, but when debug, it can not go through.
maybe it is a easy problem, but i can not resolve it
help me please!
thanks a lot!
I want to use bulk insert in order to insert information from a CSV to the database.
The CSV contains fewer fields than the DB.
I don't want to use a format file, I want to specify all the options within the with clause.
I need to map the fields in the CSV to the fields within the Database table.
I can't help with that; I use bcp with a format file to load a table defined specifically to accept the bulk-loaded data, then I move the data to the target tables(s).
I can't help with a bulk insert - however would doing an import via Enterprise Manager be an option?
I mention this because you can map fields through the import wizard and it should cover what you want to do.
Of course this is a once off option for ad-hoc jobs, but if doing a bulk insert is not absolutely necessary and this is an ad-hoc job I'd suggest looking at this option.
In Enterprise Manager it is under Tools/Data Transformation Services/Import Data...
You an also get to this via the SQL Server tab on your start menu under Import and Export Data
Hope this helps...
You always pass failure on the way to success.
I am using Sql server 2005 reporting services. I have created reports on server. I want to connect reportserver from client's PC and the Reports should come with Records as logged in User wise. This I want to place on different panes after calling them, as this happens with Google Analytics and msn sites. To place the records, I will use AJAX controls.
Can any one help me.
With Thanks
Your question, as it stands, is of too general a nature to be answered. Identify specific problems you require help with and post the questions in the relevent forums.
Paul Marfleet
I have problem calling reports from client PC, which are generated already and are on server, logged in user wise.
MSinha wrote: logged in user wise
I don't understand what you mean.
Please post your code. This will make it easier to identify your problem.
Paul Marfleet
I appreciate the assistance that all of you have provided so far. However, I have encountered a slight glitch with the CreateQueryDef() method. The problem is that it seems to take a while for the QueryDef to be actually created and available for use in the following code.
After I create a QueryDef, I need to use it in the very next subroutine, a point in which it might not actually become available in MS Access. Is there a way to pause execution of the subroutine until the QueryDef is actually created and available for use?
I've not tried this...
Perhaps something like:
while( notexists( "mynewquery" ) )
qdf = QueryDefs("mynewquery")
Those are not the right names, but maybe the right idea.
Let us know if you get a solution. I may want to use it myself.
Here is what I did, and interestingly enough...it works.
I created code that essentially does nothing but execute a loop and pass a counter to a control. Then I added a control to the form, left it visible, but essentially hid it from the form by making the textbox's background color, border color, and fore color the exact same as the underlying form color. This provided something for the processor to do while the QueryDef was being created. I essentially needed to count to 10000.
Here is the code:
'Provides time to create QueryDef qryFinalResult
Dim intCount As Integer
intCount = 0
For intCount = 1 To 10000
txtCounter.Text = "Count: " & intCount & "."
intCount = intCount + 1
Does anybody have a more elegant way to do this? This code prevents that error message from coming up indicating that the QueryDef that I had just created does not exist. When I step through the code myself, the processor has enough time to create the QueryDef object, but when I run it as an application, it does not have time to create it in time to use it.
when my program run, i want to creat a new table, but i do not know if the name is exist.
so, i want to check that if the name can be used or no, but i don't know how to query all the table names
give me a help, please
i am just starting lerning SQL and VC++
thanks a lot
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'table_name') CREATE TABLE table_name ( ....
"sysobjects" is the table which contains all objects created
SELECT 'Student exists.'
SELECT 'Student does not exist.'
-- or
-- or
SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name='Student'
PRINT 'Student exists.'
PRINT 'Student does not exist.'
Never Think That You Have Failed Instead Always Think That u hav Better Chance Next Time...
I created a function to check if a table exists, as I need to check for this sort of thing frequently.
Here is the function code:
CREATE function dbo.DoesObjectExist(@Name varchar(200), @Type char(1))
returns varchar(7)
declare @Result varchar(7)
if exists (select * from sysobjects
where name = @Name
and xtype = @Type)
select @Result = 'present'
select @Result = ''
return @Result
This is how you check if the OffVansQtyOrdered table exists using this function:
if dbo.DoesObjectExist('OffVansQtyOrdered','u') = 'present'
I hope this is of help...
You always pass failure on the way to success.
firstly thanks again,
by the way,i am so sorry, that i do not really understand what you write above, and i do not know in VC++ , how to create a table, just like the question i write "a problem about m_pConnection->Execute", have you a good way to resolve it, or can can you tell me which problem exist in my program
The first example is what is called a "user defined function".
This is a means for SQL to process data based on parameters passed to the function and then return a value(or a table).
In this case the function takes an object and object type as input.
The object type, in the bottom piece of code, is "u" which means that the function only looks for tables.
The advantage of a function is that you can create this code once and reuse it many times by just calling it with dbo.DoesObjectExist('tablename','u').
In terms of creating a SQL table in C++ I'm sorry to say that I cannot help you with that yet as I am learning C# at the moment.
What I can recommend is google and searches with strings such as "create SQL table with C++" and "SQL create table".
As a tool google is invaluable and has proved to be just this in my work - as there is always going to be an example somewhere out there of what you are trying to do.
Good luck.
You always pass failure on the way to success.
hi every body
i have my project that i have pages that contains grid views then with updating sume page the underlining under page number became hidden and some pages still underline under page number visible what happend and how i can make the pages page underlines visible thx in advance.
let's work together