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AnswerRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
nbugalia18-Sep-07 1:35
nbugalia18-Sep-07 1:35 
GeneralRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 1:47
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 1:47 
GeneralRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
nbugalia18-Sep-07 2:14
nbugalia18-Sep-07 2:14 
GeneralRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 2:37
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 2:37 
GeneralRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
nbugalia18-Sep-07 2:55
nbugalia18-Sep-07 2:55 
GeneralRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 3:01
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 3:01 
QuestionRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
David Crow18-Sep-07 3:01
David Crow18-Sep-07 3:01 
AnswerRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 3:41
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 3:41 
You are right it return 0.
And I am using following .

TCHAR *Text = new TCHAR [100]
GetText.cb = wcslen(Text);

Bye the Way. When I use the EM_GETSELTEXT then also it return with 0 and Text is empty.

I dont think if I am using EM_GETSELTEXT i need to Initialize the GETTEXTEX structure. should I ??
I m using it like this.

<br />
 lr = ::SendMessage(hChild,EM_GETSELTEXT,(WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)SelText);<br />

lr = 0 and Text = "" after it returns.

hChild is the Handle to Rich Edit Box which is in Different window.
I am retriving it through FindWindow()
QuestionRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
David Crow18-Sep-07 4:01
David Crow18-Sep-07 4:01 
AnswerRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 4:09
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 4:09 
QuestionRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
David Crow18-Sep-07 4:31
David Crow18-Sep-07 4:31 
AnswerRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 18:36
GauranG Shah18-Sep-07 18:36 
GeneralRe: Not able to get Text From Rich Edit Pin
David Crow19-Sep-07 2:35
David Crow19-Sep-07 2:35 
Answer[OT] Pin
David Crow18-Sep-07 3:02
David Crow18-Sep-07 3:02 
QuestionHow to Use IActiveDesktop Interface in vc++ Pin
padpras18-Sep-07 0:29
padpras18-Sep-07 0:29 
AnswerRe: How to Use IActiveDesktop Interface in vc++ Pin
Hamid Taebi18-Sep-07 2:54
professionalHamid Taebi18-Sep-07 2:54 
QuestionMFC Custom Control Problem Pin
Jinzuu18-Sep-07 0:16
Jinzuu18-Sep-07 0:16 
AnswerRe: MFC Custom Control Problem Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer18-Sep-07 2:29
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer18-Sep-07 2:29 
GeneralRe: MFC Custom Control Problem Pin
Jinzuu20-Sep-07 5:52
Jinzuu20-Sep-07 5:52 
GeneralRe: MFC Custom Control Problem Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer20-Sep-07 6:34
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer20-Sep-07 6:34 
Questionopengl in mfc Pin
saisp17-Sep-07 23:40
saisp17-Sep-07 23:40 
AnswerRe: opengl in mfc Pin
Russell'18-Sep-07 1:00
Russell'18-Sep-07 1:00 
QuestionAn Multi Thread SDI application Pin
Marimuthu.r17-Sep-07 23:26
Marimuthu.r17-Sep-07 23:26 
AnswerRe: An Multi Thread SDI application Pin
baerten18-Sep-07 0:10
baerten18-Sep-07 0:10 
GeneralRe: An Multi Thread SDI application Pin
Marimuthu.r18-Sep-07 1:19
Marimuthu.r18-Sep-07 1:19 

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