falles01 wrote: Why is everyone so rude on this forum.
falles01 wrote: If no one cares, why are you all even on the forum.
If somebody is rude, than it's you!
falles01 wrote: they should have people on who do care.
Who, do you mean?
Do you think somebody get piad to answere questions here?
The answere is, No! It's all volunter, and you should be thankfull for every answere you get!
I voted '1' for your rudeness!
All the best,
I apologise. I didn't realise it was voluntary,,and I didn't mean you because I thought you had been quite good, I just have had a few responses to my questions, like one I just received saying 'do you think anyone cares that you have a deadline' and a few days ago one saying 'you shouldn't be writing code that anyone can expect to pay for.' now if they aren't rude I don't know what is.
falles01 wrote: I didn't realise it was voluntary
Had it been a paid efforts, have you ever can dream of walking into the forum and post your troll?
You should first read this before posting questions on public discussion boards:
falles01 wrote: like one I just received saying 'do you think anyone cares that you have a deadline'
Obviously. When you say 'Urgent!' it implies we should drop whatever we're doing (mostly, it's work I'm being paid for) and solve your problem (for which I'm not). This is rude. You may not agree with me now, but be an active member for a year or so and you will agree.
Don't take it so personally.
Be yourself, no matter what they say.
- Sting, Englishman in New York.
falles01 wrote: Sorry that doesn't really help me. I have got two hours to finish this project and my managers don't care about injection attacks because they are purely testing me on the ability to search with sql queries.
Sounds like the interview tests my company uses. And, I would be concerned about SQL Injection Attacks.
-- Always write code as if the maintenance programmer were an axe murderer who knows where you live.
Upcoming FREE developer events:
* Glasgow: Agile in the Enterprise Vs. ISVs, Mock Objects, SQL Server CLR Integration, Reporting Services, db4o ...
* Reading: SQL Bits
My website
Colin Angus Mackay wrote: I would be concerned about SQL Injection Attacks
I already mentioned so in a more recent post :->
"Try asking what you want to know, rather than asking a question whose answer you know." - Christian Graus
I am not sure why you are replying to my post from almost a month ago. Thats all in the past now. That was a very old question.
People had already told me off.
The OP said it wasn't important because it was a test. I was referring in the context of the interview tests my company uses. I would be concerned that a person did not account for SQL Injection attacks when they go through that test.
falles01 wrote: because they are purely testing me on the ability to search with sql queries
Obviously, they're testing you, not us. What's the point of giving your managers our answers?? Sure, "we" might pass this test for you, but "you'll" fail in the real world when you can't apply the concepts yourself.
falles01 wrote: why are you all even on the forum. they should have people on who do care
We are here to help when we can. We are not paid to be on these forums.
falles01 wrote: I have got two hours to finish this project and my managers don't care about injection attacks
That is not anyone's problem around here. Maybe you need a new manager.
"Try asking what you want to know, rather than asking a question whose answer you know." - Christian Graus
Gosh - didn't they even give you a book on SQL ? Have you not had time to read about SQL using google or something ?
I suggested a few days ago that any SQL you write, you should test directly against your database to get the best possible error info. In this case, your SQL is plain wrong. To combine two conditions, use 'and', and to combine two tables, use joins. Something like ( this won't work )
select e.firstname from employees e inner join roles r on e.roleId = r.RoleId where e.FirstName = 'fred' and r.roleId = 4
Not sure if you have a role table, what you need it for, if you're not looking anything up in it. I mean, if you cannot join the two tables, then you can't use them together, and odds are that it's a lookup table for role names, so you can then expect the role id to be in both tables, and you can look it up in the employee table.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Thank you. I know it sounds like I'm really dumb, but I have researched the Internet and yes I find many sql sites, but I'm not finding an axample that exactly matches my situation. I want to basically get all rows from employees table and one row from role table where the user has made a selection in the employee combobox and/or role combobox. so they might choose Siann Falleti and Business Analayst, the search should return only Siann Falleti's who are also BA's.
I advised them I need more time but they said no..it should only take you half a day. Maybe my brain is just not adequate for this type of thinking thats why I'm slow.
Okay I have tried the inner join like this but it keep returning an error that all the rows don't exist in the current context.
string sql = "select employees.Firstname,employees.Lastname,employees.Role, employees.Division,employees.Manager,employees.TechnicalSkills,employees.Applications,Role.Description from employees inner join Role on employees.RoleID = Role.RoleID where employees.employeeID = '" + empNamecomboBox.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and RoleID = '" + rolecomboBox.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
OK - given that your sample SQL returns what is passed in, I assume this is a dummy example. If you want us to help you, you need to tell us the schema of the two tables, and what you hope to pull out of there.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
I have panel(100*100) and picture box(300*300) inside. Picture box is bigger than panel so scrollbars r visible at panel. i set picture box location to -100,-100 .Now i want to change scrollbars location at center, how do?
I never see .Verticalscroll.Value before
i want to know how C# pass collection type method......wanna to knw C# code for this!
Public Shared Function GetQuestionIDsForSurvey(ByVal id As Integer) As Collection<br />
Try<br />
Dim dsQuestions As DataSet = GetQuestionsForSurvey(id)
Dim dtQuestions As DataTable = dsQuestions.Tables(0)<br />
Dim mQuestionCollection As New Collection<br />
For Each dr As DataRow In dtQuestions.Rows<br />
mQuestionCollection.Add(dr.Item("ID").ToString())<br />
Next<br />
Return mQuestionCollection<br />
Catch ex As Exception<br />
Throw<br />
End Try<br />
End Function
Thanks in Advance!
I don't understand what you want to know exactly, but here's the C# version of your code snippet generated with http://labs.developerfusion.co.uk/convert/vb-to-csharp.aspx[^]:
public static Collection GetQuestionIDsForSurvey(int id)
try {
DataSet dsQuestions = GetQuestionsForSurvey(id);
DataTable dtQuestions = dsQuestions.Tables(0);
Collection mQuestionCollection = new Collection();
foreach (DataRow dr in dtQuestions.Rows) {
return mQuestionCollection;
catch (Exception ex) {
hi chopeen,
Thnkz lot for ur effort! but there were errors in ur code also like,
Tables(0),Item("ID")......so on..!
hey actually i want to know which namespace provide Collection class or is it the actual usual way using that something like Collection<t> ,,any Enumarable type..........
the thing is i am not having idea off using these techniques,...
plz give some resources also.........!
You're right. I did not check the code and I forgot that this converter cannot tell a method call from an indexer - it should be Tables[0], Item["ID"], etc.
The Collection class is in the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace. It's an untyped list, pretty much like ArrayList .
Use List<string> instead.
If you absolutely have to use the Collection class, add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll , and use Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection .
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
Hi Guffa,
Thankz lot!wow, thats was de thing i want.......Excellant!
thankz everybuddy who tried to solve my problem! Good Luck!
Have a nice Day!
I have two questions I hope you can help with.
How can I display my combobox display default to blank when I have a bound data source. (I need it that way).
I have tried combobox.selectedIndex = -1 but doesn't work.
Have also added the column of blank manually like this
DataRow newemployeesRow = dataSet1.Tables["employees"].NewRow();
newemployeesRow["Fullname"] = "";
newemployeesRow["Fullname"] = -1;
It shows a column of -1 in my combobox but it is not set to the default though. the user has to select it. If I remove the combobox.selectedIndex = -1 it displays blank which I want, but it's still not the default.
Can someone please help.
newemployeesRow["Fullname"] = "";
newemployeesRow["Fullname"] = -1;
after this try by using this code.